Granted this is happening in states where crime has been running rampant, generally due to the lax enforcement of laws, and the previous insistence on the part of liberals to "defund the police," as well as George Soros backed prosecutors and DAs refusing to prosecute crimes, but the reasons do not change the facts that basic items are under lock and key in more than one state.
For those attempting to rewrite recent history and now claim Democrats never wanted to "defund the police," the proof is in their own words, and those words are all on video.
Recent reports also show that more Americans are going hungry and are forced to utilize food banks just to keep their children fed.
The increase in food insecurity is not about a sudden wave of joblessness as it was when the economy ground to a halt in 2020 in the first wave of the pandemic. It is about inflation higher prices for housing, gas and especially food. According to the last report on consumer prices, the cost of food increased 10.4 percent from a year earlier, the largest 12-month increase since 1981.
Food banks are trying to meet these needs while coping with decreasing donations and, in some cases, increased awareness among people who need help that food banks are an option.
Data from the Census Bureau showed that last month, 25 million adults sometimes had not had enough to eat in the previous seven days. That was the greatest number since just before Christmas in 2020, when the pandemic continued to take a high economic toll and the unemployment rate was nearly twice what it is today.
Note: If you have a food bank, or food giveaway near you and you can afford to help, please donate whatever foods or basic necessities that you can afford, so Americans that are going hungry can have a meal.
Data from the Census Bureau showed that last month, 25 million adults sometimes had not had enough to eat in the previous seven days. That was the greatest number since just before Christmas in 2020, when the pandemic continued to take a high economic toll and the unemployment rate was nearly twice what it is today.
The aforementioned news is the reality that millions of Americans are living with right now, present day, and there is no end in sight.
Withdonations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Most ANP readers are aware of the state of nation, inflation, food shortages and the need for prepping. Also, many, if not most ANP readers have been actively preparing for a time when you would need food, water, medicines and other basic necessities, whether due to a devastating weather event, and EMP, terrorist attack, anything that would make "heading to the store" to get what is needed, an impossibility, either in short term, or for a prolonged period of time.
Many, or most, are also well stocked with "essential" items, but items considered "non-essential" to many, can also make life a hundred times easier if SHTF (S*hit Hits The Fan).
Why? Despite the preference of Americans to try to but "made in America" products,42% of all goods shipped to the U.S came from China in 2021. Which means if China completely cuts off ties, and takes it further by cutting off that 42% of imports, access to many of the things Americans by every day, could simply be gone.
China not only sends far more products in general to the U.S. than any other country, it also leads every category of imported goods, from textiles to plastics to metals and beyond. China increases the volume of goods it sends to the U.S. nearly every year by hundreds of thousands of units.
I believe I used this image before from a reader, but it is a perfect visual representation of what stores like Walmart would look like if China stopped exports to America.
Via an ANP reader:
Imagine heading to a store like Walmart with a list of 20 items.... how many of those items do you think you would leave with without a "made in China" tag?
Now, not everything on the "non-essential" but needed list is made in China, but it brings the importance of having certain "non-essential" products when SHTF.
First and foremost, we would never recommend "non-essentials" in place of essentials like food and water. One set you can live without if you have to, albeit not as comfortable as possible, while essential items like food and water, cannot be survived without.
So, the list below are for those already prepared with the basic necessities of food, so links to foods, meats, etc... are not listed below.
Early August 2022, a list of "22" non-essential items to stockpile before SHTF made it rounds across the Internet, which can be read in full at this link, with options to obtain many of the items listed below, via links.
Bleach, which can be used for everything from cleaning, disinfecting, purifying water to sanitizing food utensils. An item you can "live" without, but to which can help prevent sickness and disease in a SHTF scenario.
There are many more items that can make your life easier and safer in a SHTF scenario, and readers are encouraged to share ideas, tips, resources, links, DYI videos, and anything else to help each other prepare.
Pictures of what you local stores look like would be appreciated, and used in subsequent pieces and can be emailed to [email protected].
The bottom line here is America is in the midst of hostile relations with both Russia and China, with an official recession hitting Americans hard, already suffering shortages and historically high prices for food and gas, among other retail items, and now China is "severing" some of those relations.
Should the situation deteriorate, there are items that will no longer be found in the stores across America, and it won't take much longer for those items to disappear from online marketplaces.
For those behind on stocking up on food, water and basic necessities, we cannot encourage you enough to focus on up your stockrooms, cabinets, storage areas and/or garages with emergency survival foods.
Those already adequately prepared for any type of prolonged inability to run up to the store and get what you need, it is highly recommended to get your "non-essential" but important items stockpiled.
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