May 12, 2022
Current Day Events Show The Globalists All Out War Upon Christianity And Our Children Has Entered A New Stage As The Blood Thirst Of The Left Is Kicked Into Overdrive
By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine
There are so many irritating topics currently in the news cycles recently, and I believe there is a common thread throughout so many of them that is easily discernible if one were to just look at them with a bit more skepticism or wariness rather than just brushing them off as those damned leftist idiots are at it again. Case in point is this one from The New American regarding Aborti-Mania and as they call it, the prefect meltdown. Just a few quotes from it to help set the stage are these; One prototypical Hollywood feminist, Amanda Duarte (a self-described barren, child-eating sex witch), tweeted her fantasy involving the little white daughters of pro-life white supremacist lawmakers getting raped and impregnated by black men. An anarchist collective is now instructing women (yes, all of a sudden, the left has discovered that biological women are really a thing) how to concoct do it yourself abortion pills with horse ulcer powder, corn syrup and confectioners sugar. Right on cue, anti-Christian hatred spread like a raging Colorado wildfire across the internet, from the profane, abortion-promoting rabbi who fumed, Shame on all who hold the cross and, Time to go to war to thousands of his fellow online vigilantes posting, F Christians with veiled or outright threats of violence. Michelle Malkin has a way with words that I really like.
Notice the use of race in this argument against murdering children. The left loves to bring race into everything while at the same time calling those that disagree with their racist vies a being racists. Irrational yes, but that is their way. Big League Politics had a story that stated non-whites commit 96.1 percent of homicides and 97.8 percent of shootings in NYC. Mainstream media hides the race of terrorist if they are not white as shown in this Washington Free Beacon story where they collected data on nearly 1,100 articles about homicides from six major papers, all written between 2019 and 2021. The data suggest an alarming editorial trend in which major papers routinely omit information from news reports, presenting readers with a skewed picture of who does and doesn't commit crime. As part of the radical leftists school indoctrination programs there is even a kids book titled Our Skin in NYC schools that blames racism on white people. But that is not new, the evil left seems to think that only white people can be racist as we hear every day from their incessant claims that defy any rational thought or knowledge of actuality. But why do our media and our government agencies hide the fact that black and brown crime is so much higher than white, red or yellow skinned people commit crimes? A video at the bottom of this column goes into that question. It is not that white people are not darker skinned that really matters; it is that most Christians are white or are perceived as being white. Christianity as the world at large knows it is of European creation and leadership such as the Catholic, Orthodox and various protestant variations shows, and Europeans are white as well as the Hebrews from which the Christian religion derives (some argue this but I see no merit in that argument). Sure, most of South and Central America is colored brown and Christianity is very wide spread there, but remember that they are calls latinos having reference to the Spanish and Portuguese languages are of white extraction as are so many of the inhabitants.
Being white is interchangeable with being Christian in their view of things, and it is Christ that the left hates and they take it out on the white race. Yes, there are differences between races other than skin melatonin counts, but most of the perceived differences are caused by culture and not race. It is variations in culture that define what is acceptable or not, what is taught or not, what is perceived as good or not, and as history proves it is the white Christian culture that has made more improvements in the human condition than any other ever has and the heights achieved by the United States prior to the left destroying everything is the best example to use. An interesting scientific study on racial differences is found here; I will not go over it now but you can read through it if desired. It covers a myriad of aspects and even has a relative ranking on the various races and even touches on the cultural aspects with one conclusion: that multiculturalism as meted out by the evil left creates racial hatred. A very interesting point of view in my opinion.
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Another The New American story curiously titled How the Schools got Queered covers the slow but continual morphing of our schools from educational institutions into LBG and radical leftist grooming prisons (worth taking a look at) and noted that the dirty little secret was that these efforts were initially drummed up, pushed, and driven by well-funded LGB activist organizations, likeGLSEN, whose long-term goal was to "queer the schools" under the guise of looking out for the kids. The article was ended with this realistic observation; Radical left-wing activists have displaced the majority rule of our republic, which accords rights and a voice to minorities, with actual minority rule..If you think things are ugly now, just wait.It's not someone else's problem; it affects each and every one of us.Why?Because the only way a few can control the many is with an iron fist and a boot on the neck, not with freedom and justice for all.
Rev. Michael Bresciani wrote in Canada Free Press that Morality is missing because we have believed unreliable, demonic whispers in our hungry little ears, in a full last days push to change us from the United States of America to the United Sex of America. The path to this new nation begins with our children. What could go wrong? He then goes on to state that the Bible has 68 curses that are promises God gave to man if he did not honor and obey Him including those given in Deuteronomy 28 including sickness, mental problems attack from our enemies, the failure of crops, and much more..The rise and fall of kingdoms and nations rest on these severe warnings. Please take them seriously; history is replete with the total destruction of those who did not and the end result is always the same; death and destruction. He then mentions that God also has blessings in store if we turn to Him and that America has been warned. I agree, America was founded on Christian values as the very basis of our being and God will not be mocked by us stepping all over that promise with muddied feet.
A recent Blue State Conservative article asks the question Whats Really Driving the Blood Thirst of the Left? and then only superficially answers it without really getting into the underbrush where the jackals are hiding. A man that some claim to be a prophet, Kim Clement, said back in 2013 that nations are itching, the nations are hungry for war. The nations are crying for war. "Give us blood," they say. "We want blood!" Have you not had enough blood, says the Spirit of God? Blood from children.[speaking of the younger people] they shall bring down the force of hell that is crying from Russia, from Syria, from Iran, from all over the world, crying, "give us blood, give us blood, give us blood, give us blood!". And although he was speaking of total war he said he didnt think it will be too soon (from his 2013 viewpoint) but that does not distract from the current view of the evil ones pushing for total world war right now, both here and abroad, and we may get it fairly soon. As I have written in previous columns, I do not think it is immediately in front of us, but is very near.
Although Putin now says that his war is over because he met his objectives, the fact is at the same time is saying that he will unleash nuclear devastation on those that put NATO arms near to his nations borders, including Germany, England, France, the US and others. This has been covered well enough on ANP and I will not go further, but want to impress on you the seriousness of the situation that the imbecile infesting our White House and his NWO puppet masters are hard at work trying to obtain. The point is that the cry for massive amounts of blood to be spilled is overwhelming and they may get just that as they push for the claimed maximum population of 500 million to remain alive on this planet. My reading of the Scriptures means that the prophesies in them indicates that it is a nuclear war that in partnership with other of Gods vengeance all but wipes out humanity to be saved only from His intervention in the matter.
If you have not yet begun to see the common thread that ties all of these things together yet, perhaps a few more items may help. A few years ago a book came out written by Jonathan Cahn called The Harbinger that describes well the parallels of our 9/11 events with those that happened a few thousand years ago in ancient Israel and as he puts, it, The harbinger is revealing the Biblical template of national judgment that begins with a strike on the land. It happened in ancient Israel. Its a wake-up call, calling the nation back. The nation is then given a span of time, years, to come back to God. Its mercy. The same harbingers or warning signs that happened in the last days of Israel have now happened or have all appeared in America. So, the warning is now for us.Ancient Israel did not turn back. It actually got worse, and that is exactly what happened. In America, the strike came on 9/11, and all the harbingers, nine harbingers, all appeared starting with 9/11. They were warning America of judgment. We have followed the course of ancient Israel. . . . One of the things that ancient Israel did was lifted up its children on the alters of Baal and Moloch, and they killed their children. Israel killed thousands, and we killed millions. Therefore, this puts us in danger of judgment.
Cahn says, Weve got to pray that this thing gets undone. God says if you want to kill your children, there is going to be a price to pay. And pay we must, God will not be mocked. He now has a new book titled Harbinger II that goes further into the details and more recent proofs that we are headed into the final judgments that our evil leadership has pushed on us and we have accepted. One of the things he said was in reference to 2 Chronicles 11-18 and covers the promises to Israel with the finishing of Solomons Temple to the Lord and indicates that if the people do not turn to Him that (verse 13) If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people indicating the things that would befall Israel if they did not. Those same things are now going on in this nation, the most severe droughts in our history, devastating hoards of locusts that have started to or will appear, and the pestilence, the diseases that have begun to appear and will only get worse. C19 was only the opening shot. There is a three part set of videos on this where Dr. James Dobson interviews Cahn that is quite interesting and informative. If you want to watch them, they are on YT in these three sections (1-3) - The Harbinger II: The Return - Part 1; The Return - Part 2; and finally The Return - Part 3.
A prime example of the lunacy that pervades the anti-life left is typified in the Western Journal headline that reads NYC Churchgoers Persevere in Prayer as Pro-Abortion Protesters Stage Mock Abortions and Blaspheme Jesus and they said as members of a Catholic church prayed while a performer mimicked having an abortion on the church sidewalk as her fans cheered thank God for abortion. I believe most of us have seen that video so I will not stoop to the level they want for more coverage, but let it be known that they were not just demonstrating their love of murdering children but at the same time were professing their love of Lucifer. Other stories included this one from The Gateway Pundit; Godless Pro-Abortion Group Announces Latest Assault on Christians: We Will Be Burning the Eucharist to Show Our Disgust. That is far more an assault on Christ than it is on those who hold life sacred as they wore red capes just as Satan worshipping witches and others do in some of their own meetings and rituals.
It is one thing to create mass murder schemes against old people and against middle aged people, it is yet another to murder younger people as leftist initiated violence and as leftist push for war does and as the so-called vax does as can be seen in the numbers that have been published about the massive death rates from that evil injection; but it is something altogether worse to specifically murder young children, even babies, with such an outwardly innocent yet inwardly deceitful and despicable push to get even infants inoculated with the death shot. The left is a satanic death cult, no other way to explain it. It is bad enough that they will starve our children to death if they are not allowed unfettered access to chop them up and to vacuum them from the womb and as Susan Duclos said of the evil lefts war to create yet more mass murder, even claiming to murder those that will not allow them to violently murder our youngest children without any limits as she showed comparing those that love Gods gift of children to those that would destroy His co-creation with Woman of our blessed children.
If total war and mass poisoning of our population will not murder enough people perhaps the secondary effects usually associated with those two means of mass genocide may help the depopulation along very rapidly; massive and extremely harsh famine. This world and especially this nation is intentionally being pushed into that nightmare right on top of the other means of depopulation by such insidious systems as stopping food production by removing those methods of farming like lack of tractor parts and fuel to run the tractors or even the trucks to transport them. And by greatly reducing crop yields by reducing the available fertilizers as well as seed. By burning down food processing plants and destroying not just the feed for animals but the animals themselves without using them as food for the population. By restricting the acreage required to farm productively by purchasing the land by those evil monsters to intentionally keep it out of production. Did I mention Gates or Blackrock or Soros or Chinese investors or Vanguard or others by name? No? Well, we know who they are so lets move on. Our own evil and sinful ways have brought on the drought conditions and it can only get worse from here on out and I am not speaking of the fake global warming ploy but of incurring Gods wrath from not acknowledging Him in all things as he commands.
With mass starvation always comes horrible civil unrest and war as people try to feed themselves and their family. With even worse starvation comes the evil of cannibalism as history has proven. And at that point, there is no hope except intervention by our Creator; and that has been prophesied for millennia now. Are you beginning to see a common thread through this so far? I have written before about the evils of the ruling class, of the elitists who feign to believe they are somehow superior and deserve to rule because they became rich off of others pains and even their very lives. Those that make war because they can make money off of it; those that suppose that they are superior to God because they can transform the human into a machine/human hybrid (did I mention Harari?); those that would enslave the vast numbers of people into literal machines to do the whims of the elites.
But there is far more to it all than just that bit of horror. There is one thread that ties all of these things together, one thing that they do not even try very hard anymore to keep out of the limelight. One thing that they all have in common and drives their thinking, their motives, their very existence. That one common thread among all of them is the worship of Lucifer. And Lucifer hates Christ, therefore the left hate Christ also and therefore the war against Christians is increasing and will continue to increase as time goes on and we get nearer the return of the King of Kings. As I have shown in those columns I have written so far on secret societies they are all devoted to, they are all committed to, they are all under the chains of Satan and his minions and dark angels. It is their intentions to destroy everything that God has created and remold this earth into their dream world, their vision of paradise, their literal hell on earth. They will think they can deceive all of us, to create their utopia of a few super beings with masses of slaves to do their every wish and grant us some sort of minimal life if we obey perfectly their evil schemes. To get there they will murder billions of Gods children. And while they will accomplish much of it, we have been promised that if we remain faithful we will escape that version of Hades they have planned. Or rather, should I have said Lucifers version of his pretend or his imitation of heaven.
So many writers, even conservative Christian writers, do not seem to understand this one basic concept or do not dare to state it publicly; that the PTB, the Powers That Be, are under the direct command of the most evil one that was tossed out of Heaven for his scheming against the Most High, the Holy One. Our full government is now under that evil control, the whole world is in fact, and when understood in that light, what we see going on makes perfect sense. That one thread is what they all have in common and is why we must all be careful and prayerful and must honor and obey our Creator or we succumb to the wiles and plans of that evil one. I pray for you my friends as I do for my own family. Stay vigilant and live.
God Bless
Viewer Warning: not a nice thing to see, but tells the truth of what is going on in this world.
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