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May 9, 2022

Stunning Images Show The Difference Between Pro-Life And Pro-Abortion Supporters - Visual Essay Shows Baby Killing Supporters Act And Look Bat-Crap Crazy!

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

We have seen, and written about the the chaos and hysteria already being seen on the streets of America over a leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion that suggests Roe V Wade will be overturned. Bombings of anti-abortion clinics, vandalism, violence and threats against the Supreme Court justices....and much more.

In this piece, we will be "seeing," using visuals, pictures and videos, the stunning contrast between those that fight for the right of little ones in the womb to survive, and those that believe a woman should have the choice as to whether to kill those unborn children, in some cases right up until the moment of birth.

Carefully compare the people shown in the first image, which are those protesting for the right of life for babies, and those in the second image screaming and yelling for the "right" to kill the unborn.

Pro-life, March for Life, 2020: Protesting against abortion.

Pro-abortion, May 2022: Protesting the potential overturning of Roe V Wade.

I truly could end this with just that compare and contrast image to make the point , but after going through the "protest" stories all over the internet, with the MSM doing everything in their power to push the pro-abortion and baby killing agenda, I thought it would be eye-opening for anyone that considers themselves "moderate" to see exactly how bat-crap crazy the pro-abortionists not only sound, but look as well.

Despite the fact that the ruling, as of its February draft, which has likely changed a few times since then, is a court ruling, pro-abortion supporters have decided to protests churches with vulgar displays as well as vandalism.

Yes, vandalizing churches and protesting in front of them, harassing people of faith for simply believing in the right to life, seems appropriate to these freaks.

"'I'm killing the babies!' Swimsuit-wearing pro-choice protester called Crackhead Barney screams and dangles doll as she and others target NYC Catholic churches after leaked document suggested Supreme Court will end Roe v Wade"- Daily Mail

Please note that those two examples are not the only ones, it has become a common sight over the last week, as the examples below show.

Extra Security at NYC Churches for Abortion Protests

Regular Pro-Abortion Protest at Church Goes Viral After Roe v Wade Leak

Pro-choice abortion activists call for Mothers Day protests at churches

Video -Pro abortion activists disrupt a Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in LA.

Via social media:

Loreto House in Denton was vandalized this weekend.

The pro-life pregnancy center helps women (and men) from their child's conception until age 3 with material goods, parent education, and emotional and spiritual support.

Update on Mother's Day threats: New incidents reported

Churches locally and nationwide brace for abortion rights protests

Abortion Enthusiasts Block the Front Door of Lower Manhattan Church

Need I go on? The attacks on churches and harassment of those simply trying to practice their religion in peace, tells us everything we need to know about these people. Then again, doing it all simply because they want the "right" to kill children, also tells us that they have no moral center to begin with.

How about those that claim "abortion is a gift" and they "love abortion?"

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I am beginning to think these antics are just what normal Americans need to see in order to understand the complete and utter insanity of the pro-abortion argument and those making it.

Claims of "mandatory" pregnancy, when absolutely no one is making pregnancy mandatory, no one is saying they should be forced to have sexual intercourse. They are just telling irresponsible snowflakes that if they play, have unprotected sex and get pregnant, they must then take responsibility for their own actions, instead of using abortion, the killing of an unborn child, as some type of birth control.

Birth control does not mean what they seem to think it does.

For slow liberals: Birth control is used before sex.

Related:Radical Abortion Activists Gather Outside Supreme Court Justices Homes

Tell me the lady below looks in any way, shape or form, sane.

The media calls these screeching shrews "energized." I say, keep showing these people to normal Americans, who will then put as much distance, politically, mentally and physically, as they possibly can between themselves and the lunatics shown in the pro-abortion images.

Or the people below.

Then we have the signs I have seen at almost all the protest, claiming "Abortion is healthcare."

In what alternate reality is "healthcare" considered killing a living being? Society has become so dumbed-down and turned around that pro-abortion supporters believe murder should be called "healthcare."

This next image helps explain how half of our nation became that dumbed-down and turned around:

Note the group listed at the bottom of the professionally made yellow signs.

The irony, and stupidity to be blunt, of people claiming they want the government to have "no say" in what they do with their unborn children, while marching along side of socialists, when socialism gives the government total control over everything, is astounding.


There are so many examples it is almost impossible to address them all, but I'll name a few more.

They "state" keep your policies off our bodies," and when you think about it, that is exactly what would happen if Row V Wade was overturned. Then the states would decide, and the voters elect those, sothe "policies" would belong to the people once again.

"I'm a woman, not a womb," is especially entertaining from those that keep insisting there aren't two genders, and cheered when Biden's nominee for SCOTUS claimed she couldn't define woman... Guess they figured out the definition now.

"No forced pregnancy." Well, other than rape which is illegal, no one is forcing the pregnancy, and we are back to personal responsibility. if you don't want to get pregnant and have children, do NOT get pregnant.

It is their choice after all.

Last for now, my favorite: My body, my choice.

Tell that to those that think COVID vaccines and wearing masks should be mandatory, and remember, when pregnant, it isn't "my body" anymore, it is their body AND a child's body.

Montage: Media MELTDOWN Over Roe V Wade

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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