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November 12, 2016

Globalists Launch 'Purple Revolution' Against America As Warning Goes Out: 'Everything Is in Place' To Bring It All Down


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Soon after Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of America, we warned in a story on ANP that 'America' still was nowhere near 'out of the woods' with a globalist cartel still largely in control of US and global affairs and still holding several 'Trump cards' with 2016 winding down and January 20th of 2017 still seeming a very long way away.

Despite the absolutely amazing victory accomplished by Donald Trump and the Deplorables against the MSM, CCF, snowflakes, cupcakes and globalists worldwide, we've long warned that the globalists who stole away America have no intention what-so-ever of simply allowing America to take America back. And while we're hopeful that the next 68+ days will go by 'uneventfully', to see what else is now happening across America and worldwide continues to lead us to believe we better be prepared for something huge on the table in the coming months.

As we're told in the 1st video below from Dave with the X22Report, everything is now in place for the globalists to bring down the global economy and America along with it. Was Trump's election a sign to the globalists that it's now time to bring it all down, on Trump's watch? What better way for them to ensure the last 'America-1st' president than to turn the American people completely against him, blaming him for the mess we're in though alt media readers know this financial mess we're in has been building and building for decades.


With Hillary Clinton and George Soros launching ANOTHER color revolution, this time a 'purple' revolution right here in America, while Soros-style paid street protests take place across the country, we remember the words 'its not over till the fat lady sings' and wish God-speed to time - may America make it through the next 68+ days unscathed.

Warning us that the globalists will likely not just slink away quietly into the night, we're told why America should keep all eyes and ears wide open as we watch growing protests turning into violent riots across the country. The 2nd video below is an outstanding explanation of how the globalists have been using 'color revolutions' across the entire world in their desperate attempt at attaining a dicatorial world government:

Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.

The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.

Interestingly, Oathkeepers has just launched Operation Hypo to inflitrate these violent protests and the attempted Communist revolution against president-elect Trump and will do their best to make sure these attempts at overthrowing Trump and America before he even gets into office are unsuccessful.


And as this story from the Daily Sheeple tells us, according to former Congressman and US Presidential candidate Ron Paul, Trump must beware of the 'shadow government' or the 'deep state', what many believe to be the 'real' power behind the presidency. While America voted IN Donald Trump, we never had the chance to vote OUT this shadow government that is still there, behind the scenes pulling strings, even though Trump was elected.

While Trump may have great plans for America, Dr. Paul warns us that there is still much more at play.

You know, we look at the president, we look at what he said, we look at what he might do, and we look at his advisors, but quite frankly, there is an outside source, which we refer to as a deep state or a shadow government. There is a lot of influence by people that are actually more powerful than our government itself, our president and on up. I mean, you take for instance how our government gets involved in elections around the world, whether it’s in the Middle East or Ukraine.


As the 'editors comment' on this SHTFPlan story also tells us, we pray that Donald Trump is watching his back and his Secret Service protectors prepared for the madness that will likely surround a Trump presidency. With Slavo reminding us of John F. Kennedy, we weren't surprised to see on Tuesday night, after it became apparent that Donald Trump might win the presidency, this story on ANP once again went viral and stayed hot for the next several days.

With fools across Twitter and social media flooding the web with assassination threats against Trump, we ask that all ANP readers please pray for his safety - for there is no doubt in our minds that the amazing power of prayer and God's answer to those prayers helped to get Trump voted into office in the first place.

Slavo's editor's comment at the SHTFPlan story:

Editor’s Comment: There are powers bigger than just the president, and Trump is under a lot of pressure right now to take advice from people who represent the deepest and darkest interests at work in foreign policy. America will be undergo a tremendous test in the next term, as terrorism, war, a divided population and the global economy all threaten to explode on his watch, leaving the situation open to exploit by the advisors and appointees of the Deep State, and the secret societies that create and steer world affairs.

After decades as a billionaire businessman, Trump is finally playing ball in the big leagues, and that means some very serious characters at work in and around his office of power.

If Trump thinks he’s now the big boss, he’d better be very careful and watch is back. History has a lot to say about JFK’s assassination – because it concerns his attempt to oust the shadow powers from his administration.


Might the globalists who've been working with impunity to bring down America to install their totalitarian, dictatorial 'new world order' use a collapse of the economy, their ever-present 'shadow government', an assassination attempt upon the life of Donald Trump or a Soros/Clinton funded 'purple revolution' to complete their long-held goals now that they realize that time may be running out on them with Trump only 2 months away from taking office?

While we pray that the above mentioned possibilities never play out and Trump at least gets into office to show America what we'll look like under his leadership, we should remember that Trump warned that the world faces possible economic collapse, and we should always be prepared for anything and everything that might come our way.

Whether economic collapse, a massive series of terrorist attacks across the country that allows Barack Obama to declare martial law and impose all of the totalitarian executive orders that he's already signed or 'space weather' that brings down our electrical grid and sends us back to the 'dark ages', everything is still on the table and the better prepared we are for any such event, emotionally, physically, mentally and especially spiritually, the better off we will be.

In the 3rd video below, Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke joins Lou Dobbs to talk with us about how Trump should deal with the violent 'protests' that are now ongoing across the country while in the final video below, we hear TruthUnveiled giving us a very interesting perspective of everything that's now happening across America and where this all may lead.


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