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March 14, 2022

With Talk Of Nuclear War Filling The Air And Sales Of Doomsday Bunkers Going Through The Roof, How To Build A Fallout Shelter In Your Own Home, And On A Budget To Boot!

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to this new story over at Zero Hedge, "Switzerland Is Prepared For The Big One".

With Switzerland, much unlike here in America, featuring a nuclear fallout shelter for all 9 million of its residents, with the country quite literally preparing for nuclear war for decades and all Swiss residents being taught exactly what they're expected to do in case of one, that 'bunkers for all' survival strategy could pay off handsomely with what the world faces today. Though the American people will be left to fend for ourselves once nuclear war breaks out, while our politicians escape to their bunkers.

And with the current talk of nuclear war, and the shortages and inflation we're already witnessing, getting anyone paying attention to 'prepare', everything now happening is also causing the demand for 'doomsday bunkers' to go through the roof as reported in this recent Daily Mail story.

Though one thing the mainstream media talking heads avoid reporting on as they push us towards World War III, a war that would surely be 'nuclear', is the fact that Russia also has built doomsday shelters for more than 40 million people, including the entire population of the city of Moscow, as was also reported in this 2017 New York Post story.

With this July of 2018 National Interest story reporting back then that Russia was prepared for World War III and a nuclear apocalypse, while this 2017 story over at The Daily Beast also reported Russia was ready for a US nuclear strike upon them, just check out these story titles, all of them from within the last few weeks alone from the 'controlled' media.:

March 12th via the NY Times: "Pandemic Fears Give Way to a Rush for Bomb Shelters Since Vladimir Putins invasion of Ukraine, European anxiety has shifted from Covid to nuclear annihilation - Bunkers, survival guides and iodine pills are flying off the shelves."

March 4th via The US Sun: "READY FOR NUKE ARMAGEDDON Inside doomsday bunkers designed by US government to withstand nuclear apocalypse & restart America in case of wipeout."

March 3rd via The Philadelphia Enquirer: "WWIII has already started in Ukraine. Europe and the U.S. should wake up."

March 2nd via The Daily Mail: "Demand for doomsday bunkers in the UK soars after Putin's nuclear threats against the West: London-based firm reports 100% surge in interest for its '1million' survival shelters after Ukraine invasion."

March 1st via The Daily Mail: "Business is booming... for doomsday bunkers! Texas-based company claims sales have spiked '1000%' for units ranging from $40,000 to $8.5M after Russia invaded Ukraine."

February 26th via Business Insider: "Manufacturers report a spike in demand for underground shelters since Russia invaded Ukraine, but an anthropologist who studies preppers says the real pros don't do bunkers."

So with the globalists now pushing nuclear war in our faces as things continue to heat up overseas in a war America should never get involved in and the American taxpayer should never spend a penny to fund, we're going to take a long look in the next two sections of this ANP story at just how we can expediently build a nuclear fallout shelter within our own homes, and on a budget to boot, with the radioactive fallout from a nuclear blast in America something almost every American would eventually have to deal with.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Just his past Saturday, Steve Quayle had linked to a story on his websiteover at the Organic Prepper by Daisy Luther titled "This Nuclear Blast Simulator Lets You Put In ANY Address to See What Would Happen (Plus a List of Potential Targets)", a story within which we not only see the most likely nuclear targets here in the US but can see what kind of damage a nuclear blast will do to any area in America.

With that story featuring this Nuclear Secrecy Nuke Map website which you can visit and program any zip code or city in America into it, adding in the hypothetical 'type' of nuclear bomb and how the strike will be 'delivered', we can see in the image above of such a hypothetical nuke attack on Washington DC how many immediate fatalities and injuries there would be, and just how far the radiation fallout would spread with the entire North-Eastern seaboard being covered in radioactive fallout in such a scenario.

Showing why the fallout will be one of the most devastating things that people face if they're not among those who are 'vaporized' in the initial strike, we thankfully can turn parts of our homes into fallout shelters quite quickly if we're prepared and we know exactly what to do and have the supplies to do so.

As this August of 2017 story over at Realtor.comtitled "How to Build a Fallout Shelter in Your Home (on a Budget, to Boot)" reported, creating a fallout shelter can provide peace of mind at the very least. And who knows? It could turn out to be an actual lifesaver.

Reporting how easily it is to build a fallout shelter in our own homes, even if we dont have a basement, as it also reports, our first job is to select the room(s) in our home where we'll be building our shelter, with the best shelters being rooms that can be surrounded by at least 3' of solid Earth, or other materials such as concrete or even sand bags, lead, bricks, containers filled with water or any other heavy materials. Basically, the more material you can place between yourself and the rays, the better protected you will be. From that 2017 story.:

Where to go in the event of a nuclear blast

The key to staying safe during a nuclear attack is to place material capable of blocking gamma rays between you and the blast. If you live in a home with an underground basement, youre in luckat least 3 feet of solid packed earth offers sufficient protection.

If youre living in a home with no basement, all is not lost. Lead and concrete are also listed among the best options to block the gamma rays of a nuclear blast, says Robert Richardson, author of The Ultimate Situational Survival Guide.

While an underground shelter is going to provide more protection, even a concrete office building can act as an emergency fallout shelter, Richardson says. So if your house is made of wood and your neighbors is sturdy concrete, you may be best off heading next door.

In addition to the type of building you shelter in, where you hunker down inside can make a huge difference. Richardson says that in case of a nuclear blast, youre better off choosing an interior room in your home, as low down as possible.

"The bottom center portion of a building will provide the most protection from gamma rays, since the upper floors of the building and the exterior rooms will act as a shield, Richardson says. Basically, the more material you can place between yourself and the rays, the better protected you will be.

How to build a fallout shelter

Once youve found the best place in your vicinity to go in the event of a bomb scare, theres more you can do to fortify this area.

Sandbags, bricks, containers filled with water, or any heavy materials that you can find can be used to protect against a nuclear blast, Richardson notes. Just place these items against your wallsparticularly the windows where radiation can still sneak through, or on the floors above wherever you are. Mattresses can be leaned up against windows, as well as stacked books, furniture, bags of clothes, and anything else with some heft.

From there, its time to stock up! The greatest risk of fallout occurs during the first two to three weeks following a nuclear blast, Richardson says, so if youre intent on hiding out in a shelter for that time, get enough food and water to last. It might not be comfy, but were talking about survival here.

At the very bottom of this story, we have embedded a document from the CDC titled "Shelter-in-Place in a Radiation Emergency" which also goes over how to prepare one's home for a scenario that we all pray never arrives here in America but is looking more and more possible every day.

Recommending thatin the event of a radiation emergency, such as a nuclear power plant accident or the explosion of a dirty bomb, we may be asked to stay home and take shelter rather than try to evacuate, we're also urged to do this kind of preparation well ahead of time, following up on our prepping every 6 months or so, while offering us an extensive list. From that document.:

Because many radioactive materials rapidly decay and dissipate, staying in your home for a short time may protect you from exposure to radiation. The walls of your home may block much of the harmful radiation. Taking a few simple precautions can help you reduce your exposure to radiation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has prepared this fact sheet to help you protect yourself and your family and to help you prepare a safe and well-stocked shelter.

Preparing a Shelter in Your Home

The safest place in your home during an radiation emergency is a centrally located room or basement. This area should have as few windows as possible. The further your shelter is from windows, the safer you will be.

Preparation is the key. Store emergency supplies in this area. An emergency could happen at any time, so it is best to stock supplies in advance and have everything that you need stored in the shelter.

Every 6 months, check the supplies in your shelter. Replace any expired medications, food, or batteries. Also, replace the water in your shelter every 6 months to keep it fresh.

Make sure that all family members know where the shelter is and what it is for. Caution them not to take any items from that area. If someone borrows items from your shelter, you may find that important items are missing when they are most needed.

If you have pets, prepare a place for them to relieve themselves in the shelter. Pets should not go outside during a radiation emergency because they may track radioactive materials from outside into the shelter. Preparing a place for pets will keep the radioactive materials from getting inside the shelter.

Preparing Emergency Supplies

Stock up on supplies, just as you would in case of severe weather conditions or other emergencies.

Following is a list of things to consider when preparing your emergency kit.

Food with a long shelf lifeExamples of this include canned, dried, and packaged food products. Store enough food for each member of the household for at least 3 days.

WaterIn preparation for an emergency, purchase and store bottled water or simply store water from the tap. Each person in the household will need about 1 gallon per day; plan on storing enough water, per person, for at least 3 days.

A change of clothes and shoesCheck clothing every 6 months and remove clothes that no longer fit or are unsuitable for seasonal weather. Remember to include underwear, socks, sturdy shoes or work boots, and winter or summer clothes as needed.

Paper plates, paper towels, and plastic utensilsStore disposable dishware and utensils because you will not have enough water to wash dishes and because community water sources may be contaminated.

Plastic bagsBecause you may not be able to leave your shelter for several days, you will need to collect your waste in plastic bags until it can be removed.

BeddingStore sheets, blankets, towels, and cots for use during the time that you cannot leave your shelter.

Battery-operated radio and batteriesElectrical power may not be on for several days. A battery-operated radio will allow you to listen to emergency messages.

MedicinesHave 2-3 days dose of your current prescription medicines in a childproof bottle for your shelter medical kit; label with the name and expiration date of the medicine. (Discuss with your doctor the best way to obtain this small amount of extra medicine.) Be sure to check medicines in your kit every 6 months to make sure they are not past the expiration date.

ToiletriesKeep a supply of soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, deodorant, disinfectants, etc.

Flashlight and batteriesElectrical power may be out for several days. A flashlight will help you see in your shelter.

A telephone, cell phone or satellite phone Although cell phone or ground phone service may be interrupted, there is still a chance that you will be able to use a phone to call outside for information and advice from emergency services. Be sure to check and see if these devices are fully charged at least weekly.

Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses and cleaning supplies.

Duct tape and heavy plastic sheetingYou can use these items to seal the door to your shelter and to seal any vents that open into your shelter for a short period of time if a radiation plume is passing over.

Pet food, baby formula, diapers, etc.Dont forget the other members of your family. If you have an infant, store extra formula and diapers. If you have pets keep a 3-day supply of pet food. Also include cleaners to help disinfect those areas where pets relieve themselves.

First aid kitYou can purchase a first-aid kit or prepare one yourself. Be sure to include the following items:

- Sterile adhesive bandages

- Sterile gauze pads in 2 inch and 4 inch sizes

- Adhesive tape

- Sterile rolled bandages

- Scissors

- Tweezers

- Needle

- Thermometer

- Moistened towelettes

- Antiseptic ointment

- Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant

- Soap or hand sanitizer

- Latex or vinyl gloves

- Safety pins

- Aspirin or aspirin free pain reliever

- Antidiarrhea medication

- Laxatives

- Antacids for stomach upset

- Syrup of ipecac to cause vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center

- Activated charcoal to stop vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center

Games, books, and other entertainmentBecause you may be in your shelter for several days, keep items on hand to occupy your family during that time. Children are likely to get bored if they have to stay in one place for long periods. Think of activities that they will enjoy doing while in the shelterfinger painting, coloring, playing games, etc.

Tips before Entering a Shelter

If you are outside when the alert is given, get inside a stable building as soon as you can. Remove clothing, shoes, and accessories before entering your shelter area. During severe weather, such as extreme cold, remove at least the outer layer of clothes before entering the home to avoid bringing radioactive material into your shelter. Leave clothing and shoes outside. Shower and wash your body with soap and water. Removing clothing can eliminate up to 90% of radioactive contamination. By taking this simple step, you will reduce the time that you are exposed and also your risk of injury from the radiation.

Before entering the shelter, turn off fans, air conditioners, and forced-air heating units that bring air in from the outside. Close and lock all windows and doors, and close fireplace dampers.

When you move to your shelter, use duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal any doors, windows, or vents for a short period of time in case a radiation plume is passing over (listen to your radio for instructions). Within a few hours, you should remove the plastic and duct tape and ventilate the room. Suffocation could occur if you keep the shelter tightly sealed for more than a few hours.

Keep your radio tuned to an emergency response network at all times for updates on the situation. The announcers will provide information about when you may leave your shelter and whether you need to take other emergency measures.

Each of the videos below also take a look at the topics discussed within this story, focusing on how we can protect our own families and loved ones should this worst case scenario come to pass in the coming days, weeks or months.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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Shelter-in-Place in a Radiation Emergency by All News Pipeline on Scribd

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