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November 19, 2022
Humanity Faces Total Extinction With The Loss Of The Ability To Reproduce 'The Death Of Our Species' - Another Vax Caused Catastrophe Threatening Humanity Is Our Rapid Decline In Fertility
Looking in John Chapter One we see in verses Four and Five, speaking of Christ Jesus, that 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
I bring this up because as I was researching for information on the declining birth rates of not just this nation, but the world as a whole, this scripture came to mind over and over again. This light speaks of more than just the giver of Truth, but far more. To me it is literal; He is the Light of Life, the power that the Sun uses to shine (nuclear physics is His creation as well) and fuels Life on this planet, and so much more. (3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made). This means by extension that as He is the Light of the world, not just spiritually but physically as well, then He is also the Life of the world. There is a reason that this is the first portion of Johns testimony of Christ as it is the most important thing to know of Him. But my intent is not a religious diatribe, but to showcase or highlight (forgive that unintended pun) the following information.
Light represents Life in so many aspects of art, philosophy, religion and even in science that it is often used as a synonym for Life. The Shroud of Turin, which is doubted by so many as being real, has the impression or image of a man on it that resembles the corpse of someone that was horribly crucified complete with blood stains and the newest (read as supposedly more likely to be accurate) carbon dating of the cloth indicating it is around 2,000 years old which is just the right timing for it to possibly be connected to Jesus. The theory is that upon His Resurrection, He gave off a burst of light as His spirit reentered His physical body and that it burned into the cloth the image of His actual appearance. Perhaps true and I prefer to see itas such even though I am not absolutely convinced it is. The main point is that Light is Life and that is where I wish to start.
Back in 2016 there were a number of news shows and papers that announced that scientists had captured the flash of Light that sparks when a sperm meets an egg. Sure, there were the obligatory naysayers, but many reports on this finding were published including a Fox News report from April 26th that stated for the first time, researchers have witnessed the exact moment conception occurs and have recorded the ensuing explosion of sparks that form when sperm meets an egg. From a Telegraph report saying that researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago noticed that some of the eggs burn brighter than others, showing that they are more likely to produce a healthy baby. The bright flash occurs because when sperm enters anegg it leads to a surge ofcalcium which triggers the release of zinc from the egg. As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which can be picked up by camera microscopes. These fluorescence microscopy studies establish that the zinc spark occurs in human egg biology, and that can be observed outside of the cell, said Professor Tom OHalloran, a co-senior author.
I find it beautiful how science and scripture complement each other when that linkage is looked for.
That does not, however, give any clue as to why the birthrates have fallen so precipitously over the last few decades. There is a tipping point when sperm count and sperm motility decline below certain limits. When sperm populations meet certain limits and when those sperm are not swimming as a healthy sperm should, then the birthrate drops. You may have a lot of sperm but if it is not swimming as it should then the chances of conception drops off dramatically. From 1950 to today the birthrate average of the world as a whole has dropped from 37.844 per 1,000 people to only 17.668 per 1.000 people. That is less than half of what it was near when I was born. (source,Macro Trends)In the United States the birthrate was down to 1.6 per 1,000 and that is a good average for the western nations as a whole. Russia is lower at 1.5 while China is a bit higher at 1.7. (source,World Bank)Statista dot Comstates that In the United States in 1800, the average woman of childbearing age would have seven children over the course of their lifetime. As factors such as technology, hygiene, medicine and education improved, women were having fewer children than before, reaching just two children per woman in 1940. This changed quite dramatically in the aftermath of the Second World War, rising sharply to over 3.5 children per woman in 1960 (children born between 1946 and 1964 are nowadays known as the 'Baby Boomer' generation, and they make up roughly twenty percent of todays US population). Due to the end of the baby boom and increased access to contraception, fertility reached it's lowest point in the US in 1980, where it was just 1.77. Please note that when the birthrate drops below 2 the population declines and the future of that population is in dire straits to even exist very soon. Then add in the effects of war, pestilence, and disease and the future of this world is at risk of there not being any humans on t soon enough. God has told us that will not happen, but it will be close enough before He steps in to save the world.
But there is far more to it than just access to contraception, hygiene, medicine and technology changed. Far more to that drop in fertility as it is the secondary effects or that technology that is the core of why we have such dramatic drops in fertility today. One major warning bell is sounded by Dr. Shanna H. Swan of the Mount Sinia Health System, as seen in the second video below, and a transcript of the podcast is available at this link. The future of our species to even exist is at risk with the loss of the ability to reproduce. Fascinating information including the chemical reactions and physical systems involved that I will not take the time to go over so I highly recommend listening to it to better understand how things work and why it is imperative to change the way we do things. I will give this one quote to set the stage to where we are going; Humanity is in peril. Along with the ecological devastation expanding industrialization has wrought on the global environment, another looming catastrophe has emerged in the past century that threatens the human species: rapid decline in fertility. The reproductive systems of females and males in industrialized, particularly Western, nations have seen a precipitous drop in the ability to conceive and bear children. From falling sperm counts and testosterone levels in males, and early menopause and cysts in the ovaries of females, the reproductive systems in human beings have dramatically changed for the worse over the past several decades.
The National Library of Medicine (part of NIH) said that as sperm counts in men rise from zero to 40 million/ml of ejaculate, there is a progressive increase in the chances of their partner becoming pregnant; at sperm counts greater than 40 million/ml there is no further benefit regarding fertility. So, for example, the study . found that during the six-month period of the study of 430 couples, 65% of men with sperm counts >40 million/ml impregnated their partners, while for men with counts <40 million/ml, the rate was 51.2%; corresponding figures for sperm counts >20 or <20 million/ ml were 65.0% and 36.4%. Therefore, having a low sperm count makes you less fertile, although it does not exclude the possibility that you will impregnate your partner over a span of time, unless your sperm count is zero. Please note the corollary that there is a dramatic drop in fertility with sperm counts dropping below 40 million per milliliter and other studies show that below that the birthrate is extremely low. It should also be mentioned that even in a normal fertile man, only a minority of sperm can be classed as morphologically normal (515% depending on the criteria used), in comparison with values usually in excess of 90% in most animals. With this statistic in mind, it is not difficult to see why humans have poor fertility.
To quote further from them, average sperm counts reported in large numbers of men in 101 studies across the world have shown a progressive decline since the 1930s1940s. a more relevant statistic is the change in proportion of men in these studies with a sperm count <40 million/ml, which has increased from around 15% in the 1930s to around 40% in the 1990s2000. studies in Europe involving men between 18 and 25 years old from seven countries has confirmed that although average sperm counts are in the range of 4565 million/ml, depending on the country, the proportion of young men with a sperm count of less than 20 million/ml is still close to 20%. Please note that this does not mean they cannot get a woman pregnant (at least without artificialmeans), the chances fall precipitously especially when you hit the 20 million count as you are effectively sterile as the lower count is also indicative of the motility (ability to swim) and they cannot make it into the fallopian tubes where egg fertilization usually occurs.
During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
As Beck's the Blaze put it quoting Dr. Hagai Levine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Our findings serve as a canary in a coal mine. We have a serious problem on our hands that, if not mitigated, could threaten humankinds survival. We urgently call for global action to promote healthier environments for all species and reduce exposures and behaviors that threaten our reproductive health. Of course, that does not exclude the egg production or quality of the ovum that the Mother produces as a problem. Dr. Levine also said that the rate of decline is increasing rapidly and she is correct in saying that it is a problem of specie ending proportions.
Men produce on average 290 million sperm cells per day, and that is over a 1,500 per second. That is over 500 billion in his average lifetime and they are created continuously as opposed to the female ovum. They can live in the female reproductive system for two to five days. The ovum is the mature female egg that is actually made while the female is still in the mothers womb, not made continuously as is the male sperm. If an egg does not becomefertilized within 24 hours of its eruption, it begins todegenerate said Britannica, and CNY Fertility said peak number of eggs a woman ever has takes place at about 20 weeks of gestation (before they are born and still inside their mothers womb). At this point, they have roughly 6-8 million eggs. No new eggs will ever be made from this point on. But they do not have that many when they reach puberty as eggs are constantly degenerating and being lost throughout infancy and adolescence. As a prepubescent female, approximately 10,000 eggs will degenerate and die each month.That means by the time a woman reaches puberty, they only have 300,000-400,000 eggs left in their ovaries. So just how many eggs does a woman have as she ages? Continuing on, by the time a womanhits 40, their ovarian reserve is often estimated to be around 5-10,000. By 50, women are likely to only have a few hundred if any eggs left at all. The average age of menopause is around 51-52 years of age. But there is a lot of missing eggs in the above numbers and that is accounted by the fact that a woman in the height of their fertility loses roughly 1,000 eggs every month but only ovulates one.
It seems almost a wonder that the human population can survive with all of those factors taken into account. Birth rates are so low in developed nations we are not even filing the missing holes as folks die, we are losing population on average even though the less modernized areas of the world produce so many people that they make up the difference and then some. But there is yet another massive hit on this scenario that must be mentioned.
As is just about everything else regarding the Covid 19 vaccination, or more accurately named, Bio-Weapon murder injection, the so-called official sources continue to say that the shots have no effect on a persons reproduction system, which is as massive a lie as the one they continue to state that there is no harmful effects from the jab. Nope, thousands of percents rise in so many health effects like cancers and heart failures and strokes and suddenly falling over dead even in young children are just mythical stories carried aloft by the anti-vaxers and fear mongers such and must be ignored. Those studies that show huge increases in miscarriages and baby deaths where the mother has had the shots including the boosters are dueto something else they say. There have been many news stories in non-mainstream media that prove beyond any doubt that the kill shot is destroying the reproductive systems of both women and men and murdering children still in the womb as well as after birth. One of those was by yours truly just three months ago and can be found here. The mRNA gets into the testicles and into the ovaries and destroys their functioning. Between abortion, the negative effects on the reproductive systems by pollutions in our environment, war and hunger and disease, we now have the bio-weapon destroy what is left of our fertility both male and female.
My original intent was to focus on the murderous effects of the mRNA death shots, but as this is an evolving story and as the censors are erasing stores on this as fast as they can (many of my saved links are now dead), perhaps I should just leave it here. Please note that they will not publish the truth as to how rapidly miscarriages are increasing, and how many children are dying when still very young (some from getting the death weapon through their mothers milk), and how many people are now sterile as a direct result of those shots. There will be many more stories on how the world elites are destroying our lives and those of our children and especially our prospective children, so this column will likely be revisited with updates. For now, lets just leave it where it is with the war on the human race being waged ever more effectively to winnow down the worlds population to their satanically motivated small population numbers.
God Bless -
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