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August 22, 2022

The Satanists War Upon Our Children Has Put America On A Path Towards Unimaginable Tragedy With Our Youngest Generations Under Attack Another Sign Of A Grave Future

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Even the evil communist revolutionary from South Africa Nelson Mandela said There can be no keener revelation of a societys soul than the way in which it treats its children. That is not just an opinion from one of the most evil men in the world but an absolute truth; there is NO future without our offspring. Matthew 18:10 (KJV) Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. Through His prophets, God as spoken many things of the greatness and preciousness of His little children that are most important for us to know and how He feels about them.

But the evil that is upon this world fights every good thing because it is God that created it and they hate God. Children are not just some lump in a womans body, they are not a part of her alone but a living entity in its own right; rather they are the fruit of a womans joint effort, an actual co-Creator with God in giving new life. Who would do harm to His greatest gift to humanity? Keep this thought in mind as we explore the devastating assault by the Satanists of this world upon Gods greatest gift to Man. Leftists please note; Man is used not because it is sexist but because it represents the whole of Humanity. It includes male and female as in the Human race. That is the definition used in most of history and is that which is implied in scripture as well; let the modern left and their insane re-definitions be damned.

Before the Roe decision was properly overturned, the American Center for Law and Justice was quoted as saying "The pro-abortion Left has declared that the Apocalypse is upon us. Weve long said they worship at the altar of abortion. Now they are displaying a rabid zeal, not only on the streets, but in the media, on social media, and in the halls of Congress and that is only the smallest part of it all. They act as if little children yet to be born are not even a life source yet alone a living HUMAN entity when we know that a healthy human fetus at 34 weeks of gestation can see shapes outside of the womb, according to new research that suggests that such unborn individuals pay special attention to people within view.Taste, touch, smell, balance, and hearing are all active prior to birth, lead author Vincent Reid of Lancaster University said. Vision has been the difficult one to assess, until we developed our techniques for our current research.The amount of light that enters the womb is certainly enough that the fetus can see and observe and interact with the world around them, he added. That is not the actions of a simple lump of flesh being removed as if it were just a tumor or the like. This Rumble video is a short and simple explanation of an abortion, if you can stomach watching it or even just listening to it. And if the failed abortion allows the child to live, the doctors just leave it to die.

But that evil of the lefts most vital sacrament is not their only avenue to murdering and eliminating Gods gift to us as they have many more options that they are pursuing. The massive infant child murder industry is now pushing a chemical alternative as Abortion News reported at the end of last year that the Food and Drug Administration has announced it is rolling back restrictions on sending abortion pills through the mail. In the National Review reporter Kristan Hawkens said that They have adeadly back-up plan.... With deft sleight of hand, the abortion lobby has railed againstefforts in Texasand fundraised intensely off the Mississippi 15-week limit, all while preparing the big reveal of its new frontier:death by mail. That is, theno-test, online distribution ofchemical-abortion pills. And how do those pills work? RU-486,atwo-drugcombinationofmifepristone and misoprostolthat together ends a life. The first drug starves a baby by cutting off progesterone,sometimes called thepregnancy hormonethat equips the uterus to feed and protect the baby. The second causes horrific contractions, expelling what can be a living infant. Worse is that it does not work all that well with up to 8% failure rate to end a pregnancy and getting rid of health and safety standards for chemical abortion is anti-woman and anti-science.Thepills causefour times the complicationsas surgical abortion, with a risk of death that isten times higher,according to a National Institute of Health Study and they noted a much higher risk of the mother bleeding to death and infertility resulting from its use.

So If those pills are so bad, why not a shot to keep women from getting pregnant and if that does not work as well as expected at least it will cause them to auto-abort? Fear not, they are at least one step ahead of you. The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth. A recent Expos article also noted that US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine safety data for75 years and two different reports suggested that Pfizers confidential data, and the CDCs manipulated study that show the rate of pregnancy loss following Covid-19 vaccination to be 82%. Just a coincidence? Why fight so hard on allowing the murder of pre-born infants when there are easier and more productive methods to do so?

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Dont be mislead into thinking it is only the result of the infamously deadly C19 vaccination as even the tetanus shots given all over Africa about a decade ago with Bill Gates and the WHO pushing it, and as Health Impact News put it In 2014 we reported how the tetanus shot was distributed in Kenya by the United Nations, but only given to girls and young women who were child-bearing ages, but not boys, and later it was discovered that these tetanus shots contained the HCG antigen whichis used in anti-fertility vaccines.... So it is no surprise tothose of us who have been anti-vaccine for many years nowand covering these issues, that the COVID-19 vaccines are causing the deaths of prenatal and neonatal babies worldwide to skyrocket, giving strong evidence that this is part of the efforts to reduce the worlds population.The only thing that has changed, is that this effort to reduce the worlds population is now happening in every country, including rich western nations, and not just in poor countries. Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda is an excellent video on just this subject, well worth watching. Expos news put those numbers in a bit of a more dramatic fashion when they said Childrens risk of Death increases between 8100% and 30,200% following Covid-19 Vaccination compared to Unvaccinated Children according to official data

It is not just the unborn and their mothers that are targeted, but the newly born and up are also direct targets for extermination. There were sequential announcements of the C19 jab being approved first in kids over 12 years old, then over 6, then over 6 months old and even younger have been subjected to this insidious weapon of child murder. About a month ago America First reported FDA Approves Dangerous Covid Jabs on Babies as Young as 6-Months Old and that without any long term studies involved. A babys immune system reaches a valid point of development depending on who is giving the opinion. Those that are recommending infant vaccines state somewhere between just a few weeks gestation and they get the antibodies from their mother that is strong enough, while others say not until the mothers milk buttresses the infants natural system, and while those that are not trying to sell vaccinations state the age ranges from at least one year old to around seven or eight years old before it becomes fully developed. Health Impact News noted that Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS and this that really struck me; What kind of parent would willingly inject their baby with something that has the same rare and life-threatening reaction as antipsychotic drugs?? No wonder some of these babies and toddlers are hallucinating!

Although children younger than six months are not approved for the vaccination, it is being given anyway. Chest pain; cardiac arrest; Skin cold clammy. This short description of a cardiac arrest, which occurred one hour after receiving a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, is taken from the VAERS system the US Vaccine Adverse Eve Reporting System ( case number 1015467), and it does not refer to an elderly person, nor to a young adult, or even a teenager. It is hard to believe, but this report refers to a two-month-old baby reported Health Impact News. The Expos reported that FDA approve COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Data proving Vaccinated Children are 30,200%/303x more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children and the Geller Report noted that There has never been an emergency in regard to Covid-19 infection among children. Two years of evidence show the alleged disease has only adversely affected the elderly and vulnerable. So why give it to them if it is not indeed meant to kill them?

Lets move up in age and we see headlines such as Two and 3-Year-Old Kids With Seizures Is The New Normal but only in vaxed kids. Fully vaccinated children suffer multisystem inflammatory syndrome and Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) is a condition thatmainly affects children by causingdangerous inflammation throughout the body, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes and digestive organs.MIS can be severe and life-threatening. What could be causing the mysterious rise in deadly Hepatitis cases among Children? asks another headline. Official Data shows Children are up to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 Vaccination than Unvaccinated Children and they just keep on coming. Pfizer to Ask FDA to Authorize Three Doses of Covid Vax for Tots. All-cause death rate 52 times higher among vaccinated children than unvaccinated children. UK Data Reveals that Triple Vaxxed Children are 45 Times More Likely to Die from COVID than Unvaccinated. And you thought the massive rise in autism from childhood vaccines few was bad. There are many more but we need to move on.

A few days ago the Western Journal had an article about a father getting inflamed when he heard a doctor ask his son what gender he thought he was. So luckily my son understands obvious tenets of biology at 3 years old and says that hes a boy, just like his chart says, the man said but what I am wondering is what kind of deviant that doctor is. The Gateway Pundit said Christy Olezeski Phd., Director and co-founder of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program, bragged about her work helping children as young as 3 years old in there gender tourney in a recent YouTube video. But it gets worse, much worse. Doctors give kids drugs that can chemically castrate them Just like pedophiles do in a recent Natural News headline and they continued According to theMayo Clinic, parents of [t]ransgender and gender-diverse children might choose to temporarily suppress puberty through the use of prescription medications called pubertal blockers. Lupron is just one of several puberty-blocking drugs used by doctors. Its better known for its use in thechemical castrationof sex offenders.

Not to be outdone, the California DoE prepared a resource list that advertises MarinHealth, a clinic that offers gender affirmation surgery. The list of operations they perform includes top surgery, phalloplasty, vaginoplasty, breast augmentation, and facial feminization.

The clinic also offers what they refer to as nonbinary gender affirming surgery, which includes procedures such as nullification, which refers to the removal of genital structures with preservation of the urethra to allow for voiding of urine.

Theres also a penectomy, which simply removes the penis without attempting to reconstruct female genitalia, and a phallus-preserving-vaginoplasty, which MarinHealth defines as a procedure that creates a fully functional vagina without surgically removing the penis. All of this for kids that are completely unaware of what the life changing operations actually entail and the longer term effects of which suicide is the major one. And the lists of offenses against our young kids keep getting worse.

TheCDC is now promoting genital mutilation to the youthand encouraging castration using synthetic hormones and other disturbing brainwashing techniques that affirm mental illnesses and spiritual struggles regarding gender and sex is the way Natural News put it. The CDC is directing youth to the LGBT Health Youth Resources page, which pushes sexual perversion and self-harm onto youthall under the guise of supporting their desires and preventing suicide. All the while, the CDCs perverted affirmation of these issues only causes further confusion, guilt, and self-hatred in youth while in fact youth suicide is exploding. Even the NYT admits that there is a huge increase in youth suicides. The Geller Report put it this way. So now we know how the Democrats devised their evil scheme for our innocent children. The clinical steps to grooming kids was the template for the Democrat run public education system.Things dont just happen. Theyre made to happen.(JFK).

What is really going on here? The destruction of civilization. By destroying gender, family, etc you destroy civilization. And that folks is the scheme of the New World Order freaks.

We have covered before the purely satanic evil that the left and the so-called leaders of this world purvey in their mutilation, ritualistic murder including drinking the blood and eating the flesh of young children as well as adults and that it is far more common than most would suspect. Child trafficking is running rampant even facilitated by our own government. It is part and parcel of the occult realms of the world wide Church of Satan and all of the associate witchs covens and the like. You cannot get anywhere in this world without taking part of this Satan worship in some manner or the other. We have covered in some degree or the other how many secret societies are based on those concepts for security of their secrets as well as the control of the subjects they rule over. As I have covered some of it in previous columns, I do not want to go into it very much right now, but the war against our children is part and parcel of that deeply embedded and most evil not quite so much underground as they assume society that they have produced. It is an ancient evil, an ancient system of secrecy, having been perfected over the millennia and there is so much that I would like to say about it but because of column length restraints I will only say this; as children are Gods most precious gift to humanity it stands to reason that they are the first target of those who worship the anti-God Lucifer. It is their rebellion against our Creator and His goodness that they seek to destroy. This is the root of the problems I have outlined above and have covered in a few previous columns.

There can be no keener revelation of a societys soul than the way in which it treats its children. Nelson Mandela

May God help us

Bill Maher tries to be funny but comes up with a truth that I doubt he understands

Its okay to ask questions about something thats very new and involves children.

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