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October 26, 2023
Internet Censorship Reaching Epic Proportions As Globalists Censor 'How To Forecast An Earthquake' As Part Of Big Tech's Efforts To Silence Independent And Conservative Voices
We all know that the world is pushing for more censorship on the internet, and that is actually happening. Let me show you one very recent example of this using an online entity that many of us that are interested in earthquakes and related topics love to watch. I have posted many times his YT videos on earthquakes, prognostications and explanations of related topics such as heat markers showing up near volcanic active regions that the government services show as fires yet they deny that those fires exist. Except for those times when they do exist, which they hate admitting. Yep, if you guessed Dutchsinse you get the gold medal for the day.
It has been about two weeks since his last video and although that occasionally occurs, he is very good at keeping new activities posted on his YouTube channel and almost daily updates on his Twitch feed. For a better idea of what I am speaking about, lets do a step by step of the timeline on how I got to this present point. Not having watched any of his YouTube updates for a couple weeks, I decided to see if he had any that I somehow missed and when I got to his YT channel I found a link to his newest from one day ago (this being Wednesday October 25th as I write) and is given as the first video at the bottom. You will note that it is not his usual update but a computer voice reading a statement regarding how to forecast our own earthquakes, also given in text at the extended view of the statement portion of the web page. Fascinating, but also well known to those of us that watch him regularly.
Confused, I looked at his Twitch account that shows his live presentations (the link ishere), and found that it had been four days since his last video was live streamed from there where I watch his live updates when I can. Nothing shown and the only notice is the standard one saying he is offline. So I went back to YT and looked through his other tabs and under the Community tab found this interesting bit. First post was the one linking How to Forecast an Earthquake as given in the above paragraph and in the first video below. Second post down shows the same idea. It is the third post that most intrigued me and led to this column. Please allow me to repost the important part here (emphasis is mine):
I am not being allowed access to the internet at all.
Someone with a lot of authority (gov) or hacking power (criminal) or both have shut down my home connections completely.
It may be via a court order, idk.
I'm having to use a different connection just to make this text post here.
Starlink = off, shut down by someone
Cable = off, shut down by someone
DSL = off, shut down by someone Mobile internet not an option living rural in the woods
Fiber = off, shut down by someone
Power to home = variable depending on if they can hit all at once. If they can't hit all the internets, they just hit the power to the whole subdivision or just my house.
In the off-time occasion when I was able to connect, I started using a VPN, they shut those down too, and then my home connection after hitting the VPN connections.
I have (had) all the above at once, now I'm down to using a 1 mb phone DSL connection intended for someone else.
Since I'm reduced down to 1mb per second, I can't stream earthquake information or upload HD videos (takes 2 days to upload multiple Gigabyte videos on a slow connection).
Law enforcement won't help and isn't interested... which makes me think its authorized by the gov or a court order. Just guessing on that.
NO earthquake info coming in, no info going out. It's done.
This is being done to me by what I consider to be straight up evil people.
Lets take another look at some of the reasons he suspects may be the problem as he mentioned above. With Starlink, Cable, DSL and Fiber internet links shut down, we can assume that it is far more than just a normal interruption of service; rather it is an intentional denial of service. The fact that it appears that he tried them and then noted that he tried a VPN and then his home connection was shut down appears to be a coordinated attack on his personal communications via the web. That is a complete denial of service, not just slowing his connections or stopping one aspect or another. That is a methodical and coordinated attack, and I assume his thoughts that it is government are most likely correct. Whether from the U.S. Geological Survey NEIC getting angry about his constant showing that they lie about real earthquakes and even changing the numbers and censoring them so that he does not have correct data to try and dislodge his very accurate forecasting (that so embarrasses them professionals) or perhaps something in the asides that he mentions that may infuriate other government agencies lets give one example. The satellite video proof that they are testing/using space based high energy weapons that he later refused to even speak about from fear they would get after him but still pointed out that something looks weird here and there. There is a web page that has a few of his best ideas shown and one portion especially geared specifically towards that concept or Directed Energy Weapons. There are many pages of these things and if you have not watched them, you may want to do so quickly before they are scrubbed. The direct link is here. One of his more interesting videos that shows inconsistencies in the official stories of heat flare-ups and DEW weapons testing/usage is the second one below, found on page two of the above link.
Perhaps some large corporations and gov agencies are angry that he proves that mass drill sites (oil, gas steam, radioactive waste and fracking injection sites) and geothermal generation areas are more often hit and that earthquakes follow the very high tension power lines and generation locations. Maybe showing the near perfectly coordinated massive fire attacks in California, Canada, and elsewhere had someone that is starting those fires upset. Or perhaps they, whoever the hell they are, do not want him noticing and advertising something that they may have planned and want to censor anyway of alerting the general public that something is being done to harm them. Suggestive ideas abound, and we may be seeing soon enough if anything in that idea has validity.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
There are various websites that show recent earthquake activity and we can all check in on them to see for ourselves what and where they are occurring, and various feeds from different nations produce different results not just in slight variations in magnitude, but more importantly some censorship by one agency (usually the USGS it appears) of certain quakes or another so it is wise to check more than one source. One that I like to reference is the University of Berkley Seismology Lab map as it shows the majority of them, with the news ones marked by color if they are from the past hour, past day, or past week. That map can be found here.
Another aspect of the internet censoring is included in the usual ANP Emergency Fundraiser where they state The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago,"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But,with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us,"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." And as I normally do, the emphasis is mine for purposes of this column. It appears that Dutchsinse has told of things that someone does not want us to hear. That also works in the reverse order; they can track back to you and get after you for what they do not want you to see but that is easily corrected and effective in most instances if cone correctly. Although there is no method that can absolutely secure your web gazing as attested by the war against Edward Snowman, there are various techniques that can eliminate most tracking of what stories you want to read and what sites you want to peruse.
Briefly, the strategy of hiding your personal identity on the internet means not doing things that can be easily traced. Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to hide you own computers unique identity by passing through other servers that produce new IDs is the easy way for casual usage. For a bit more privacy, use the Onion webs TOR browser (The Onion Router) that randomizes and hides your identity well. For further protection, us a VPN to access TOR and very few would have the ability to break down who you are and where you may be located. For even more security, use virtual machines to hide your computer along with the aforementioned methods and leave no traces of any browsing history, as Edward Snowdon does. Virtual machines can be loaded on a thumb drive and you can boot your computer using the operating system on the thumb drive. There are special OP systems that are made for just this purpose. This can all be defeated if you do stupid things like giving out your ID while online or logging into our accounts, and do not join any blogs or such while connected securely. Even things like using full screen can give away what computer you may be using because they can trace who uses screens with those resolutions. But for normal usage, just using a VPN and using something like the Brave browser and its built in TOR private window can help for non-critical usage.
I am not going to go through a full description of how to do those things so you can look it up for yourselves. Step by step procedures are all over the internet on how to stay secure but remember, like I said before, even Edward Snowdon was caught and he used the most secure options available. Lets just hope that you are not wanted as badly by the feds as he was; it took the CIA a lot of time on the worlds most powerful super computers to figure out how to catch him, and are you wanted that much to account for millions spent in super computer usage to find? In most instances you can research what the government and secret societies are doing to us using just the normal security measures of a VPN and maybe a TOR browser. There are also secure email methods, but that will have to depend on your own research as well.
Whatever the cause of Dutchs disappearance from the web, it can happen to anyone, even ANP and all of us individually.
God Bless
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ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable!Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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