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April 29, 2015

US Army On Jade Helm 15: 'This Thing Is Getting Wired In Tight' - Confirms Training To Include 'Round-Up And Detainment Of Role Players'


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With Americans turning out in mass numbers for Monday's Jade Helm 15 hearing in Bastrop Texas, we finally received 'some' answers from the US Army about what Jade Helm is really all about, quite telling the admissions from the US Army spokesman that some of the drills WOULD likely consist of the 'rounding up or detaining' of 'role-players' and the admission to one questioner about Jade Helm 15 preparations: "This thing is getting wired in tight". Though it was clearly stated that all of these drills were in preparation of overseas deployment, former United States Marine Field McConnell in his Able Danger blog (and the 3rd video below) sums up this Jade Helm 15 meeting doubts like this.:

Dear Friends and Family In US and the United Kingdom:

I heard from a brother that at a public hearing with SOCOM representatives in Bastrop, Texas today, 90+% of the people were upset over the military's plans and the local County Reps agreeing to them in a previous meeting! The LTC giving the briefing deferred to Mr. Meade (the former SOCOM LTC who is now a civilian who gave the original briefings around the country) with visual eye and head motions on answers. At one point when asked, the LTC giving the briefing ADMITTED THE "DRILL" WILL INVOLVE LIMITED RED LIST EXTRACTION OF CIVILIANS!!!! (SEE 1ST VIDEO BELOW!) Now, even if only an exercise, this shows where we are!!!! The briefing to the public was an obvious attempt to placate, not inform, and the people KNEW it!!! Abel Danger has let the U S military enlisted forces active and all retirees and veteran know that 9/11 was also an exercise until the United States Senior Executive Service was complicit in it going live.

The photograph above shows the moment Infowars reporter Jakari Jackson asked Jade Helm 15's propaganda officer if Jade Helm 15 will consist of "rounding up or detaining role-players"...the look from his civilian 'handler' to the far right of the picture is priceless as the facial expressions of these two men now at the center of the Jade Helm circus almost tell us more than words, and words tell us a bountiful amount though clearly not the entire picture.

After listening to this video (2nd video) you'll see it's wise that Americans across the country and especially the deep south keep their eyes on this story that will continue to develop throughout the summer due to seemingly related drills going on across America such as the one seen in the image below from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, of 'role players' being rounded up with black helicopters flying overhead, it'd be sheer ignorance for any American to simply choose to ignore what is now happening across the country, especially when we're told in this video that at any point, the exercise could go 'kinetic', which means that the 'exercise' could at any time go 'live'.

Audience members point out clearly that the US government has a very spotty track record of honesty when dealing with the American people; why SHOULD they trust what they are being told? At the same time, Americans in Jade Helm states should never do anything to put Jade Helm 15 participants in danger as a US military member was accidentally killed by a police officer in a similar drill in North Carolina. The mere fact that this story has gone viral should help to protect these participants from someone who might see something suspicious and take matters into their own hands, such as in the North Carolina incident where the officer was unaware of a drill, as everybody now knows a major drill will be going on there. The fact that Americans are now learning 'en masse' that drills such as Jade Helm 15 often 'go live' should provide a level of protection for the rest of us from such a thing happening during Jade Helm, though we must continue to be an awakened and fully aware population, especially in the Jade Helm 15 states.


While we take solace that it is admitted BY this spokesman that 90% of the US Army would likely fall under the type of American who would likely be 'rounded up' under the Department of Homeland Security document on right wing terrorism, (Christians, Constitution supporters, Patriots), the audience obviously doesn't buy all of what is being sold them and everyone who is reading this story should be enthused by the fact of how many well informed and vocal Americans showed up for this meeting. Despite having to wade through the 'fluff', some questions asked by participants are quite inspiring and cleary show that the American people have taken the next step in this 'information war' and are taking the art of 'mastering the human domain' directly to the US military, who obviously didn't expect this kind of response.

After the 10 minute mark this video gets hot as Jakari Jackson asks if there would be any 'rounding up and detaining' in Jade Helm 15; how would YOU take the response he received? Do the facial expressions of these two men tell us more than mere words ever could?

This is the entire Infowars live feed of the Bastrow, Texas Jade Helm 15 meeting. At the 35 minute mark, a question is asked if they planned on knocking on any citizens doors; the response he gave immediately sets the audience off, even before he mentioned the possible presence of helicopters near their properties. At the 45 minute mark, a well-awoken US citizen asks about the Department of Homeland Security's document labeling right wingers, Christians and those supporting the US Constitution as potential extremists. The response he gets from the spokesperson gets a round of applause from the audience and provides them a rare moment of trust at a time when trust in government in America is very rare.

The video below is an attempt to make sense of Jade Helm 15 from US Marine Field McConnell. His outline of the video:

Some informed parties have wished the Military were planning to stand against Obama's personal army (DHS, etc...), but that is manifestly NOT the case! These people all answer to the western banking system (NWO, NIO, whatever you want to call it), and our Republic is in its last death throes!!! THE MILITARY PERSONNEL WHO HAVE SURVIVED THE OBAMA PURGES ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!!!! The government wants to silence Constitutionalists, Patriots, Gun Owners, Christians, Vets, etc... as I have been pounding on for years! The end game is to turn the US into a totalitarian state!!!! False Flags on the way to justify this going live at some point in the future!!! The false flags will blame Tea Party, conservatives, vets, etc... again as I have said! To ensure that this message reaches the ears of Kristine Marcy, Colleen Prosser and Hillary Clinton I will broadcast my comments tonight on Livestream radio at 6pm central. If I suffer an untimely demise I have asked 4 allies to ensure my words are spoken as a verbal epitaph in Nottingham.

Field McConnell
U S Marine 0116513
2 October 1949-

Texas will be monitoring Jade Helm 15. The Texas National Guard will be watching.



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