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October 8, 2019
A 'Recipe' For A False Flag May Be In The Works As The Communist News Network Descends To Dangerous New Levels Of Absurdity In Their Pursuit To Destroy America
- CNN Links The Joker, 'White Terror' And 'President Trump Supporters' Together In The Minds Of Their Dumbed-Down Followers
"They laugh at me because I'm different. I laughed at them because they're all the same." - The Joker
Just when you've thought you've seen it all, the 'Communist News Network' CNN has descended to dangerous new levels of absurdity. As Paul Joseph Watson reports in this new Summit News story, a new CNN story claims the movie 'Joker' is not only 'racist', but that it is 'an invidious validation of the white-male resentment that helped bring President Donald Trump to power'.
Just the latest leftist attack upon 'art and entertainment', with the left's pack-rats attack upon 'laughter' coming close to 'killing comedy', it was the left's attack upon comedy that led Joker's Director Todd Phillips to do this film because 'he finds it hard to be funny in woke culture'. Phillips, who previously had produced comedy films such as the 'Old School', 'Road Trip', 'The Hangover' trilogy, obviously sees what the website 'Human Events' sees in this excellent new story,reporting: "Gone are the days in which a movie is just a movie. Cultural critics and the outrage media have achieved such prominence in contemporary culture that today, a simple comic book movie can inspire panic amongst even the likes of the NYPD".
With the subtitle to that Human Events story being "Masked agents of chaos spread lies and fear in order to control the masses: its not incels, its the outrage media" referring to both the msm and the self-pitying 'involuntarily celibate' malesthat Susan Duclos had reported on within this June 20th ANP story, males who Susan reported 'want to terrorize females' and whose numbers have grown with the rise of radical feminism, we should be paying very close attention to all of this in the days and weeks ahead as 'Joker' makes its way across America and the left seeks to further demonize President Trump and his supporters.
With even the US Army and Department of Homeland Security putting out warnings of mass shootings at 'Joker' screenings due to what they consider 'credible threats', while the msm continues demonizing white men at each and every opportunity they get, and now linking 'Joker', 'white supremacist terror' and 'President Trump supporters' together in the minds of their dumbed down readers and viewers, a 'recipe' for a false flag attack at a 'Joker' screening to further demonize President Trump and his 'deplorable' supporters may be in the works. From this CNN story saved at Archive.
While many reviewers have focused on Fleck as an "incel" hero -- his status as a sexless loner who turns to violence -- the true nature of the movie's appeal is actually broader: It's an insidious validation of the white-male resentment that helped bring President Donald Trump to power.
"Joker," at its core, is the story of the "forgotten man," the metaphoric displaced and disenfranchised white man whose goodwill has been abused and whose status has been reduced. A man who has been crushed underfoot by the elite, dragged down by equality-demanding feminists and climbed over by upstart nonwhite and immigrant masses.
'Joker' draws from the same well of resentment that Trump strums with his racist rhetoric at his rallies -- the fear of no longer being at the center of the political, social and cultural universe, with everyone who isn't you positioned at its perceived edges. (After all, being racist, sexist and anti-gay only "pushes boundaries" if you define yourself as "normal" and define nonwhite, non-male and non-straight people as marginalized outsiders.)
With the Communist News Network even now using art and entertainment to attack President Trump and 'comedy' being killed partially because comedians no longer want to argue with the 30 million member, easily offended 'twitter outrage mob', the Director of 'Joker' took a direct shot at current day Democratic politics, a refreshing thing to see knowing just how far left Hollywood has gone over the past several decades.
Tuesday's Vanity Fair interview marked the second time in a week that Phillips had criticized left-wing politics as he promotes his film.
Addressing criticisms that the movie promotes a sympathetic origin story for male violence, as well concerns that it will be championed by so-called incels (i.e., misogynist "involuntary celibates" who blame women for not wanting to sleep with them), Phillips blamed the controversy around the movie on the "far left."
I think its because outrage is a commodity. I think its something that has been a commodity for a while, he told the Wrap. Whats outstanding to me in this discourse in this movie is how easily the far left can sound like the far right when it suits their agenda. Its really been eye-opening for me.
And Joker star Joaquin Phoenix also pointed out the obvious, anything can trigger the left in 2019.
"Were making a movie about a fictional character in a fictional world, ultimately, and your hope is that people take it for what it is, he said. You cant blame movies for a world that is so f**ked up that anything can trigger it. Thats kind of what the movie is about. Its not a call to action. If anything its a call to self-reflection to society.
Yet as this previously mentioned story over at Human Events pointed out, large parts of America are now being triggered by a movie with CNN's story about how it validates President Trump's policies and the alleged 'angst' being felt by 'white males' across the country in 2019 being tied together with fears of an impending terror attack upon a 'Joker' screening urges us to be in .......From the Human Events story.:
Moviegoers in New York who are rushing off to see Joker after its triumphant start at the Venice Film Festival will be accompanied by undercover officers deployed to select locations for the films opening weekend. The NYPD, reacting no doubt to the alert issued by the U.S. Army about the potential for a mass shooter during screenings of the Warner Bros. film, warn that the film could incite another event like the 2012 mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. The U.S. Army claimed to have issued its warning as a precaution in response to credible intelligence pertaining to disturbing and very specific chatter that threatened the targeting of an unknown movie theater during the release.
Both the military and the police are reacting to concerns that Joker is, in fact, a call to arms for violent, alienated men. As noted by Time Magazine, critics who saw Joker during its run at the Venice and Toronto film festivals have called it dangerous, deeply troubling and a toxic rallying cry for self-pitying incels.
Director Todd Phillips refuted the claim that the film is an attempt to rationalize or empathize with white male violencecorrectly pointing out that the panic (which has, if nothing else, served as excellent, free publicity for the film) is largely a product of left-wing outrage culture.
In the instance of Joker, outraged journalists , not internet memelordsor even incelsare the agents of chaos and fear.
The magic of the Joker movie is its portrayal of people who are treated as trash by the media & elite, ignored as they wither away from their pain & problems, & are laughed at as jokes until they snap from losing everything, wrote one respondent to the CNN piece. Its not hard to see why youre scared of it.
"It's truly amazing how writing these anti-white men articles is perfectly acceptable. What is wrong with this world? If this were changed to black there'd be some serious reprocussions."
"Cant imagine why cnn is the lowest rated news anywhere. Really. Just cant figure it out."
From a black woman: "Damn I didn't know I was a white man. Or that white men are the only ones that experience abusive upbringings, mental instability, loneliness & the dream of actually making a change in the world despite everything telling you, you are worseless & not worth helping."
Yangs primary reason for asserting that the movie is subtly racist is because the main character lives with his mother in a run-down apartment block populated by nonwhite tenants.
His other reason is that in the opening scene, Joker is beat up by black and Latinx youth. The fact that the same character also receives a beat down from a group of white man and later a punch in the face from another white man seems to have slipped Yangs mind.
If the movie is a validation of white-male resentment and has some kind of racist undertone, as Yang is suggesting, its somewhat odd that all the characters Joker murders during the film are white.
That also doesnt explain why he is keen on entering into a mixed-race relationship with a black single mom.
The notion that the film is pro-Trump is also ludicrous given that one of Jokers main enemies in the plot Thomas Wayne is a Trump-like figure.
Throughout the movie, the Joker character also repeatedly asserts that he is not political, but the need insert orange man bad into absolutely everything was seemingly too tempting for Yang to resist.
It reads like he wrote his idiotic piece before he even saw the film.
So with Democrats and the msm triggered over a 'movie' while killing art and entertainment, is what we're witnessing now in America a very real battle between good and evil as Mahalet suggests in this must-watch 1st video below? We join Mahalet in her call for prayer to protection of President Trump and America in this dark age we're now living in. In the 2nd video below we hear about Joker Director Todd Phillips blaming 'woke culture' for the fall of comedy and part of the reason he created 'Joker' in the way that he did while in the 3rd video below, Mike Adams explains why the msm talking heads aren't journalists at all, they're CIA/deep state puppets and enemies of the American people. And the final video below is a trailer for the movie Joker.
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