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April 23, 2022

Just When You Thought The War On America's Future Couldn't Get Worse, It Gets Worse: California Wants To Be A 'Sanctuary State' For Infanticide, Having No Regard For The Sanctity Of Life

- Democrats Focus Their Satanic Bloodlust On The Most Innocent And Defenseless

By Hailey Sanibel of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

(ANP: With new legislation in California now legalizing 'self-abortions' at any stage of pregnancy, essentially legalizing 'infanticide' there as reported in this new story over at the California Family Councel, following Maryland Senate Bill 669 which legalized infanticide for up to 28 days after birth, as Susan Duclos reported in this March 1st story on ANP, a 'One-Minute-From-Infanticide' bill was also recently supported by all but two Democrats In Congress. Giving more proof to us all that most Democrats have no regard for the sanctity of life, we're also given another reason their satanic agenda must be resisted with all of America's might going forward.)

Abortionists, which is a euphemistic way to say murderers, have really leaned into their infanticadal ways. Whereas safe, legal, and rare was the mantra in the not-so-distant past, the baby-killing movement really turned the corner recently.

The latest effort is in California, a state whose governor desired to be an abortion sanctuary in response to pro-life states restricting or outlawing the act altogether. If anyone ever wanted moral clarity on certain political ideologies and worldviews, let that sink in: California wants to be a sanctuary for infanticide.

For the left, though, nothing is ever enough. Not only do they want to facilitate women destroying babies in utero, now they want to ensure no woman gets punished for the death of their newborn baby in the aftermath of the birthing process. California Assembly Bill 2223 states the following:

Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.

What could possibly be a pregnancy-related cause of perinatal death? Failed abortion? Extensive drug use or neglect of an unwanted child? The only thing worse than abortion as it stands is the thinking of a baby tediously dying from the agony of abuse, neglect, and hatred for day after day. The phrase just when you thought it couldnt get worse pops into my head.

Since everyone is talking about this topic, one intrepid woman went to the dangerous Cali streets to ask locals what they thought of killing babies. What her interview reveals is disturbing:

So basically, if they have their baby, they can neglect them for seven days and if the baby dies then they cant be held criminally liable. What do you think?"

After the question, here come the answers:

I think whatever, like, helps women, and helps them achieve their, like, dreams, and however that needs to, like, happen is definitely.....acts to help that is helping all of us. So

I believe in freedom, but listening to murderous idiocacy stretches that limit sometimes. Could she have said like any more times than what she did? My gosh, form a thought.

So Id prefer most women make their decisions at eight weeks, but I am also in support of ten months out of the womb if the mother wants to.

Just for the record, this is the opposite of a man. Men defend women. Men protect the innocent. This spineless simp plays the leftist-taught card that forces so-called men to defer to women. Nope, just nope. Your number one job as a man is to protect and defend women and children. Start doing it.

I think, f**k them kids, so, if like, you want to get a late-term abortion, like, thats up to you. You know, Ive had an abortion too and it was my choice and Im happy I had that choice.

Can you even be considered a person at this point? F**k them kids? I can think of few things that remove ones soul than committing to this line of thinking.

As the video ends, the woman-on-the-street interview goes in for the final question: Would you get an abortion again? Predictably, the answer is not just a regrettable yes, but rather an enthusiastic yes.

Yes. 100%. 100 Times, Id do it multiple times. Until I feel that Im ready to parent.

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