As talk continues to increase about a "second wave" of the COVID-19 pandemic and some states are also highlighting their intent for more lockdowns, as still other states have suspended their "reopening" of business as usual, we note the country hasn't even recovered from the first round of lockdowns and food shortages.
Some stores are still limiting the sales of certain products, meats, cleaning supplies and other items, which makes it clear that another round of lockdowns, will leave even more people hungry and in food lines, more panic shopping wll occur, showing empty shelves, only this time these shelves may not get restocked in a timely manner, if at all for certain food products.
When people are hungry, and desperate to feed their families, civilization itself starts to breakdown.
Much of the violence we are seeing these days, as shown in my previous article, has been politically motivated, but since it is only "9 meals to anarchy," the violence that will be seen when the food dwindles to the point where not only stores are rationing as they are doing now, but where American households are forced to ration to maybe a meal a day, if that, that is when the true large-scale violence will begin.
Readers have been great in reporting what they are seeing in stores around them, where some days it is the canned goods that are lightly stocked, and others days the paper towels, and in some geographical areas one type of product is scarce and in others it is a different items.
We are months into this pandemic and manufacturers still cannot keep up with the stock that grocery stores used to have available....and they may never be what they once were.
According to a recent report at Wall Street Journal titled "Why Are Some Groceries Still So Hard to Find During Covid?" we find some interesting numbers.
Their subheader states "Toilet paper and frozen veggies are making a comeback, but other backlogs in the supply chain are causing bare shelves and higher prices."
Manufacturers of food, beverages, paper products and cleaning supplies ramped up production in the spring to help grocers get back in shape. During the peak shopping spree at the end of March, stores ran out of 13% of their items on average. Now, roughly 10% of items remain out of stock, compared with a normal range of 5% to 7% before the pandemic.
13%, certainly sounds much lower than the images sent to ANP showed, or the reports from readers in certain geographical areas would have indicated, but there is a very logical explanation for that.
(ANP Emergency Fundraiser: Following Stefan's medical emergencies during the month of July and upcoming medical bills for surgeries he'll need, ANP is holding an emergency fundraiser during the month of August. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at a time of systematic censorship and corruption.)
That was 13%, now 10% of all items sold in those establishments, but as we know, the panic shopping usually focused on meats, vegetables, frozen foods (especially frozen pizza for some odd reason), cleaning supplies and paper products, just to name a few.
Had it been just 13% (now 10%) of the specific aforementioned items, we would not have seen completely depleted products and totally empty shelves for anything... yet we did and in some areas still are.
So while we are assuming the percentages are fairly accurate, they are also accidentally misleading as well when the topic is shortages during the pandemic and subsequent state shut downs.
Other aisles have less stock because the sector simply cant make enough. For instance, flour mills are behind on deliveries despite boosting production by as much as 40%.
As increases in Covid-19 cases cause states to pull back their reopening plans, grocery makers and retailers say demand is ticking up and they have little extra stock to spare.
As soon as you saw that big states were having an issue, we absolutely saw an increase in orders immediately, B&G Foods Inc. Chief Executive Ken Romanzi said.
B&G Foods, which makes Green Giant canned and frozen vegetables, said it blew through its inventory in the spring and is making as much as possible but hasnt been able to stock up on extras to prepare for another wave of shutdowns. Other manufacturers such as Kimberly-Clark Corp., Campbell Soup Co. and General Mills Inc. have also said they havent been able to rebuild inventories because of the strong demand.
The story goes to highlight the sticker shock as prices for food and household goods surged.
The point here is the first shutdowns decimated the supply of certain foods and other products, and they are still not back to maximum level of pre-Covid-19, so another round of shutdowns, even if only in half a dozen or a dozen states are going to see another round of rationing by limiting the purchases of some items, which will be felt all across the board from coast to coast.
When that happens, and more are added to the people waiting in food lines at food banks and giveaways, then naturally even they will run out of food and supplies to hand out to hungry families.
If that happens, then the politically motivated violence on the streets right now, which is pretty bad, is going to get very ugly.
At that point, it will be a "MAD MAX" reality.
We'll go ahead and list previous items still in stock to grab while they are still available at the very end of this article, but for this we want to focus on items that can be used to survive without having to join the mayhem of grocery stores when it all hits the fan.
Many ANP readers are already decently stocked up on necessities, at least enough to get them through the initial weeks, but should a complete supply chain failure occur, we need to get back to the basics, by stocking up on proteins, getting enough flour and baking goods to make everything homemade, and most importantly, start an indoor garden.
For those limited in space, grab grow lights, linked below, and use a decently sized closet or garage, or utilize all empty spaces all around the home, but start now, so when you eventually need extras, you have homegrown to add to your stocks.
Find your space so you know how many plants you can reasonable maintain given the space you have.
First things first, learn as much as possible. There are great books for indoor gardening beginners:
There are way too many options regarding planters, pots, grow kits, soil, fertilizer, etc... so HERE IS THE SEARCH PAGE, because each individuals needs are different.
Don't forget your grow lights if you live in a cold weather climate and sitting on your windowsills aren't enough light to grow your indoor gardens.
While having your own gardens, indoor and outdoors is great, the food is definitely fresh, you know exactly where it has come from and when it was picked, we still need protein, and many already have that by way of emergency freeze dried survival meats, eggs, etc....
If unsure if what you have will last should we truly start seeing "Mad Max" type behaviors on the streets (more than we already are from Antifa goons), then protein powders are essential.
There are so many options I'll go ahead and just link to the search page.
(Note - Amazon prices on these are kind of expensive, so a health food store or even your grocer should have some, but the choices are extremely limited at physical stores and are extensive at Amazon, so take your pick.)
The first set of shortages were bad in some areas, less critical in others, but the stores are not even close to being back to "normal" in the areas where the problems occurred, meats, canned goods, cleaning supplies and paper products.
Therefore it stands to reason that if they aren't even where they were the first time around, when shutdowns start again, and others suspend their re-openings, those stores that are still seeing the shortages from last time around, are going to be depleted very quickly.
It is past time to try to get as self-sufficient as possible for you in your situation.
STILL/BACK IN STOCK ITEMS FOR DELIVERY (From previous food shortage piece)
[Editors Note] If any product above sells out, please contact ANP so I can remove them from the list.
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