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November 1, 2022

Media Proves Enemy Of The People Status - Conservative Teen Murdered After Biden Targets 'MAGA Republicans' Gets No Coverage, While Pelosi Attack Gets Wall-To-Wall Coverage

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

As the story of Paul Pelosi, the husband of soon-to-be former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, continues to change from the original reporting, leaving the nation with more questions than answers, is still receiving wall-to-wall coverage, with the media, democrat politicians and liberals across the internet blaming "violent" Republican "rhetoric," we see ample, and conclusive proof that the MSM in America is indeed the "enemy of the people."

Some might claim that the MSM being the propaganda arm for the Democrat party makes them the enemy of only half the U.S. population, but I would counter that those that by constantly lying to democrats and liberals makes them their enemy as well, the liberals that trust them just don't know it, because they are too gullible to "see" it.

What is that proof?

Direct comparison as to how the media reports physical attacks against Republicans compared to the never-ending litany of verbal attacks against Republicans any time a physical attack against a Democrat happens.


Just weeks after Joe Biden took to his bully pulpit and called upon Americans to "defend democracy," against "MAGA" Republicans, a 40+ year old man ran over a teenager, killing him, because he thought the boy belonged to a "Republican extremist" group.

Biden's exact words were:

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic."

But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country."

The man who occupies the White House, literally targeted half of America, wanting the other half to "defend" the Republic "extremism" from "MAGA Republicans."

Next thing we know, a teenager is dead. Is it Biden's fault that a twisted individual murdered a kid? That depends on if we are playing by the same rules the media and Democrats play by.

If we are playing by those same rules, than Joe Biden is responsible for the murder of a teenager, as we see wall-to-wall media headlines blaming Republican, Republicans "violent" rhetoric, and yes, even Donald Trump is being blamed.

Big surprise there.

Attack on Nancy Pelosis husband follows years of GOP demonizing her

Paul Pelosi is a victim of poisoned politics. Those inciting violence must be held to account.

Rob Reiner Calls For Indictment Of Trump - Claims Trump Directly Responsible For Attack On Paul Pelosi

This Is About Election Denialism: CNN Reporter Finds A Way To Blame GOP For Pelosi Attack

Extremist political violence is increasing, experts warn

Paul Pelosi attack: Get ready for more political violence

Paul Pelosi recovering as attack renews focus on toxic politics

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During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Those types of headlines go on and on and on. "Toxic" politics, attacks against Nancy Pelosi caused this, politics are poisoned because some bat-crap crazy guy, who took drugs and at one point thought he was Jesus, went after Nancy Pelosi and hammered her husband instead.

The problem for Democrats and the media, is we didn't any of those types of claims about poisoned politics after a teenager was brutally murdered.

Let us take a look at how the MSM reported on the Republican teenagers murder.

CNN:Man admits fatally striking 18-year-old with vehicle after political argument, police say

Brandt told a 911 dispatcher the victim was part of a Republican extremist group, according to court documents. Authorities did not provide further details of Brandts claims nor the specifics of the alleged argument.

Zero mention of Biden's speech targeting Republicans or "toxic" politics. Not a single one.

Fox News highlights how long it took for certain news outlets to even mention the murder of a Republican teenager.

None of the five major news networks ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC have offered any on-air coverage to the attack on Wednesday and Thursday, according to Grabien transcripts.

The first page of search results beings up Fox, NYP, Washington Examiner, and other right-leaning news outlets, buy finding major MSM news outlets reporting on it, is an actual hunt.

Remember we have seen non-stop coverage of the Pelosi attack since the day it happened, all blaming Republicans and so-called "toxic" rhetoric from Republicans.

We did find one from CBS on that first Bing search page:

North Dakota driver charged with fatally striking teenager says he purposely hit the teen after a political argument

A word search on that linked article brings up zero mentions of Biden or his speech targeting Republicans. "Toxic" politics, nor "poisoned" politics are mentioned either.

Page two brings up a NY Daily News article titled "North Dakota man tells police he mowed down teen who was part of Republican extremist group

A word search on that linked article brings up zero mentions of Biden or his speech targeting Republicans. "Toxic" politics, nor "poisoned" politics are mentioned either.

The UK's Daily Mail, does provide a headline on page two of the search results which states "Biden is 'inflaming his supporters to violence' and 'has blood on his hands': GOP tears into President's rhetoric after driver killed teen 'because he believed he was a Republican' - and say if a Democrat was mowed down there would be non-stop coverage

I highlight the Daily Mail piece for a few of reasons. 1) They address the Biden speech even if it is to highlight what Republicans, tired of the double standards, were saying; 2) Sadly we seem to get more accurate news from foreign press about American politics, than we do America's national press, and; 3) The Pelosi attack proved Republicans' claims perfectly, we have seen "non-stop coverage," at a time where it is an actual mission just to find MSM stories about the dead teenager.

On page three of the search results, Newsweek addresses the killing of the teenager.

Conservatives Blame Biden After Man Kills Teen Over GOP 'Extremist' Views

The point here is that the only MSM mentioning Biden's speech, are those talking about what conservatives are saying, so the media itself, did not associate the two, yet with Pelosi's attack... they are blaming Republicans "toxic" attacks against Nancy Pelosi.

AP report on slain North Dakota teen omits alleged assailant thought victim was 'Republican extremist'


Once again the American MSM proves they are the "enemy of the people."

Their blatant hatred for Republicans and attacks against them while doing everything in their power to protect Democrats, automatically shows they consider Republicans their "enemy."

I would like to reiterate that just because the MSM is pushing Democrat propaganda against Republicans, it doesn't make them "friends" of liberal Americans.

By lying to their liberal audiences, on behalf of Democrat politicians, makes them as much of an enemy to liberals and they are to conservatives, just in different ways.

Deliberately keeping liberal audiences misinformed and/or uninformed, is not an act of friendliness.

While highlighting the status of the media as still being the "enemy of the people," for ANP readers may seem like "preaching to the choir," we note that the more their enemy status, their blame games, hypocrisy and double standards are put in the spotlight, the more Americans awaken to the media being the biggest threat to "democracy" (I know we are a Republican but I am using a quote here!).

A poll released earlier this week by The New York Times and Siena College asked respondents if they believe democracy is currently under threat. A majority of voters agreed democracy is under threat.

But an article published on Tuesday by The Washington Posts Philip Bump highlighted a curious aspect of the poll.

As it turns out, 84 percent of respondents said yes, the mainstream media posed a threat to democracy, including 6 in 10 who said it posed a major threat, Bump wrote.

He added, That was the highest percentage of any of the 10 options the pollsters presented in part because it was one of the few options for which there was bipartisan support.

The more Independent Media call them out and provide proof for each lie, each piece of propaganda, and for constantly pushing Democrat propaganda, the les trust Americans have in the MSM.

Via Gallup:

Americans' trust in the media remains sharply polarized along partisan lines, with 70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 27% of independents saying they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence.

That pretty much tells us everything we need to know about the media and the level of gullibility on the part of their liberal audiences.

Flashback:Rasmussen Poll: 58% Say Media Is 'Enemy of the People'

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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