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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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September 3, 2022

War Has Been Declared And We Must Be Prepared To Survive The Biden Regime's Next Moves Against Patriotic Americans - In The End It Will Come Down To Who Can Last The Longest

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

A quick hat tip to Alan Barton for the reminder that September is National Preparedness Month, which makes the timing of Joe Biden's speech where he declared war on "MAGA" Republicans, fortuitous.

I have no desire to delve into the actual Hitler-esque type speech Biden gave as others on ANP have done a great job already, here and here.

What happens when said "war" declaration is reciprocated by those Biden is targeting? When the half of America Biden declared a "threat" to our Republic decides they have had enough attacks from the tin-pot dictator wannabe, Biden.

One major commonality I have noticed since joining the prepper community, is survivalists and preppers are generally conservative in nature. The same goes for farmers and ranchers.

The very people that; 1) Make sure there is food in the grocery stores, are likely part of the group that Biden has declared war on; 2) Those that have been preparing for everything from catastrophic weather events to terrorists attacks to SHTF scenarios, and; 3) Are well armed and trained in firearms.

You know, those that can survive without said grocery stores if the civil war in America gets hotter than it already is.

Granted, not all conservatives are preppers, but Biden's speech makes it crystal clear, they all should be.

Which side is armed to the teeth? Which side is so scared of guns they blame the "weapon" for the damage those firing said weapon causes? Which side pushes for gun control and are not prepared to defend themselves?

Which side produces the majority of the food that feed the nation? Which side acts like the produce and meats in the grocery just magically appears there?

When all hell breaks loose and there is more blood in the streets than we have seen previously with the liberal riots of 2020, one group of people will not only be prepared to defend their families, homes, neighbors and communities, but will also be able to survive without stores, banks, ATMs, and even electricity, if this war Biden is pushing for ends up causing a grid down scenario.

We know which side would win, which is why Biden's handlers though it would be a good idea to have the U.S. military seen in the background of Biden speech in which he declared war on conservatives.

Intimidation, pure and simple.

When push comes to shove, those prepared will survive, those unprepared will not. All one really has to do is remember when the economy-killing lockdowns were enacted, the unprepared went panic shopping, leaving shortages of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, eventually causing shortages of meats and other consumables, while preppers kicked back, already stocked up on all they needed, and watched the chaos that ensued.

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Withdonations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


As the media is too busy focusing on trying to help Democrat stave off a red wave in the November midterms to bother keeping Americans up to date on the supply chain crisis and the rising costs of food, we do have some updates in order to keep the Independent Media audience more informed than the sheep still paying attention to the MSM.

Americans Grocery Bills Set to Reach New Highs on Food Inflation

Finished consumer food prices up almost 16% from last July

Egg prices jumped 44.2%, plus big increases for beef and veal

Prices paid to US producers for finished consumer foods jumped nearly 16% in the year through July, the biggest surge since 1974, according to Labor Department data released Thursday. A good chunk of that was due to a 44.2% rise in the cost of eggs, plus substantial increases in the prices of fresh and dry vegetables as well as beef and veal.

Thats an ominous sign for Americans who are already doling out much more for groceries, because producer prices tend to eventually filter through to consumers. Overall, consumer and producer prices both moderated in July, but it was largely due to a drop in energy costs. Food prices remain stubbornly high and risk keeping inflation elevated.

Food prices continue soaring despite inflation falling

Inflation finally cooled off in July, but food prices went in the opposite direction hitting their highest rate of growth in some 43 years.

Inflation hits Americans' grocery bills as food prices accelerate

Food prices surged 13.1% in July, highest since 1979

Americans are paying more at the grocery store for a number of items that have climbed considerably in price over the past year. That includes staples like eggs (38%), chicken (16.6%), milk (15.6%), potatoes (13.3%), rice (12.7%) and fresh fruits and vegetables (8.2%).

Finding articles detailing this critical issue isn't as easy as it should be, because once again, the media are too focused on their activism and propaganda for the Democrat parting ahead of misterms to care about the preparedness of Americans.

With food prices set to rise with no end in sight, preppers' stockpiles could be the only saving grace for those living paycheck to paycheck. For some, it is time to reevaluate what we consider "sufficient" compared to what we use to think was plenty.


We have made the following point before, but it is worth reiterating: We used to prepare for catastrophic events or even prolonged power outages due to weather, but now prepping has become something needed just to survive the Biden regime.

Food prices, shortages, inflation all around, and now a clear threat and attack by the man occupying the White House against half of America.

Many of us are already prepared, periodically topping off supplies or replacing things used, or even deciding to expand out stockpiles. We also have heard that most preppers know of, or are related to, people that are not "preppers" and in fact could probably not survive a prolonged timeframe of being able to get to the store or bank, or conduct every day life activities.

As I said, Biden's speech should be a huge red flag waving to conservatives that aren't preppers, that they should be.

For those of us with family that hasn't gotten it through their thick heads how dangerous the Biden regime is to anyone to the right of the center politically, a food bucket here, a medical first aid kit there, some canned goods and other types of prepping supplies, would make good gifts, and when SHTF, could be the difference to between life and death of the recipient.

The month of September is considered National Preparedness Month, and what a better time to start helping friends and family get prepared to survive what is coming? Even if for no other reason than you don't want them on your doorstep when SHTF, using up all your supplies.

So, whether expanding your own stockpiles, or trying to help friends and family get prepared, some consumables are more critical than others at this moment, such as the foods mentioned above, chicken, beef, veal, eggs, produce and dairy products.

Below are some links but we are avoiding "fresh" meats because unfortunately the online costs have become almost as high as what is being seen in grocery stores. We are also avoiding, just for this piece, canned goods, because if you are helping get others started for National Preparedness Month ( a good reason to give them!), most won't know to rotate their stockpiles.


Fully Cooked Bacon, Ready to Eat, 80 Slices Per Pack / Case, 10 Year Shelf Life, Superior to Canned, Real Thick Cut, 2+ Pounds, No Refrigeration Needed

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Chicken | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping & Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Ground Beef | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping, or Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze Dried Beef Dices | 80 Large Servings | Premium Quality | USDA Inspected | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping | Survival Food

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Sausage Crumbles | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping, Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25 Year Shelf-Life

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Pulled Pork | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Canned Meat | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Meat for Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | #10 Can | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life (4-Pack)

ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze-Dried Meat, Survival-Food Disaster Kit for Hurricane Preparedness, Camping Food, Prepper Supplies, Emergency Supplies, Entre Variety-Pack Bucket, 60 Servings, Meat


Augason Farms Freeze Dried Vegetable Variety Pack 4 gallon Kit

Nutristore Freeze Dried Vegetable Variety Bucket | 1 Month Supply | Healthy Snacks | Perfect for Emergency, Survival or Everyday Food

Augason Farms Dehydrated Potato Shreds

Augason Farms Dehydrated Potato Slices

Eggs & Dairy:

ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze-Dried Powdered-Egg Bucket, Disaster Kit for Hurricane Preparedness, Camping Food, Prepper Supplies, Emergency Supplies,144 Servings

Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can, 72 servings

Judees Whole Egg Powder 11 oz - No Additives, Just One Ingredient, Pasteurized - 100% Non-GMO, Gluten-Free and Nut-Free - Great for Camping & Outdoor Preparation - High Protein and Vitamin Source

Eggylicious Whole Egg Powder, Dried Natural Protein Powder, Made from Fresh Eggs, White & Yolk mixed, Pasteurized, Non-GMO, No Additives, Used for Baking Icing,1lbs

Hoosier Hill Farm Heavy Cream Powder Jar, 1 Pound

All American Whole Milk Powder by Hoosier Hill Farm, 2 LB (Pack of 1)

Hoosier Hill Farm Sour Cream Powder, 1 Pound

Augason Farms Cheese Blend Powder Certified Gluten Free Long Term Food Storage Everyday Meal Prep Large Can

Hoosier Hill Farm White Cheddar Cheese Powder, Cheese Lovers, 2 Pound

Augason Farms Butter Powder 2 lbs 4 oz No. 10 Can

While we do not have links to provide because the online prices are outrageous, we still wish to warn readers that we are hearing a lot about the expected price of turkey for Thanksgiving, so it might be a good idea to order your turkey now, get your sides and freeze it all until Thanksgiving when prices are expected to be very high.

Related:Record Turkey Prices Are Coming for Thanksgiving


No one knows what the Biden regime's next moves will entail, but after his declation of war against half of America in his recent speech, along with his corrupt agencies already labeling patriotic Americans as potential "domestic terrorists," it can't be good, and we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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