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July 26, 2019

What Do NASA And The US Govt Know That We Don't Know? NASA Aircraft Scanning San Andreas And Idaho Volcanoes Hint The 'Big One' Is Coming But Cascadia Would Be 'The Monster'

- 'The Govt Is Aware Of The Real Threat But Keeps The People In The Dark Lest They Panic The Herd'


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Several years ago, NASA's Earth Observatory website put out this story titled "NASA Radar Provides 3-D View Of San Andreas Fault" within which they not only showed a 3-D image of a small section of the 800-mile-long fracture zone but also linked to this story titled "Scientists Search for a Pulse in Skies Above Earthquake Country" which we'll be exploring within this ANP story after a NASA jetliner startled California residents recently, flying low over large parts of the state and over the volcanoes in the state of Idaho as seen in the screenshots above and below in this ANP story.

As NASA's JPL had reported all the way back in 2009, a new weapon in the depository of earthquake detection tools was using specialized aircraft to search for clues from aboveand what was then a new 3-D Radar tool that was developed by NASA's JPL scientists, adding a new airborne earthquake detection radar tool to their arsenal.

Called the Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar, or UAVSAR, this L-band wavelength radar flies aboard a modified NASA Gulfstream III aircraft from NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif. The compact, reconfigurable radar, housed in a pod under the aircraft's fuselage, uses pulses of microwave energy to detect and measure very subtle deformations in Earth's surface, such as those caused by earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides and glacier movements.

UAVSAR works like this: flying at a nominal altitude of 13,800 meters (45,000 feet), the radar collects data over a selected region. It then flies over the same region again, minutes to months later, using the aircraft's advanced navigation system to precisely fly over the same path to an accuracy of within 4.6 meters (15 feet). By comparing these camera-like images, called interferograms, over time, scientists can measure the slow surface deformations involved with the buildup and release of strain along earthquake faults.

With NASA817 flying over not only the San Andreas fault in California just days ago in zig zag patterns as seen in the screenshot above but also flying overdozens of potentially active volcanoes in Idaho on Wednesday as seen in the next flight pattern from Flight Aware screenshot below, do NASA and the US government know something that we don't know? We'll take a look within this ANP story at the latest signs of great earth changes potentially ahead including looking at what a long overdue earthquake in the Cascadia Subduction Zone off of the Pacific Northwest Coast might look like as well as new concerns being voiced by geologists over a long overdue devastating quake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.

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According tothe director of the Southern California Earthquake Center, Thomas Jordan, "the San Andreas fault appears to be in a critical state and as such, could generate a large earthquake imminently". Describing the situation at the southern end of the fault as "locked, loaded and ready to go", as Strange Sounds reported in this July 21st story,there has not been a major release of stresses in the southern portion of the San Andreas fault system since 1857 so the stress between the Pacific plate and the North American plate have kept building up since then, over 150 years worth of energy.

And while the Strange Sounds story reports that we've had periodic big quakes along the San Andreas that have been both catastrophic and have helped to alleviate some of the energy along the fault line that's been building up, experts are warning it's just a matter of time before the energy accumulated over the past 150+ years explodes in a catastrophic megaquake.

In 1906, some of these stresses were catastrophically released in the San Francisco Bay area in a 7.8 magnitude event and again, in northern California, during the 6.9 magnitude 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Events of these magnitudes, however, have not occurred along the San Andreas fault in the south of the state the 1994 Northridge event was associated with a nearby, but separate, fault system leading to the suggestion that one is imminent and, given the amount of stress that might actually have accumulated, when it arrives it will be the Big One.

Yet as we'll also explore within the next section of this story below, the 'big one' hitting the San Andreas isn't even the biggest earthquake threat now facing the United States, with the Cascadia Subduction Zone potentially set to pop off a quake that might make the 'big one' along the San Andreas fault look like a leisurely walk in the park.


As the New Yorker had reported as their subtitle of this July of 2015 story titled "The REALLY Big One", "one day, a gigantic earthquake will destroy a sizeable portion of the Pacific Northwest, it's just a matter of time." The first sentence that went with the lead photo seen above of their story: "The next full-margin rupture of the Cascadia subduction zone will spell the worst natural disaster in the history of the continent."

As Strange Sounds had reported in this January 29th story titled "The MEGA Cascadia earthquake is OVERDUE and could strike the west coast of the US at any moment creating huge 30 metre-high tsunami waves within seconds Prepare for this apocalyptic event", according to geologist Yumei Wang of the Oregon Geology and Mineral Industries, the major earthquake in the Cascadia region is already more than 50 years overdue. Will we witness it in our lifetime?

The following excerpts come to us from this New Yorker story saved at Archive, a story that all of the geophysicists, volcanologists and seismologists that Steve Quayle and his production crew are interviewing for a new project he is working on consider the finest journalistic article written to date on the true dangers of Cascadia.

Most people in the United States know just one fault line by name: the San Andreas, which runs nearly the length of California and is perpetually rumored to be on the verge of unleashing the big one. That rumor is misleading, no matter what the San Andreas ever does. Every fault line has an upper limit to its potency, determined by its length and width, and by how far it can slip. For the San Andreas, one of the most extensively studied and best understood fault lines in the world, that upper limit is roughly an 8.2a powerful earthquake, but, because the Richter scale is logarithmic, only six per cent as strong as the 2011 event in Japan.

Just north of the San Andreas, however, lies another fault line. Known as the Cascadia subduction zone, it runs for seven hundred miles off the coast of the Pacific Northwest, beginning near Cape Mendocino, California, continuing along Oregon and Washington, and terminating around Vancouver Island, Canada. The Cascadia part of its name comes from the Cascade Range, a chain of volcanic mountains that follow the same course a hundred or so miles inland. The subduction zone part refers to a region of the planet where one tectonic plate is sliding underneath (subducting) another. Tectonic plates are those slabs of mantle and crust that, in their epochs-long drift, rearrange the earths continents and oceans. Most of the time, their movement is slow, harmless, and all but undetectable. Occasionally, at the borders where they meet, it is not.

Their story then gave us a little 'hand game' that we can try along at home that helps illustrate what the Cascadia Subduction Zone is facing before dropping the bomb on us; such a quake when finally released could be between an 8.0 magnitude quake and an 8.6, "and if the entire zone gives way at once, the magnitude will be somewhere between 8.7 and 9.2"

Take your hands and hold them palms down, middle fingertips touching. Your right hand represents the North American tectonic plate, which bears on its back, among other things, our entire continent, from One World Trade Center to the Space Needle, in Seattle. Your left hand represents an oceanic plate called Juan de Fuca, ninety thousand square miles in size. The place where they meet is the Cascadia subduction zone. Now slide your left hand under your right one. That is what the Juan de Fuca plate is doing: slipping steadily beneath North America. When you try it, your right hand will slide up your left arm, as if you were pushing up your sleeve. That is what North America is not doing. It is stuck, wedged tight against the surface of the other plate.

Without moving your hands, curl your right knuckles up, so that they point toward the ceiling. Under pressure from Juan de Fuca, the stuck edge of North America is bulging upward and compressing eastward, at the rate of, respectively, three to four millimetres and thirty to forty millimetres a year. It can do so for quite some time, because, as continent stuff goes, it is young, made of rock that is still relatively elastic. (Rocks, like us, get stiffer as they age.) But it cannot do so indefinitely. There is a backstopthe craton, that ancient unbudgeable mass at the center of the continentand, sooner or later, North America will rebound like a spring. If, on that occasion, only the southern part of the Cascadia subduction zone gives wayyour first two fingers, saythe magnitude of the resulting quake will be somewhere between 8.0 and 8.6. Thats the big one. If the entire zone gives way at once, an event that seismologists call a full-margin rupture, the magnitude will be somewhere between 8.7 and 9.2. Thats the very big one.

Flick your right fingers outward, forcefully, so that your hand flattens back down again. When the next very big earthquake hits, the northwest edge of the continent, from California to Canada and the continental shelf to the Cascades, will drop by as much as six feet and rebound thirty to a hundred feet to the westlosing, within minutes, all the elevation and compression it has gained over centuries. Some of that shift will take place beneath the ocean, displacing a colossal quantity of seawater. (Watch what your fingertips do when you flatten your hand.) The water will surge upward into a huge hill, then promptly collapse. One side will rush west, toward Japan. The other side will rush east, in a seven-hundred-mile liquid wall that will reach the Northwest coast, on average, fifteen minutes after the earthquake begins. By the time the shaking has ceased and the tsunami has receded, the region will be unrecognizable. Kenneth Murphy, who directs femas Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, says, Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast.

So while NASA is flying their sniffer planes over Idaho and the San Andreas Fault line, experts have left us no doubt that when the Cascadia Subduction Zone pops, America will look like a different nation afterwards.


And as we hear in the final video below as was reported in this July 12th story over at Strange Sounds, the San Andreas Fault and the Pacific Northwest are not the only areas overdue for a killer quake, with the 150-mile-long New Madrid Seismic Zone way overdue for a monstrous quake which experts recently warned has a terrifying 40% chance to blast in the next few decades, impacting 7 states Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi with 715,000 buildings damaged and 2.6m people left without power.

Way back in 1811 and 1812, a series of over 1,000 earthquakes rocked the Mississippi River between St. Louis and Memphis. One was so powerful that it caused the river to run backwards for a few hours. The infamous New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812 rang church bells in Boston, which is 1,200 miles from St. Louis.

As the Strange Sounds story reports,the New Madrid fault has an impact zone ten times as big as its more famous San Andreas cousinand as this November of 2018 story over at the Fullerton Sun had reported, that threat, and the fact that the New Madrid is already well overdue for its next set of massive quakes, have one US General shaking.:

We're not ready for the next big one.

"(The National Guard) can handle anything domestically, probably, with the exception of the New Madrid fault," Maj. Gen. Stephen Danner told an audience of William Woods University students Wednesday.


No one knows when the next "big one" will arrive.

The New Madrid Seismic Zone is buried 100-200 feet underground, according to the Missouri Geological Survey. It's primarily monitored by using seismographs, instruments that can measure earthquakes large and small, to detect the frequency of micro-quakes along the fault.

Seismologist earthquake scientists also look at historical data, both recorded by people and in the soil and rock itself, to calculate the frequency of past major quakes along the fault. That allows them to guess how frequently large earthquakes occur along the fault.

The current best guess, the MGS states, is that the NMSZ is about 30 years overdue for a magnitude 6.3 earthquake one strong enough to damage ordinary buildings and overturn heavy furniture. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake, as serious as the 1811-12 series, may arrive by 2069.

Seismologists project the shockwaves from a magnitude 7.6 quake in the NMSZ would reach Callaway County, resulting in slight-to-moderate damage in well-built buildings and some broken chimneys. However, the disruption to utilities could be severe and lasting.

"I've seen firsthand when there's unrest on the civil side," Danner said. "What happens when you don't have sewer, water, electric and gas for weeks at a time and you have a population that's well-armed?"

With luck, we won't be finding out any time soon.


Back on July 9th, we published this story on ANP titled "As West Coast Plays Russian Roulette With Mother Nature, Planet Earth Is Locked And Loaded" within which we shared a dire warning to Americans from earthquake experts: "Preparing For The Next Big Quake NOW Could Make The Difference Between Life And Death Later".

Within that story we had linked to a number of different earthquake preparation products that several different ANP readers emailed us later to thank us for doing as it gave them a ready made list of supplies that one can order right now to prepare for an earthquake with delivery as soon as days so we've gone ahead and republished this list of earthquake prepping supplies for you.

Skyla Homes - Furniture and TV Anti Tip Straps (6-Pack) | Adjustable Earthquake Resistant Straps | Best Wall Anchor | Protection for Children | Baby Proof & Extra Strong ABS Kit

Hangman Products TK400-4 Furniture Anti-Tip Kit

Dasco Pro 211 Gooseneck Wrecking Bar, 24-Inch

Rescue Guard First Aid Kit Hurricane Disaster or Earthquake Emergency Survival Bug Out Bag Supplies for Families - up to 12 Day Multi Person 72 Hours of Disaster Preparedness Supplies

3M R9211-10 Particulate Respirator, 10-Pack

BigBlue 3 USB Ports 28W Solar Charger, 5V Foldable Waterproof Outdoor Solar Battery Charger With SunPower Solar Panel Compatible for iPhone 8/X/7/6s, Samsung Galaxy LG etc

RunningSnail Solar Crank NOAA Weather Radio for Emergency with AM/FM, Flashlight, Reading Lamp and 2000mAh Power Bank

Duracell Quantum Alkaline AAA Batteries, 12 Count

S.O.L Survive Outdoors Longer 80 Percent Heat Reflective Durable Lightweight Emergency Bivvy, Silver

Coleman 3000002236 Cooler 150Qt Marine White Omld Tri

Duck Brand 240867 MAX Strength Duct Tape, 1.88 Inches by 35 Yards, Black, Single Roll

First Alert Fire Extinguisher | Professional Fire Extinguisher, Red, 5 lb, PRO5

As in many kinds of SHTF emergencies such as a cyber attack that brings down the electrical grid, with a catastrophic earthquake always comes the potential of downed power grids so having a generator on hand could make the difference between being able to power up one's refrigerator and freezer and keeping perishable foods still good and possibly losing everything. Several different generators available as near as a next day delivery in some cases include include.:

DuroStar Hybrid Dual Fuel DS10000EH 10,000-Watt Portable Generator

Champion 3800-Watt Dual Fuel RV Ready Portable Generator with Electric Start

Duromax XP4850EH 3850 Running Watts/4850 Starting Watts Dual Fuel Electric Start Portable Generator

As we had reported on ANP back on July 6th in this story titled "With The US Senate Now Hinting At A Catastrophic Grid Down Scenario Ahead, Americans Should Prepare For The Total Chaos That Will Be Unleashed By A Return To The Dark Ages", having back up communications might be crucial should the grid and modern day communications go down as well.

Baofeng Emergency Communications Radios

BaoFeng BF-F8HP (UV-5R 3rd Gen) 8-Watt Dual Band Two-Way Radio (136-174MHz VHF & 400-520MHz UHF) Includes Full Kit with Large Battery

2019 Unlocked IsatPhone 2.1 Satellite Phone with 100 Unit Prepaid SIM Card (77 Minutes/Valid 90 Days) - Voice, SMS, GPS Tracking, Emergency SOS Global Coverage - Water Resistant

And of course, having food and water is absolutely crucial to being able to survive any kind of emergency which brings about 'the end of the world as we know it' with some stores either shut down, unreachable or completely destroyed. And the best thing about long term survival food is, should one not need it during this emergency, it'll still be good the next one.

Augason Farms 1-Year 4-Person Emergency Food Supply | Shelter-in-Place Kit | 360 Large Cans | 30 Year Shelf Life

Augason Farms 6-Month 1-Person Emergency Food Supply | Shelter-in-Place Kit | 60 Large Cans | Up to 30 Year Shelf Life 5-07011

3 Month Long Term Emergency Food Supply Kit - Eden Valley Farms

Wise Emergency Survival Food - Freeze Dried Meat & Rice Bucket (240 Count)

NuManna INT-NMFP 144 Meals, Emergency Survival Food Storage Kit, Separate Rations, in a Bucket, 25 Plus Year Shelf Life, GMO-Free

Freeze-dried Meat by Nutristore | Assorted Premium Pack (Beef Dices, Chicken Dices, Ground Beef and Sausage Crumbles) | 80 Large Servings | Survival Food | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping

Augason Farms Breakfast Emergency Food Supply 11 lbs 1.8 oz 4 Gallon Pail

Millennium Energy Bars Assorted Flavors Including Emergency Guide

Wise Foods Gluten Free Freeze Dried Fruit 156 Servings

Survival Tabs 60-Day 720 Tabs Emergency Food Ration Survival MREs Food Replacement for Outdoor Activities Disaster Preparedness Gluten Free and Non-GMO 25 Years Shelf Life Long Term - Mixed Flavor

Crystal Geyser Pallet Of 84 Cases, Of Alpine 100% Natural Spring Water, 24 16.9oz bottlesper Case, Bottled at The Source

Mightie Company Worlds #1 Water Purification Tablets

As Steve Quayle, who has been studying these earth changes for many years, warns us of the dangers of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, "the government is aware of the real threat but keeps the people in the dark lest they panic the herd".

Each of the videos below take a look at potential quakes in each of the regions discussed, with the 1st video looking at a potential megaquake along the San Andreas fault line, a quake long overdue, while the 2nd video below take a look at the worst case scenario that would be unleashed with a Cascadia Subduction zone quake. And as mentioned previously, in the final video below we hear about the New Madrid already being overdue for an earthquake that will likely be felt on the East coast with potentially tens to hundreds of millions of Americans affected should 'the big one' strike that region.

EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Despite generous donations, the still dwindling advertising revenue over the course of the last two years has forced us to completely deplete all our savings just to survive and continue to keep All News PipeLine online.

So due to continuous attacks upon us and ongoing censorship, ANP is extending our emergency fundraiser through September.


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