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February 10, 2022
With Joe Biden And Democrats Showing Weakness And Incompetency Not Seen For Many Ages, The 'New World Order' Most Have Never Heard Of Doesn't Include The United States
- America Has Descended Into The Dismal Abyss Of Near Dictatorship
First a little bit of background. The Geller Report recently had an interesting article where they discuss that with the illegal Biden regime infesting our White House, China and Russia are now discussing their own plan for a New World Order, and it does not include the USA. The incompetent Biden administration has in one year wrecked Americas strength, credibility, and deterrence. This is the result. Brace yourself for what could be coming in the next three years. Most especially after the Winter Olympics is over. China and Russia know that they have a three year window of opportunity to fulfill their objectives. And it looks like they intend to do just that. The Washington Examiner also wrote about this situation saying Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian PresidentVladimir Putinissued a joint statement that forecast the transformation of the global governance architecture and world order. And that transformation would be marked by the progress of concepts and initiatives that Moscow and Beijing conceived separately, often in opposition to the U.S. and its Western allies, and now could develop into an integrated challenge to American power.
What they propose or rather suggest is a new world order, isnt it? They have not left out a single policy issue, Stefanie Babst, former NATO chief strategic policy analyst, explained to theWashington Examiner. The prime addressee sits in the White House, with the main message being, F*** you. We are the future, and you are the past.' They also claimed that China and Russia together is superior to NATO and the west, supporting my claim that they will not attack us independently but will work together to defeat us in battle.
Wow if that isnt unsettling enough for you then hang on, it gets worse.
From a We Love Trump article that said the Rockefeller speech from 1991 exposes an evil plot to dominate the world creating a single world government in a New World Order and they quote from a number of other articles on this subject and include these quotes; Watch as he praises the media for collaborating with him to bring in a New World Order.. [note; it refers to a video found here] .The Rockefellers have long been associated with the idea of a secret world government,New World Order, or One World Order, through institutions such as the Trilateral Commission, which was founded by David Rockefeller to facilitate international economic cooperation and having lots of fancy foreign conferences. Other secretive institutions like theBilderberg Groupare often implicated[Wikipedia] They supposedly control American money through theFederal Reserve. In particular, they are in conspiracy with theRothschild family(Evil Jewishbankers), Warburgs,Goldman Sachs, Lehmans, Kuhn Loeb, and other international financier
David Rockefeller was a huge part of virtually every secret organization of ultra rich on the planet.David Rockefeller: Staunch Backer of Global Government
David Rockefeller: A Life of Deceit and Dishonor.We are grateful toThe Washington Post,The New York Times,Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination [democracy] practiced in past centuries.
David Rockefeller in June 5, 1991 at the Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany
That should help set the stage for why China and Russia hate the De Rothschild Kingdom and Central Banker friends of the NWO and want to destroy it before it takes over their nations completely as it has ours and most of the rest of the Western world. I cannot blame them because the cabal of Red Shields cronies has all but finally destroyed civilization. Harley Schlanger has a two part story on Sarah Westall that discusses the Ukraine war, what is actually going on in the country and how the Great Reset ties into the conflict. We also discuss the disgusting and incredible fleecing of America occurring right now by the Globalists, the Federal Reserve and the Biden Administration who are determined to destroy the United States and all Western Countries and concludes in the second part here. The two part videos included are very good and discuss evil people like Soros and other world Satanists and their world wars and resets and plans to destroy totally western Christian civilization and how it relates to current Russian aggression and how theBidens were involved in the civil war in Ukraine that set the stage for our current showdown - it was an Obama/Biden coup in Ukraine which is also a preview of the 2020 democrat coup in the USA. It was all planned out and practiced first in other nations to be sure any kinks were ironed out first before launching on a much larger scale here at home.
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Russia is against the Great Reset because it takes away national sovereignty and control by taking away the power of a nation to invest in their own economy and even worse, the World Central Banks would take over not only credit and currency policy or monetary policy but also the nations fiscal policy. In other words, to take over the power from the worlds governments that is now covered by their own legislatures and leaders. That creates a central bankers dictatorship and Putin, Xi and the like will not allow that to happen. The Great Reset is directly connected with the Green New Deal which would turn the whole world into a third world hellhole just as it is currently doing to us right now. What Putin is saying to us is they will not listen to Klaus Schwab and that ilk of the worlds central bankers and allow them to take over full control of the world. This is the behind the scenes reason why Great Britain. United States and the others involved must be removed from the equation; and removed we will be for the safety of their own peoples.
The New York Times published a story on what they claim China and Russia has formed an alliance of autocracies but pretend that we are not one here. Their meeting during the Olympics led to a joint statement running more than 5,000 words, that announced a new closeness between China and Russia. It proclaimed a redistribution of power in the world and mentioned the U.S. six times, all critically. And the Washington Post used the same language and added that they matched that show of unity with substance: aremarkable joint statement,running more than 5,000 words, that can be described only as a blueprint for combined confrontation with the United States. The two countries endorsed each others foreign policy wish lists, with Russia affirming Chinas opposition to any forms of independence of Taiwan and China denouncing further enlargement of NATO.
Though not quite a green light from Beijing for Russian aggression against Ukraine,which was not mentioned by name, the statement signals that, if Russia invades, China will help Mr. Putinwithstand the crippling economic sanctions that the United States and its allies plan to impose. In fact, the document says, there are no limits to the twos friendship and no forbidden areas of cooperation, suggesting that it could some day extend into intelligence sharing and weapons development.
Sure, those two otherwise useless papers are radical left wing apologists for the worlds central bankers and New World coordinators, and they completely failed to also state (even though I know they do realize) that the USA has also descended into the dismal abyss of an autocratic dictatorship, but they still ply the official words of impending world war just as they are paid to do. Unfortunately, I believe that war will happen regardless of what else we do now. But to their credit they also mention that Russia and China have many potential points of conflict. That point will come into play further down the road of history that is coming at us head-on with deafening speed. That speed of what is coming will not allow us to hear anyone that has any solution to the impending doom.
How fast is that war approaching us? Rapidly, but I think we as American Preppars and Christians still have a very small timetable to accomplish a few last moment preparations for it. I seriously doubt it will come before the Olympics are finished and likely for a small period after that, but those things that make it so likely to occur now cannot last much longer. The evil Biden regime cannot last much longer, preparations are almost finished on Russias side and China is just about ready on their side of the globe, and since the last Salt treaty is apparently over now, we are preparing for a nuclear holocaust. The MonkeyWerx update of February 7th is our first video at the bottom of todays article. In it he describes the US is moving Minuteman missiles around and shows the flights that we are using to fly our embassy personnel out of the immediate area of conflict. He also mentions that we are flying troops around as the US troop movements are on the uptick while the other side seems to have already filled those preparations. Our spy birds and aircraft are making more flights along the Ukraine border and surrounding areas as well as the South China Sea while we also have highly increased surveillance of our own nation both in electronic intelligence gathering over the US proper as well as anti-submarine flights off of our coasts and even in waterways internal to the nation such as those surrounding DC, and in the Gulf. And they will want war before we restart production of B61-12 nuclear bombs this May.
Patriot United News told us a couple of weeks ago that Americans are now ordered to evacuate NOW the Biden-Harris regimes Department of State has ordered the families of U.S. government employees in Kyiv, Ukraine to leave the country immediately due to the increased threats of Russian invasion, with thousands ofPutinstroops and tanks poised on the border.The State dept. has also increased their Travel Advisory for the Eastern European nation to Level Four telling the public in a warning, Do Not Traveldue to the increased threats of significant Russian military action against Ukraine.When asked if the situation with Russia amassing troops near Ukraine could be brought back from the brink, Pompeo said, its awful late.
Thestatementissued by the Biden-Harris regime echoed disturbingly of the chaos in Kabul, Afghanistan, stating the US will not be in a position to evacuate our citizens should Russia attack. It is Insanity.
[M]ilitary action by Russia could come at any time and the United States government will not be in a position to evacuate American citizens in such a contingency, so U.S. citizens currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly, including by availing themselves of commercial options should they choose to leave the country.
In other words, Americans are ordered to leave because our nation now projects an image of weakness and incompetency not seen it the world for many ages. The situation along the Black Sea has only worsened since Bidens catastrophic press conference Friday when he predicted Putin would invade Ukraine, sayingMy guess is he will move in. He has to do something.and even suggested that Russia will be held accountable if it invades but added thatit depends on what it does. addingIf its something significantly short of a significant invasion or not even significant major military forces coming infor example, its one thing to determine that if they continue to use cyber efforts, we can respond the same way, with cyber. There are differences in NATO as to what countries are willing to do, depending on what happens. The degree to which they are able to go. That insanity is nothing short of a declaration to invade, and invade they will. They saw how weak the current US regime is and how incompetent they are; they will not let this opportunity escape their clutches. In a way, we can put it down to the old veep Pence because he lacked the honor and - well, balls to do the right thing and not certify the stolen election. Yes I am well aware that there are many thousands of idiots and traitors involved with that major fraud, but it did boil down at the end to his Treason Against the People of this once great nation.
And our southern border is still wide open; can you explain that to me? The threat of internal terror attacks is off the scales, and infiltration of our security systems of all kinds is severely compromised so do not be surprised when we have a major false flag event or sabotage events that can cripple our defenses. Remember that most of those invading our nation are single military aged men from around the globe, just about all nations are represented in this invading army, and we have huge numbers of Vichy Americans that will only help the enemy. Expect sabotage but also expect that it may well be indiscernible from a false flag event, or perhaps I should say that we will be getting both kinds of internal attacks and not able to tell the difference between the two. Thank you democrats.
World Net Daily points out that "the struggle for Ukraine" is a chapter in a series of U.S. orchestrated provocations, which began with the expansion of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) eastward to abut Russia's borders an expansion begun by President Clinton and pursued by Bush and Obama alike. It gathered momentum with the U.S.-backed attempts to incorporate Georgia and Ukraine into the North Atlantic alliance..On its border, Russia will soon have to endure the provocation of the NATO club, carrying out military maneuvers. As the Eurasia Review hasquipped, "America has a military presence in the Black Sea and in several former Soviet republics." Imagine if the Russian military sailed the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coastlines, as well as the Gulf of Mexico? As we know so well, NATO, at the behest of its paymaster, the USA, would never-ever dream of regime change. It's not like the U.S. has forced regime change before! One major error Russia does indeed cruse our coastline, all of our coastlines. And with the threats of the US policy toward Ukraine and Russia has not promoted peace between the two, but sought to sever the former's centuries-long ties to Russia and bring it into the U.S.-led NATO sphere of influence. Cold war is when conflict outweighs cooperation. Dtente is when conflict and friction are reduced. We're in a new cold war,arguedCohen, more dangerous than theCuban missile crisis of 1962. I say it is far more than just a cold war but rather the heating up of a very warm one to the condition of explosion; it is the positioning for a known upcoming conflagration. And with Russia and China working hand in hand to destroy us, that is exactly what will happen and at this point there is almost nothing the Satanic central bankers can do about it.
Although Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, who understood and feared nuclear weapons, thought they had ended the frightful Cold War, by the early 1990s, Bill Clinton had ignited it. It all began, in Cohen's estimation, with Clinton expanding NATO and bombing a Russian ally, Serbia. Although Bush Sr. had cast Russia as a defeated power beholden to America; Clinton amplified this characterization. Russia to these leaders had become a "vassal state." Bush II, for his part, had flooded Russia with waves of "Democracy promoting" agitators. In a word, it is the U.S. that has meddled in Russia in an attempt to make it over in its imagethey continued, and mention how the various proxy wars we are waging against Russia have inflamed the situation almost to the point of no return. Although not mentioned in that story, we know that it is the central bankers and autocratic monster corporations masquerading as the military industrial complex that are the force behind this evil. Leaders and thinkers who attempt to avert conflict with Russia are thoroughly demonized and destroyed, even accused of treason. Naturally licit behavior comity or diplomacy with Russia is criminalized by a federal government that has enough laws on the books to indicts each one of us, if it so desired. Witness theHelsinki summit, for which Trump's diplomacy saw him branded a traitor. Anyone who wants to reduce pressure with Russia is run out of town.
So far, the political storylinedu jourhas been manufactured by America's gilded elites. To this, D.C. operative Karl Rove confessed during the era of Bush II: "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality." When you're the most powerful entity in the world, as the U.S. government certainly was, you get to manufacture your own parallel universe with its unique rules of evidence and standards of proof. What's more, as the mightiest rule-maker, you can coerce other earthlings into "sharing" your alternate reality. And when war is on the horizon, America's elites enter a state of hysterical mass contagion, almost like animals in heat.
The Western Journal brings up another facet that must be addressed; that of our current regime being utterly incompetent. Not just the figure head little weasel puppet known as Brandonalone (please see the second video below) but the actors behind the White House such as the Kenyan and his cohorts who run things behind the scenes for the central bankers. The UK and the EU along with the U.S. have promised that they will impose new economic sanctions on Russia if it invades, according to CNBC..All told it sets out a serious diplomatic path forward, should Russia choose it, Blinken said, regarding communication sent to Russia, the AP reported. That is nonsense because they are only seeing things from a localized Ukrainian aspect and not the fuller picture that includes the wider actions we have taken against Russia let alone the rest of the world. We, because of those bankers, this so-called Illuminati and underlings, are saying The U.S. officials are saying to Putin, Bring it on. You go into Ukraine, we are going to sanction you to hell. And try retaliation via cutting energy supplies to Europe. What a short sighted bit of propaganda that is because it neglects the wider picture.
It is those Central Bankers, the NWO puppeteers; the Illuminati that are the enemy Russia and even China are actually fighting. Yes, I know that they were originally put into power through the machinations of those bankers, but they do not want to stay there. They have tasted too much liberty and power to do things the old way. They will not follow the way of the Satanic Church of the Red Shields and friends but demand their own way to rule the world absolutely. Either way it is still evil running things and that brings us to the next major point to make.
Remember the Deagle report of mass die offs soon? Lets take a close look at those numbers. In their newer listings (2019 is the latest), they do not show expected future populations, but in the 2017 report they did. In that report they show the 2017 populations compared to the 2025 populations of numerous if not all nations, and a brief look at a few of them shows some very interesting developments that may take place. For instance, the US is shown as starting at 316,440,000 populations and decreasing to 99,553,100 in 2025. That is a full 68.5% DECREASE in population. The UK/Ireland is worse at 77% decrease while Germany at 65% and France and Spain are at 41% decrease showing that NATO will suffer major losses all around. Please remember that these are not absolute numbers, but just projections. But the ideas behind them are what matters, it is based on assumptions and inside intelligence on what they think is the probable future events.
Ukraine is a 29% reduction and other eastern European nations are less than that, so that indicates they believe there will be major war in the next couple of years in that arena. China is rated as only a 1.6% reduction and Taiwan as a 20.4% so it appears they expect the war with China to go in their favor and not ours by a wide margin, with Taiwan having a major loss of population because of the severe nature of war around that arena. It also shows that the biggest loser is the US in both theaters and also shows that it will not be regional only but strategic in application to our forces. Those areas that will show a gain in populations are in the mid-East, in Africa and South America. Remember that these are just projected numbers likely hacked by computer simulations and not any kind of prophecy. But prophecy does indicate that the US plays no part in the future even when Grecia is considered as the ancient prophets way of describing the US other than being involved in a massive world war. In those prophecies it is Russia, Turkey and Iran that come out ahead with Deagle showing 11.3% and 0.1% loss respectively of populations with Russia only losing 0.5% of her people. This indicates a total rout for NATO and the US so it will not be pretty.
It is those expected numbers that bolster my argument that Russia will join with China in the final war to eliminate the Central Bankers and their Satanic Religion and devil worship with the US as the central figure and major associates of Britain and Germany joining in the major destructions. I do not think that it will be cities or population areas attacked except for those near military installations, but Command and Control points, major military bases and offensive weapons launch areas that will suffer the brunt of it all. If it were major civilian populations that were attacked the numbers would be far higher.
May God have mercy on our souls.
US Nukes and UK Evacuation of Ukraine
WAR IN UKRAINE? Biden COMPROMISED By Ukraine/Russia Corruption!
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