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April 14, 2020
Democrats Are Using Coronavirus To Stage Their 2020 Election Steal As They Attempt To Create Enough Chaos To Force The Socialist Agenda Onto The American People
On the day after Easter, I found myself thinking about the prayerful Nancy Pelosi, and the hypocrisy of her words and actions since the COVID-19 was brought to our shores. It was in February that Pelosi and her cohort in the Senate Cryin' Chuck Schumer were wringing their hands and proclaimed that "lives are at stake," and something must be done. There were things done.
Our economy was shut down based on inflated numbers by the so-called experts, and the Trump administration played catch-up with the pandemic supplies that had been left bare. Two experts, Fauchi and Birx, were brought in and spoke of catastrophic consequences for the American people. Closed-door hearings in Congress were held to ensure that all the progressive socialists and media have the talking points needed to implant fear into the American people.
Prayerfully, Nancy Pelosi and her husband bought over $5 million of Amazon stock to add further to the ill-gotten gains in their portfolio.
In the beginning, President Trump attempted to downplay the fear caused by the media and the leftists. At the time, no one could consider just how badly the COVID-19 would affect the country. On February 24th, almost a full month after President Trump banned all flights from China, Pelosi stood in Chinatown and spoke of inviting large gatherings to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It was also at this time that Pelosi, the paragon of the rule of law, told people that they should not pay attention to the pandemic and ignore the President's ban.
Deblasio, the socialist mayor of New York, spoke of going about your everyday life, and even Dr. Fauci spoke of ignoring the virus and that it was just another flu. All of these cowardly politicians and most of the leftists are praying that the death and destruction can be made worse, and can be used as a cudgel in their effort to defeat President Trump in November. These and other progressive socialist sycophants have blood on their hands. It was these leftists who have shown a lack of leadership, all for partisan purposes.
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The progressive socialist are now planning on a "bipartisan" commission to investigate President Trump and his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is being set up by the pencil neck Adam Schiff, and with baseless accusations, much like the Russian scam collusion and sham impeachment. But let there be no doubt, Schiff will once again play the part of Grand Inquisitor and use more lies in a further effort to damage this administration. The abortion loving Catholic Pelosi has also set up a House inquisition to be led by James Clyburn, who has already stated they must use this crisis as an "opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision."
In essence, what this means is to push all the pork spending and socialist policies on the backs of suffering citizens. Progressive socialists like Chuckie Schumer have already started the talking points by blaming the federal government for not being prepared for this pandemic, ignoring the fact the states are responsible and should have been ready. They had enough money to give benefits to illegal aliens and refused to work with the federal government. They had enough money ($700 billion) to spend on a defunct solar company but had no money for the citizens of the state they are sworn to protect.
Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the progressive socialists, including the media, have pushed forward with the politicization of the pandemic while calling those with valid points against them being called petty. Nowhere in the Constitution is it mentioned that the entire economy could be shut down, and the people placed under what amounts to martial law based on the predictions if the "experts" whose sole purpose was the find a way to damage the country and economy.
The American people are starting to understand that the entire fiasco was an attempt to create enough chaos to push the socialist agenda onto the American People. The pandemic and falsification of the numbers have been used to create an epidemic of misery. Both economically and spiritually offensive to both the American people and the rule of law.
The prayerful, MS13 loving Pelosi will not back down from her pet socialist projects in the next set of bills to go to Congress. Much like with the first bill which she tried to load up with monies that had no connection to the pandemic, she and the screaming banshees of the progressive socialist left will once again demand payments for illegals, and ridiculous demands like mail-in ballots.
Mail-in ballots are nothing more than another way for the Democrats to steal elections much the same way that they took elections in California in the past two elections. The impetus for the agenda of Mail-in ballots is being funded by the Brennan Centro for Justice at the NYU School of Law and financed by the Soros Open Society Foundation. No voter ID is required, just open voting where you sign a piece of paper saying you are a citizen. The Fascists tell us nothing can go wrong, but the American people know better. There will be rampant voter fraud. This includes "ballot harvesting," which was shown as responsible for widespread voter fraud in California in the last elections.
Once again, San Fran Nan, the queen of feces and needle filled streets, will come into town will all banners flying and disrupt what should be sobering discussions to get our country back on track, and with the cooperation of the media, look to push socialist policies upon the American people.
Pelosi speaks of being ready to pass legislation to help the American people, prayerfully, of course, but a look at what they want is nothing more than increased government spending on pet projects and more control on the American people. Part of the Queen Pelosi's new plan is removing the cap on the state and local tax deductions. In effect, this would put more money in the pockets of the liberal mega-donors in the coasts and not help the working middle class at all. This was part of the Trump tax cuts of 2017, which San Fran Nan, in a drunken stupor, claimed only benefitted the rich.
The thoughts of helping the American people who are suffering from the unconstitutional lockdown of the American economy is far from the leftist's mind. Public safety is shaken, and the progressive socialists want nothing more than to create panic, fear, and chaos in the American Public. They feel this will make it easier for them to tell the American people that only the government can get us through the evil that they have created.
The next bill will be more of the same, and conservatives would be correct in stripping all the socialist pet projects from the law. Pelosi speaks of doing everything she can to help the American people with a focus on the middle class but has no intention of calling the House back in session for the rest of April. The leaders of both parties saw no reason to allow Congress to operate remotely and claimed Congress could be recalled to pass legislation.
Pelosi's position now is not to recall them at all, allowing the unanimous consent decrees to rule, even after the agreed-upon April 20th return date. Long gone are the days of Congress doing the peoples bidding and diligently work towards common goals for our country.
If the members of Congress cannot and will not do the jobs they were elected to do in a time of national crisis, they should be thrown out and replaced by those who are willing to work on a non-partisan basis to take this national emergency head-on. We have those heroes in the medical field, first responders, the people who keep our shelves stocked, those who transport the everyday staples that our country needs doing their jobs every day. Is it too much to ask our elected officials to do the same?
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