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February 25, 2022

As World Leaders Threaten Nuclear War Over Ukraine, Remember That Russia Has Bunkers For Their People..... America Does Not, So Act Accordingly In Preparing For Biden's Nuclear Holocaust

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Russia has won. Whether the full scale invasion ends with Russia in total control of Ukraine or not, Russia has already won the only "war" that actually affects Americans, and the rest of the busybody NATO allies.

He showed they are weak and ineffectual.

He, along with China, showed the world how Biden spent three months begging China for help to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine being seen on every news station today, just to find out that China shared the "intelligence" that Biden shared with them...with Russia.

Russia President Vladimir Putin has also shown the entire world that a promise of protection by America and its NATO allies is nothing more than words used as a "deterrent," and if ignored, there isn't much "protection" to be offered.

Oooooohhhh.....but, SANCTIONS, the warmongers scream. Yeah, that'll do it. Take that!!!!

That is like threatening to send Putin to bed with no supper, knowing full well he has a stash of munchies under the bed.

But hey, no more mean tweets from the ORANGE MAN BAD!

The battle of strength has been won. Russia has shown it is not being controlled by the West.

Am I rooting for Putin? No.

Do I think America has enough problems right here at home, including food shortages, supply chain issues, gas supply and spiking prices, not to mention the political landscape, just to name a few, that we should be focused on taking care of Americans first, and keep our noses out of the business of others? YES.


The problem with sticking your nose in other people's wars/business is that you set yourself up as a "combatant." Not a physical fighter, but you are standing up for one side, and threatening actions against another, making you part of their war.

Why are our politicians, right or left, simply beating the war drums without thought that as part of the war, we are vulnerable in a number of ways to an attack on our soil.

Cyber attacks against our institutions, or even our power grid, which has been documented as being very vulnerable to terror attacks, could cause the death of tens of millions of Americans, but nuclear war, a bomb dropped on American soil, would be even more devastating, to state the obvious.

Via Wall Street Journal on February 23, 2022:

Modern Russia, even after the collapse of the USSR and the loss of a significant part of its potential, is one of the most powerful nuclear powers in the world, and moreover, it has certain advantages in a number of the latest types of weapons, Mr. Putin said.

The Russian leader chided the U.S., saying it disregarded international law when it reneged on its promise not to expand NATO further eastward.

"They deceived us, he said.

The push beyond territories already controlled by Russian proxies marked a dramatic escalation in a crisis that has pitted Moscow against the West, following weeks of failed diplomacy.

See, Putin and others, such as China, have been building their military, creating weapons, while the American military has decided to focus on becoming "woke." Diversity, inclusivity, the lowering of long-held training standards in order to "include" more, while weakening our strength.

Let me be very clear here: We do not want war on American soil. We cannot survive it.

One might ask... could Russia survive a nuclear counter attack?

Maybe, maybe not. It would cause just as much geographical damage, but would it cost the same in terms of lives lost?


See, Russia has bomb shelters built for their population.

Details for these bunkers are public knowledge, as there are documents describing the minimum specifications. All bunkers must be able to survive an airblast of up to one hundred kilopascal and have stores of food and water for two days. Air filtration systems also are standard. Power generation is also provided to run the air filtration and lighting systems.

After a period of stagnation, the government appears to be spending money on this aspect of the infrastructure again, with a program started in 2015 that builds or renovates old civil defense bunkers. Large-scale drills were undertaken in 2016, which involved over 40 million people.

America has not done the same for their population.

In fact, as we have seen and reported, the rich, the elite, the military and the political leaders, all have bunkers to protect them...the general population does not, so the loss of life would be catastrophic.

Those that did survive a nuclear attack on American soil would have to deal with years of nuclear fallout, which we will describe and discuss more about lower in the article.

Knowing all of this, isn't it just wonderful that France decides to threaten Putin with.... yup, nuclear weapons.

France has issued a warning to Vladimir Putin as his forces invade Ukraine, reminding the Russian president that NATO also has nuclear weapons.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned Putin to think carefully while making threats to deploy his arsenal.

The top official was speaking with French television network TF1Info regarding Russia's actions in Ukraine.

He was asked if Putin's remarks were "tantamount to threatening Russian use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict," Reuters reported.

The key quote was his answer: "Yes, I think that Vladimir Putin must also understand that the Atlantic alliance is a nuclear alliance," he answered during the Thursday TV appearance.

Without taking Putin's side because as I said we should be minding our own business, I will say his "threat" or reminder that he is a nuclear power in order to prevent interference in "his back yard," and being a country other than Ukraine, a country not being attacked, or invaded, to threaten Putin with nukes, are two very different animals.

A quick reminder here from 2015, Ron Paul Institute:

Speaking on RT yesterday, RPI executive director Daniel McAdams wonders whether President Obama spoke a bit too freely in his recent CNN interview. In the interview, the president told CNN that the US government had "brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine." This admission that the US was playing a role in the February, 2014 coup flies in the face of the dominant west narrative, which is that the overthrow of the Yanukovych government was solely a popular uprising.

For those that have forgotten, it was the Obama administration that supported an uprising and who helped overthrow the "pro-Russian" president of Ukraine, to insert a puppet for America and NATO allies.

The fact is the west keeps butting in to business that is not our own, trying to control the entire world and with Russia, that just came back to bite us in the ass.

Related Flashback:DAVOS: Putin warns world risks 'fight of all against all' in 'grim dystopia'

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


There are some quite ...interesting, for lack of a better word, things that occur after a nuclear detonation, and after the initial and immediate loss of life in the blast zone.

Some of the key points (read them all here), are discussed below.

Twilight at noon is an event that occurs because smoke caused by burning cities, as well as forests and industrial sites, gathers in the stratosphere, which in turn causes the sunlight to diminish (2), resulting in darker daylight hours. With the sun blocked by smoke, this could result in a food shortage due to loss of crops and animals around the world could potentially go extinct.

Stefan has provided a list of foods to have on hand, stock up on, or top off what you currently have in his recent piece titled "Everything Changes In An Instant When Biden's War Begins: Wars Bring Famine, Mass Starvation And Rationing, Showing Why There's Never Been A Better Time To Be Fully Prepared Than Now," so we will bypass the actual food links in this piece.

Nuclear radiation would affect anyone outside of the immediate blast zone. Radiation sickness can kill as many, if not more, people than the blast would, but the affects would happen over time, opposed to the immediate destruction of a nuclear bomb.

According to the Mayo Clinic, certain types of radiation sickness can be treated withPotassium iodide.

In the event of a nuclear detonation, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) (8) could quite possibly shut down an entire electrical system. If the EMP is powerful enough, it could wipe out an entire country's electrical grid. Lights could go out, refrigerators would stop functioning, resulting in food loss, street lamps would stop working; telephones, televisions, and stop-light signals alike would all cease to operate.

Surviving the first 24 hours, unless you are in the immediate blast zone that is, include the following suggestions from Vocal Media:

When you have found a sufficient shelter, shut off any ventilation systems and seal all the doors and windows, if there are any. Then, decontaminate yourself because if you dont, it could lead to what is known as beta burns (10) or dangerously high exposure to nuclear radiation. Clean off any radioactive material on your body, take your outer layers of clothing, and seal them in a plastic bag; put the bag as far away from you as physically possible without further exposing yourself to fallout. Also, blow your nose as particles of nuclear material could have attached to your mucus.

To seal doors and windows, duck tape and plastic sheeting is recommended by the website, along with instructions.

EdenProducts Duct Tape Heavy Duty Waterproof Bulk 5 Pack, Strong Industrial Max Strength Gray Tape Multi Roll Pack, Silver 30 Yards x 2 Inches, Indoor & Outdoor Use, No Residue, Tear by Hand

Plastic Sheeting

Hefty Strong Large Trash Bags, 30 Gallon, 56 Count - (For bagging clothes or other contaminated items)

Although food is very important and needed to survive, it is not the biggest concern. One major priority is CLEAN WATER. The human body can survive for two weeks without food, but the average human can only survive up to three days without water. A minimum of three and a half gallons of drinking water per person to last up to two weeks is suggested by FEMA.

Nestle - Pure Life Purified Bottled Water, 1/2 Liter (16.9 Oz) - 78 Case Pallet

Crystal Geyser CGW24514PL Alpine Spring Water, 16.9 oz. Bottles, Bottled at the Source (Pack of 2016) (84 cases of 24-16.9oz bottles)

Nestle Waters Pure Life Purified Water, 16.9 Oz Bottle, 35 Bottles/Carton, 54 Ct/Pallet

Of forced to evacuate, make sure to have your go-bag,flashlight, portable radio, batteries, first-aid kit, Necessary medicines, manual can opener, cash, extra clothes.

Other considerations:

Generators in the case of a complete knockout of the grid, but remember if the event is a nuclear attack, solar generators won't exactly be the best option, which means keeping plenty of spare gas on hand, and a gas generator.

Quick-Flow Spout Midwest Can 5610 Auto Shut Off Gasoline Can - 5 Gallon

Stock up on gas now, because gas prices will continue to rise in the near future.

Gas Generators

Lanterns because if in a sealed area of your home, duck taped and plastic sheeting to seal it, the last thing you want to do is light a candle.

Vont 4 Pack LED Camping Lantern, LED Lanterns, Suitable Survival Kits for Hurricane, Emergency Light for Storm, Outages, Outdoor Portable Lanterns, Black, Collapsible, (Batteries Included)


That statement above covers almost any type of emergency and is the basis for prepping.

Today, with world leaders deciding to use the use of nuclear weapons as part of their "we're tougher that you" threats and posturing, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best takes on a whole new level of importance.

For those thinking that if they are in a middle of a blast zone, preparing for anything is a waste of time and money.... well, if you are in the middle of a nuclear blast zone, I assure you, you won't really have time to care.

You definitely will care how prepared you are if you are not in the blast zone.

While that may sound harsh, but I am not sure how to express it in a way that sounds "better."

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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