Imagine living just one day of your life like this: Waking up at 3 a.m., you walk the two+ miles to the nearest supermarket to find yourself in a line with 100+ people ahead of you by the time you get there at 4 a.m. Waiting the next 6 hours just to get inside of the store, by the time you do, the shelves are once again empty, the food is gone. Starving, you head out to the streets and join several others, capturing a wild dog that had been roaming the streets, itself rail-thin and starving, looking for its own next meal. What comes next looks like a scene from 'The Walking Dead' but it's all too real as someone's former pet becomes your lifeline to survive another day.
As we're told in this breaking story from eNCA, Venezuela has just extended their state of emergency for another two months, the 4th extension that have given President Nicolas Maduro vast powers to deal with the ongoing crisis that has gotten much worse in the last two weeks alone. Attempting to solve their riot/starvation problem by making it illegal to buy too much food, we see what happens when nation's collapse, complete with oppressive govt and citizen roundups.
The new story Thursday from the Washington Post tells us that in hungry Venezuela, buying too much food can get you arrestedanda 'new crackdown upon Venezuela's shoppers' has landed many in prison...some being held for up to 3 months or longer without a trial for interfering with the transportation or distribution of food. According to a human-rights based group in Caracas called Provea, national guard troops there have undertaken a 'mass-arrests operation', rounding up people trying to wait overnight for groceries, which is now banned. Interestingly, they've nicknamed the operation 'Dracula's Bus'. The Post story tells us thousands were thrown onto such buses last year. You can see Dracula's Buses in the 3rd video below.
The story over at Zero Hedge that the Drudge Report linked to just days ago told us that Venezuela's 'death spiral' had seen the cost of a dozen eggs balloon to $150 as the horrific horrors of Socialism are being seen in massive hyperinflation - the International Monetary Fund predicts inflation will hit 720% this year.
Warning us that thousands of hungry people are still waiting in huge lines all day, only to discover that food deliveries that were expected never made it to the stores, leaving the shelves empty once again and the population largely starving, we're reminded once again how fortunate we are here in America - full of stores with shelves completely stocked with food...for now.
The next time you go to your local grocery store, think about what the stores like throughoutVenezuela. Then think about what your life might be like if this is what the stores in America looked like. Despite all of our nations problems, we are so very fortunate here.
According to this new story from Yahoo, the 'too big to fail' banks may soon fail again. As former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers recently warned Fortune, our banking system might be more dangerous now than it was back in 2008. If suddenly and without warning you were unable to get access to your money at the bank and unable to use your debit/credit card to make purchases due to complete banking failure, could you make it through the next several days? Weeks? Months?
In the first video below, Realist News shares with us 'the beginning of the end' for Venezuela, reading to us the recent 'Venezuela Death Spiral' story from Zero Hedge (originally published at the Gatestone Institute) that should be looked at as a dire warning to Americans and people across the world; we are not immune to the horrors now being suffered by millions.
In the 2nd video below, Fox News gives us a look at what is happening now in Venezuela as the country continues to struggle through something we pray that Americans and others around the world never have to but all too frequently still do, in 2016.
In the 3rd video below, we get a look at one of 'Dracula's Buses' and some of the national guard units that have been undertaking the roundups of shoppers in Venezuela. While the report is in Spanish, it's quite easy to understand what is happening as also seen in the photographs directly above. The 'roundups' have begun in Venezuela. How much longer does America have?