I will not debate various beliefs as I know there are going to be almost as many versions of belief as there are readers of this column, but I will state that most timelines of the Last Days do say that the persecution of Christians will be very early on in the timeline of tribulations prior to His second coming. Why? It seems to me that it is because these times are going to be so bad that without proven faith in Him, none will come out of it intact. Second Timothy gives the reasoning as: (also seen in other places such as Hebrews 12:6)
5And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
6For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
7If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
What does Merriam-Webster define Chastise meaning?
Excellent, we could say that God will Purify, will Refine by Discipline, will Subdue them into humility (not arrogant and self serving) to get them who love Him to obey Him, to do His will. We could also say that to have disciples that will be able to survive the horrible times to come, we must by chastised by Him to know who and what we will obey who we love the most. That is requisite to have what it takes to survive the coming tribulations as it is those that will be destroyed are those who do not love and honor our Creator, or to be protected by His amazing Mercy and Miracles. But first, we must go through our own tribulations, or chastisement, to learn how to love and obey Him before the world at large get to enjoy their tribulations. The chaff will be winnowed out while the wheat is kept from this harvest, but we must be proven first. Understanding this, we can then cover what is going on now and what appears to be our near future living in this present day.
God has stated numerous times that He sends his prophets and saints to plead His case, to teach the Gospel to humanity, to get as many as possible to not only know of Him, but just as important to Live His Laws. If you do not, He will preach His own sermons as shown throughout all history whether by flood, famine, disease, earthquake, war, natural disasters of all kinds, or whatever; He will make man listen and obey or be destroyed. It is vain to say you know the Lord but live as one who does not as those in the flood found out as one example in so many through history. Take not the Lords name in vain. That means not only no cursing but to live what you profess to believe when you take on the name of Christ; otherwise your claims of faith are in vain. The parable of the Ten Virgins confirms that about half of those who claim to follow His law and to be born of Him, in short to be Christs will fail the test. They are invited to His wedding celebration but fail to live His laws properly or fully, thereby losing the chance to enter in. I also suspect that many will not understand why because they thought they were doing all as commanded but failed to do something or the other, and I offer the Sermon on the Mount as a place to begin learning what that may entail. Again, I will not debate; I am only giving my current views on the subject, which are subject to change as I learn more. (We are commanded not to argue, to cause contention. Take it for what it is worth to you.)
So, with this preface to set the stage we can continue on and see that we are in just the beginning of said tribulations. It appears that the rise of the anti-Christ will usher in the final tribulations that will end most life on earth, but to bypass this we must first prove ourselves to Him. We could go on about what has happened and will happen according to prophecy, but I am more interested in this article in showing what is happening in the vulgar or the earthly world to accomplish that chastisement.
While researching for this article, I ran across a site called Open Doors USA that has an interesting pamphlet on the top 50 countries where it is most difficult to follow Jesus. The coronavirus pandemic was the event of a generation. And in addition to the pain felt by people all over the world, it also exposed the ugliness of Christian persecution in a new wayThe global pandemic made persecution more obvious than eversimply because so many people needed help they wrote, and that is an observation that is worth taking note of. Their list of nations persecuting Christians follows the nations you might most suspect, rabid communist ones and Muslim ones, with some surprises like Mexico was listed as #37, as a supposedly Christian nation and India at #10 which is primarily a Hindu nation and Kenya, which is primarily Christian. That last one reminds me of the United States, which is fast becoming a non-Christian communist hell hole. The following graphic came from a place called Church in Need under the tab of Christian Persectuion. Please note the dates, it is already 4 years out of date but still gives the proper frame of reference.
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Today, according to ACN research, almost 340 million Christians around the worldor 1 out of every 8live in a country where they suffer some form of persecution, such as arbitrary arrest, violence, a full range of human rights violations and even murder.
One article that was in a way sardonic in its view of Christian Persecution is the Soros funded Wikipedia where they state in the first line This article is about thereligious persecutionofChristians. For the belief that Christianity is being oppressed in theWestern world, seeChristian persecution complex. So, we Christians have a complex because we just think we are being persecuted? Excuse me if I misread that line, but it occurs to me to be psychological negativity to any thought of being persecuted. Many other articles cover the very severe persecutions after the death and resurrection of Jesus as covering the worst of Christian persecution and murder, also known as the Great Persecution or the Diocletian Persecutions of the Roman Empire. It is suggested that the coming one, which we are seeing in its beginnings right now, will be worse.
Another view is from Christianity dot com who said This Is The Age of Martyrs In a recent article, Justin D. Long emphasized the startling fact that more people have died for their faith in the Twentieth Century than in all of the previous centuries combined. During this century, we have documented cases in excess of 26 million martyrs. From AD 33 to 1900, we have documented 14 million martyrs. They then mentioned that it appears that is on the decline the last few years. I take exception to that, as it appears to actually be increasing from what I see in the news.
British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt commissioned a study into global Christian persecution, and the results are nothing short of horrible. The ultimate conclusion that was reached by the study is that the persecution of Christians throughout the world is so severe that it is reaching a level that can be described, by definition, as genocide.
Ultimately, the study found that nearly one in three individuals around the world suffer from some religious persecution. Unfortunately for Christians, the problem that emerged is they were the most likely group to suffer from persecution of the religious variety. To quote the report the inconvenient truth that the overwhelming majority (estimated at 80%) of persecuted religious believers are Christians.Wrote NKT News Online in 2019, and concluded that There might be a time when Christians are actively being wiped out and suppressed, leading to the end of Christianity as it is today.
Let me put it another way, that is indeed their objective, to do as their god, Satan, wants and to make an end of Christianity. By they I mean the worlds Satan worshipping creators of the Great Reset, the 6uild 6ack 6etter crowd, the New World Order, the Illuminati, the assortment of secret societies and oligarchs that are doing all they can to eliminate Christ from the peoples of this earth. I claim that the time has already come, that they are right now working on a time when Christians are actively being wiped out. The First Video at the bottom covers a short CBN video on the rise of Christian persecution and the tagline asks if the USA is next. Yes, it is and I intend to show some of that.
Natural News asked Is the Biden regime gearing up to commit mass genocide against Christians? and the correct answer is yes. No question about it. In it Ethan Huff said that An obscure Washington, D.C.-based entity called the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) hasbeen taskedby the Biden regime with compiling lists of Americans who refuse Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination on religious grounds.
Some believe this Orwellian tracking move will create a model for the entire U.S. government to collect the names and personal religious information of all federal employees who make religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement. And later mentioned the seeming purpose of this action, It would appear as though Bidens use of this obscure agency is for testing purposes to see how it goes on a smaller scale.If successful, it will likely be expanded across the entire U.S. government.
Another hint that Biden is intent upon eradicating Christians has to do with the fact that he and his regime have been pushing the so-called Equality Act since before he was even installed into the White House.
If passed and signed into law, the Equality Act would gut the RFRA whenever it intersects with the special privileges that have been afforded to the Cult of LGBTQ..This is what I would do if I was running a genocide program or a purge, wrote oneZero Hedgecommenter about how this all appears. Now all they need to do is link the killbots to the database, added another.
Yet another pointed out that what Biden is now doing here in the United States is the same thing that was done in Rwanda right before their infamous genocide.
Jack Davis in the Western Journal added Given the vast, and what may seem pointless, amounts ofinformationroutinely collected by everyone from Facebook to the feds, the bureaucratic babble focused on a few employees of a small agency might not sound alarming.
But alarm is exactly what Americans should be feeling.
Although not directly linked with this evil farce, I believe we can see that what is brewing with this database being formed can be better explained if we also add that there is far more to be included than just whether or not someone is claiming a medical exemption on religious grounds. We know that they are planning a monstrous AI Matrix like database on everyone that will operate much the same as the one in China to track everything each citizen (better termed as SLAVE) of the state is up to, what he thinks, how he may act, what precautions must be taken to whatever threat level the computer decides to assign each individual. Those who may use religion as a deterrent to total federal control over not only their bodies, but also their minds and medical well being must be labeled as to whether or not they are Christians. They get enough information from all of the other hacks into our lives such as bank accounts, online operations, where we live, what TV shows we watch, what church we belong to and if we donate any funds to it, and who our friends are and so forth that they can already tell a lot about what and how we might react. Whether or not we are injected with the deadly bio-weapon and if we claim religious exemptions will tell them how fast we should be arrested, detained and murdered. You can bet that this column I have here will be a part of it, and will condemn me to some horrible torture. So be it, I am relying on my faith to help me out or to obtain a much higher place than they will end up in.
We also know from scripture that this will be worse than those persecutions of yore, and that the angels in heaven will be looking out for us, whether to save us physically or to take us home to our God in glory. And who are Satans angels who will accomplish this horrific evil? Perhaps PJ Media said it when they wrote Is the DOJ Readying Biden's Brownshirts to Deal With His Political Opposition? They speak of the DOJ and their starting a new unit to deal with domestic terrorism With much fanfare, the DOJ announced it will be establishing a unit focused on domestic terrorism. To justify turning the full force of the government against its own citizens, Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee, We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies. Perhaps I may be properly accused of conflation of two ideas, but I do not think so. I believe that they are directly related. The DOJs announcement came during the same hearing where top officials would not answer questions about whether FBI agents or informants were involved in the events of Jan. 6. [Brandon] suggested that anyone opposed to that agenda stands with Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. To rational people, that statement is insane. But the leader of the executive branch said it. They are serious and we are the target. Not just conservative, real Americans, Patriots, but CHRISTIANS are the target.
They are doing all they can to stop fair elections so that we cannot elect anyone that opposes their radical and deadly agenda, and that is all part and parcel of the insane monsters that infect our nations leadership. Another way to look at it is that our current rush to get into WWIII and likely some nuclear exchanges helps their cause in their eyes because that would eliminate any sort of organized resistance, or so they think. No matter what actually occurs, it is we Christians that are the first primary target with the balance of the world population on the Satanic shopping block so they can obtain their One World Government under their god, Satan. Prophecy seems to me to eliminate the USA as a viable world entity, so dust of your scriptures and try some knee time with the Lord to figure out how you will be acting and what you will be subjected to.
May you live in interesting times is not just an idle saying, but is active in our world or today.
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