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May 30, 2023
The War Upon 'The Family' And The Planned Extermination Of Humanity Are Accelerating With US Cities Showing The Devastation Of Democrat Policies While Millions Die Prematurely
As Monty Python puts it; and now for something completely different. (Note the hyperlink to the 1971 trailer of that movie.) This was one of those columns where I started out with an idea and it got completely turned around by the time I was ready to assemble the parts of it, but that is OK because this one is a bit easier to handle. And as this being a holiday as writing begins, and with the noisy ones out of the house for a little bit, perhaps we can concentrate on it better now. We began by searching for safest places in the US to live, including FEMA and others ideas, and came across a bunch of stories about a year and a half ago on their ideas but noted that it was primarily on natural disasters and the likelihood of problems from them from floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes and more as well as useable escape routes and so forth. I initially planned on including violence (riots, crime), safety from nuclear fallout whether from war or power plant meltdown, accessibility of life sustenance items (water, food, shelter et.), ease of escape from them and items of that nature to determine the safest places to live.
In my research for the planned column I ran across a few stories that slowly changed my ideas on it starting with one that headlines Americas Most Dangerous Cities: Part 1- Crime has Increased by 50% In Recent Years and went on to Part 2 covering a few selected cities. In it the author Dave Jefferson said Its difficult to believe that a little over 100 years ago not only did people rarely if ever lock their doors in the United States many houses didnt even have locks on the doors and notes the continuous climb in crime rates over the past century plus. More recently the author did a story on FEMA calculating the more risky cities and seems to conclude that no matter where you live; there are some kind of major risks of some sort no matter where you land.
A smattering of recent headlines describes much the same picture. One story titledPhiladelphia: Horrific footage Shows Devastation of Democrat Ruin and includes a few video clips that look as if they could have been shot in LA, San Francisco, Portland, New York or many other major cities. The first graphic that opened this column came from that article and they state When a people are too bamboozled or lazy or stupid to vote out the destroyers, they are punished. Sadly, they are taking us all down with them.. This isnt the third world; this is one of Americas once great cities. Democrats destroy everything. Yes, they are heartbreaking video clips, and the obvious drug problems and moral and physical filth is astounding, but then that is the case in cities all over this once great nation with Marxists in control of them. One of those videos can be seen on this Twitter link. The New York Post did a story on Philadelphia and called it the Trank Epidemic (the drug Xylazine) referring to the drug culture the left pushes.
The Gateway Pundit noted that While American citizens are suffering under the disastrous Biden administrations porous border policy, illegals continue to receive better resources than many of our homeless veterans, children aging out of foster care and other Americans in need the mayor bends over backwards to roll out the welcome mat for illegals while the taskforce designated to take care of this problem is a complete failure in all respects. Except, perhaps, in them spending the allocated funds without any benefit which suggests yet more grift. With the massive army of many millions of criminal invaders with many of them in New York taking over the hotels and evicting the veterans housed there, it is absolutely outrageous that homeless veterans would be displaced to alleviate New York Citys migrant crisis, said Republican Congressman Mike Lawler I find it difficult to imagine why there has not been some very violent protests at least not yet.
During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
And at the same time there have been many reports of major stores leaving the worst of those cities already, such as Wal-Mart closing 20 retail stores across the nation this year in cities like Chicago, Atlanta, DC, Portland, Milwaukee and more. And as the democrat run cities allow more and more crime to go unpunished allowing crime to explode there are going to be more and more stores closing in leftist hell holes. Corporations can only take so much theft and other crime to destroy their profit margins before they must close them down which hurts the good people that may still be left in them for whatever reason. Even McDonalds is closing many stores for subpar performance or so they say. Ah, the joys of an imbecile in the White House are enormous. But even the Feds are not immune as the US Post Office is closing mail delivery in parts of Seattle because of massive increases in crime. One tweet published in that story says Target reports $500 million in theft, Walmart closes 23 stores just to name a few! Inflation an theft hits retailers hard. Cracker Barrel and REI have fled Portland! In Seattle the POST OFFICE stopped delivering in one postal zip code due to crime. This continues across the country in Blue states! When have we ever seen this complete disregard for law and order in our country? Do Democrats ever recognize their own stupidity and polices?
No, they clearly do not, or actually more correct they are doing it on purpose as an engineered failure scheme; remember the top down, bottom up designs to destroy this once great nation that Obama and his cohorts have been working on for a couple of decades now. As the American Thinker very recently said, dealing with the blue wave thats moving through metropolitan areas. In cities like Denver, Omaha, Dallas, and Salt Lake City, the Republican Party has ceased to be even competitive. According to Williamson, there is no Republican-led US city with a population of one million or more. In Salt Lake City, Omaha, Denver, and Dallas, elections are now held between left-of-center Democrats and more radical members of the same party. The mentioned solution is the old and tired Cities need real political competition just does not fly as it is not so much the lack of policy innovation as it is how and what the Democrats innovate that makes their urban rule quite unsettling. It is difficult to get anywhere when elections are now held between left-of-center Democrats and more radical members of the same party. Living a few miles outside of Salt Lake I can testify of that while even the supposed conservative news outlets fall blushing over all the wonderful leftist crap as SLC names streets after communist revolutionaries and militant homosexuals the public is fed a continuous thread of pro-radical leftist garbage and how good our image looks to incoming high tech and tourists and the like. What a bunch of bull that failed storyline is as they destroy what was once a clean and inviting city to be near that attracted great business and even the Winter Olympics, albeit that was some decades ago.
This destruction of our great cities has many more pitfalls as Infowars reports that Manhattan Office Vacancy Hits Record As Marquee LA Office Tower Sells At 50% Loss and Zero Hedge said Manhattans office-vacancy rate was at a record high as new developments add even more space to the struggling market and it is not just New York: other key office markets are suffering similar malaise. They are blaming it on Covid and all of the new office buildings going up making the older offices less desirable, but that is not the real story. No, they are not telling about all of the business leaving New York and other major population centers. That is the real problem here along with the Marxist policies that are destroying any business wanting to make a place in those cities. According toCommercial Observer, KBS sold the Union Bank Plaza tower in Downtown Los Angeles for a big discount to the Schreiber-run Waterbridge Capital after several rounds of descending bids.In total, the loss on the sale was north of 50%......Throughout the L.A. region, office activity has cooled significantly since the pandemic, especially in the central business district, and investor and lender appetite for office assets has collapse with the rise of hybrid work and rising interest rates.
Add into that mix the third world conditions on the streets with the homeless and the government ran massive influx of criminal invaders over our borders and the conclusion to that comment we began with of and now for something completely different comes into play.
Zero Hedge said Liberal US Cities Top Global List For Highest Homelessness Problem and among the top ones that I find interesting are number 3 on that list is Moscow Russia with about 100,000 (according to their numbers) and Kolkata India number 6 and Chicago Illinois right behind them with Washington DC right on their tail. LA, San Fran, Tampa, Seattle, San Jose, Oakland, San Diego and Denver are US cities in the top 30. Why are 5 of the top 30 cities with huge homeless numbers all in ONE US state? That is one left wing run state of idiot Marxists to be sure, but why so many of just one of our states? One might think that the feds would at least try to keep the nations capital out of that list, but no it is number 8 worst in the world. One thing that I do note is that the company doing the count has the total homeless numbers at a fraction of its real value.
And that begs another question asked by Natural News, Mobile phone data shows that post-pandemic cities like San Francisco, Chicago and Boston are MUCH less busy where did the people go? Using data from Statista to show the trend, the numbers shown in the above graph are the percent drops in cell phone calls. LA showing a 65% drop is astronomical in nature. They claim that it is because of the loss of jobs with the Covid garbage and state that the American West coast has been hit especially hard by the phenomenon as its numerous tech companies pivoted to fully remote work more aggressively. The University of Toronto data shows that apart from San Francisco, downtown activity has also stayed far below pre-pandemic levels in Portland, Ore. (37%), Seattle (44%) and Oakland, Calif (49%). Only four out of 62 analyzed downtowns surpassed their 2019 activity levels: Salt Lake City, Bakersfield and Fresno in California as well as El Paso, Texas and that is after Las Angeles gained back at least two thirds of its former workforce. An empty downtown, the new normal it appears.
That Natural News story mentioned above had other interesting tidbits in it. They wrote about how tent cities, crime and the George Floyd riots have a lot of blame in many cities with the violence and terrorist activates of the radial left, driving people out of their city centers as well as cities being overrun with criminal invaders more commonly termed Illegal Aliens but I prefer the more accurate term. But then the possibility of yet another method or reason for the cities massive loss in population exists and I believe it accounts for a major portion.
Over a month ago The Covid Blog had an interesting piece that I believe has another aspect that must be taken seriously. They quote the World Meter with the current world population being then, just a month and a half ago, of 8.028 billion while as I type this it is over 8.035 billion souls. Regardless they report that there is a net deficit of laborers to fill available jobs with the reasoning that the bottom line is that millions of Americans have died or are severely maimed from the lethal mRNAand viral DNA injections and physically cannot work along with the drastically reduced birth rates caused by the war against families and the results of the infertility of those bio-weapons. The Covid Blog also asserts that it is not just we here in the US but worldwide the global population has decreased about 13% so far from about 7.8 billion in January 2020 to todays 6.8 billion. That is a far cry from the official guestimates of the World Meter numbers, but most likely much closer to reality as they figure that there has been a net DROP in the worlds population of over a billion souls so far since the war on the Earths population has begun in earnest.
In 2009 The Good Club met to discuss how best to eliminate the worlds excess population and that meeting included famous luminaries (I should have said Illuminatis) such as Oprah, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller and lest we forget, the son of the founder of Planned Parenthood Billy Gates. Planned Parenthood is the answer to Margaret Sangers dream of eliminating certain races from this earth and little Billy is the one pushing it the hardest it appears with his massive assault on the African continent against humanity along with the race-wars being fomented here at home where the blacks do not have much of a chance of survival. His obsession with population control should have him in irons awaiting his criminal insanity sentence. Being a Malthusian the same as Margaret Sanger, the Fabian and Social Eugenicists have done all they can to meet the Deagel prediction of a 70% population reduction in the next couple of years.
By the way, the Malthusian concept is deeply related to eugenics, but has managed to escape the same stigma eugenics suffered in the wake of Nazi Germany. Asobservedin an article at the Library of Economics and Liberty:The Malthusianism told them that millions had to die; the eugenics told them who the victims ought to be. And it is the basis behind birth control and sex education as given in our society today long with the war on the family. Thomas Malthus said, The power of population is so superior to the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. That concept is exactly the reverse of our Creators as He is the Power in the Earth that provides for man. That is a very direct and evil attack on the God that created us all.
The next question is how many millions more must die in addition to the billion plus already dead from the C19 bio-weapon and from the next planned pandemic? From the insane expected numbers dead from rapidly encroaching world war? From the mass starvation that is being implemented as rapidly as they think they can destroy our food supply to do it? Yes, the cities are losing populations rapidly and it is not all from wise people moving away from them but from the mass deaths by planned exterminations that are on-going and the drop in world numbers of living people showing the effectiveness of their well laid out plans. Yeh, not quite the story on where to live safely I had intended, but the something completely different just pushed its way in front like the fat lady at the all you can eat joint.
God Bless
This video shows their satanic reasoning to destroy the earths population. What they do not say is that it is through mass murder.
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