For a party that screams racism and "Jim Crow Laws" on a daily basis, we note the hypocrisy of then arguing that blacks cannot read properly, cannot do math because asking for a "correct" answer is somehow racist, while insisting on handing out free money for no other reason than the color of their skin is black.
Aside from the never-ending push for racial division, we now have a party, the Democrats, also playing the class warfare game, as all socialists have done throughout history.
Top all that off with the continued attacks against Christians, and we see that the endgame goal is to pit almost every demographic groups against each other to further divide the American population.
Below we will look at a number of recent stories that prove that assertion true.
One blue-check (Twitter Verified) liberal, Marc Elias, decided to take to Twitter to argue against Georgia's voter ID law, where he slapped a sample Driver's License with a picture of a black woman on it, (shown below), and said:
The new Georgia law will require voters to submit ID to vote by mail. If they use their driver's license, they need to provide the #.
One of the two numbers below is correct. If they put the other, it will be rejected.
Are you sure you would pick the right one?
As was pointed out in response by a number of people, only one of those numbers say "DL NO," but the fact that he even thought that people of color, or anyone for that matter, are incapable of reading their own Driver's License correctly, or the instructions sent with the mail-in ballots, shows how stupid Elias seems to think people in Georgia are.
Why did he use an image of a black woman when claiming people could not read the correct DL number on their very own license?
Liberals like Elias are constantly claiming the GOP, Republicans and conservatives are racist, yet they cannot even see the projection of their own thoughts, actions and assertions is true racism.
Reverse racism against whites along with the typical liberal racism against blacks.
Hitting both points in one vote is a feat to be sure.
A resolution passed by the Undergraduate Council of Students on February 24 suggested the reparations would come in the form of preferential admissions for the descendants of slaves associated with the school and its founders, as well as scholarships and direct payments to those individuals.
The resolution further called on the university to investigate the same benefits to Native American groups indigenous to the land Brown occupies such as the Narragansett.
Confronting questions of reparations and institutional reckoning with connections to the transatlantic slave trade has a deep history at Brown, said school spokesman Brian Clark in statement to the media following the referendum vote.
Other colleges and schools are facing the same type of racial issues, such as Bates College, where a security guard was caught on audio admitting that he and other security guards were frightened of writing up students of color because if the students lie about the incident the school will side with the student.
Like I said to him before, anytime that I usually deal with a person of color, I dont document nothing, ok? I really dont. I mean, because Ill tell you most officers, we are afraid, the campus security officer can be heard telling an unidentified student in the two-and-a-half minute video posted to Instagram on March 6 by a group called Bates Student Rights.
The video is completely blacked out, as if the recording is in a pocket or hidden somehow.
Becausenot saying that you would do it or somebody elsebut, if a person of color lies, guess what? Theyre gonna believe that student over us, the officer is heard telling the student. Ive got a family. Ive got grandkids. You know, Ive been here for 25 years.
Racism against whites has been running rampant in schools across America for decades now, getting worse each and every year.
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Since we are dealing with education, yet another example.
Examples of white supremacy culture cited by the document include a focus on "getting the right answer" and requiring students to show their work.
Glenn Ricketts, Public Affairs Director for the National Association of Scholars, told Campus Reform that the course illustrates that no aspect of the educational process at any level is off limits for the social justice indoctrination.
"Mathematics was once considered immune: after all, doesn't 2 + 2 = 4? Ricketts said. But as I have read recently, the problem that math and arithmetic insist on correct answers is actually a hidden form of 'white supremacy,' as everything else is as well."
The authors of the program state that The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so. Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.
According to the program description, this isan integrated approach to mathematics that centers Black, Latinx, and Multilingual students that provides opportunities for ongoing self-reflection as they seek to develop an anti-racist math practice.
So expecting minorities to actually learn math and get the correct answers, like everyone else does, is RACIST!!!!
While it is no surprise to conservatives that have been watching the socialism/communism indoctrinations in our schools, and throughout the Democrat party, the media and most Democrats deny it and attempt to distance themselves from what their party has become.
Inevitably some liberal argues that Republican that call Democrats "socialists" are lying, misrepresenting the party, etc....
Never mind that Alexandria Ortasio Cortez and Bernie Sanders are avowed socialists, and that the head of the DNC, said on camera that she was the "future" of the Democrat party.
In the Democratic Party of Nevada, they had an election recently for leadership, and four of the five people were card-carrying members of the socialistic (sic) party, Lee told Fox & Friends Tuesday morning. Its not the party that I grew up with 25 years ago in this environment, and its not the party that I can stand with anymore.
Lee was referencing recent elections for Nevada State Democratic Party leadership, in which most of the candidates elected to the partys top leadership posts were candidates affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America.
The working class, the working men and women of this country, and also the small business owners are not a part of the conversation anymore, Lee said in the interview. It all has to do with the elitists, and it has to do with the socialists. That is not the agenda that I have in mind for this country or the future.
His Twitter announcement stated "Today, I switched political parties. The Democratic Party is broken. Its time to bring people together to get things done. Its time to stop shouting and start solving problems."
I guess one doesn't have to be a Republican or conservative to see Democrats are a fully socialist party.
The persecution of Christians by liberals in America continues unabated as we see a recent incident where conservative students are attacked for their Bible verse Easter egg hunt.
Conservative students at the University of North Texas have been attacked for their Bible verse Easter egg hunt, with many in the campus community calling for a mass trashing and stomping of the eggs.
The members of the UNT Young Conservatives of Texas, which organized the effort, had sought to spread a message of positivity and hope during this week, considered Holy Week by Christians that concludes with Easter.
They were mobbed online by non-Christian parents and students alike, and their eggs with Bible verses were stomped on by snowflakes that cannot handle people celebrating their religion.
The backlash started with some parents on the group saying it was inappropriate to conduct the effort since not everyone on campus is Christian, and the students should have just filled the eggs with candy if they wanted to do something nice.
Apparently those parents are ignorant of the fact that "Easter" is a religious holiday and it is not, in fact, about candy at all.
But then students joined in the criticism, and took it to another level, Neidert said.
They were trying to see who could go throw the most [eggs] away and who would stomp on the most of them, she said.
Neidert provided screenshots to The College Fix of the bashing. In addition to taunting the Young Conservatives that their eggs would be trashed, some students accused them of littering.
The scariest part of this, aside from the complete disrespect for God, is that these little thugs will be allowed to go out into the world after college to spread more of their hatred of God and religion.
At every opportunity we are watching the deliberate stoking of race, class and religious warfare in America, with the media egging it on the entire time.
Welcome to the Democrat socialist party.
MSNBC attacks people of faith as a "public health issue."
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