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October 29, 2022

Russia Builds New Nuke Shelters For Their People While Biden Cabal Continues Biowarfare Upon Americans - As Globalists Plan To Set The Earth On Fire, Putin Carries Out 'Operation Thunder'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While the Russians are once again building nuclear bomb shelters for their citizens, Joe Biden's government cabal continues to carry out bioweapon attacks upon the American peoplewhile, according to General Paul Vallely, the US Military is under all-out attack by the creep in the White House who is quite literally setting up the 'America's last days' via his pro-globalist, anti-America actions.

As this October 26th story over at AND Magazine's Substack titled "The Russians Are Building Bomb Shelters - This Is Getting Real" reported,officials in Moscow have been ordered to get the bomb shelters for their school children in working order in preparation of what may soon come to Russia, the US and the world, while Biden's CDC tries to make sure all American school children get their vaxxes, that are now killing and maiming Americans left and right.

Reporting also that Moscow's hospitals are getting involved in the efforts, as are their electrical companies and other utility companies, making sure all the bunkers have electricity and running water and working sewage facilities, the Biden cabal has done nothing of the sort for the American people, but we can be sure they're stocking up their own underground bunkers, where they'll be scurrying off to with their tails between their legs while they are setting fire to the rest of the planet.

And with Russia getting their underground bunkers ready at a time when Vladimir Putin and Russia just held 'Operation Thunder' nuclear war drills that simulated nuclear strikes upon the West as reported in this story and seen in first two videos at the bottom of this story, all of this is getting way too real, especially seeing how Russia is preparing to save their people while Biden is murdering Americans.

In Moscow, authorities are inspecting the bomb shelters in the citys schools. This is not a routine or academic exercise. The officials involved have been directed to get the shelters in working order. Right now.

Notifications have gone out in Moscow to inform residents that bomb shelters are being prepared. The Education Department has issued instructions to all institutions under its control to outfit new shelters in addition to those in existence.

Moscow hospitals are also involved in the efforts. Shelters are being set up in the hospitals as well and equipped with electricity, lighting, disposable plates, and water. Moscows Social Protection Department has been charged with painting arrows on the street and public buildings to direct people to bomb shelters.

Parking garages are also being converted into bomb shelters. Bunks, first aid kits, and heaters are being brought in. People using the garages have been told to remove their cars.

Similar actions are being taken in other major Russian cities. Emergency warning systems are being tested. Lists of locations suitable to be converted into additional shelters are being compiled.

President Vladimir Putin oversaw training exercises of Russia's strategic nuclear deterrence forces on Wednesday. Russian state television aired footage of Putin overseeing the drills from a control room.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the drills simulated a massive nuclear strike in response to an enemy nuclear attack. "Under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Vladimir Putin, a training session was held with ground, sea, and air strategic deterrence forces, during which practical launches of ballistic and cruise missiles took place," the Kremlin said in a statement.

The last time the Russians conducted such drills, was five days before Russias February 24 invasion of Ukraine.

So while Vladimir Putin and Russia are deadly prepared for nuclear war, carrying out live drills striking the US and preparing to shelter and save the lives of Russian citizens, can you imagine braindead-Biden doing the same thing for the American people? Biden and his cabal should face a firing squad for their treason of putting the globalists ahead of Americans and their continuing bioweapon attacks upon us all. After their trials and convictions in a court of law, of course.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With Biden, instead of preparing to make sure the American people survive, instead using American taxpayer money to send a huge new nuclear arsenal upgrade to Europeanother sign showing us just how likely this is all to 'turn nuclear' in the days/weeks/months ahead, with another huge sign seen in this Zero Hedge story reporting "In Stunning Strategy Reversal, Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat," braindead, bumbling Biden being in the White House at this moment in time is a recipe for complete and total disaster.

As pointed out in this October 25th story over at Strategic-Culture titled "The War In Ukraine: Made In Washington Not Moscow,"the war in Ukraine and US nuclear weapons being moved closer to Russia's doorstep is an existential threat to Russia, would President Trump have allowed Russia to move nuclear weapons into Mexico? Then why are Biden and NATO threatening Russia's existence? Are you ready to pay, with your life and the lives of everybody you know and love, for Biden's mistakes? From that story.:

The Russians have put their nuclear weapons on high-alert. This is a really significant development.. They are.sending us a very powerful signal as to how seriously they take this crisis. So, if we start winning, and the Russians start losing, you need to understand that what were talking about doing here, is backing a nuclear-armed great power that sees whats happening as an existential threatinto a corner. This is really dangerous. Go back to the Cuban Missile Crisis. I dont think that what happened in the Cuban Missile crisis was as threatening to us as this situation is to the Russians. But if you go back and look at what US decision-makers thought at the time, they were scared stiff. From (Mearsheimer: The risks of backing Russia into a corner, Twitter minute 1:19)

John Mearsheimer goes on to note that bc Ukraine is perceived to be an existential concern by Russia but not the US, and how Great Powers behave when they perceive an existential threat as the US has done throughout its history, what the West is doing only leads to greater devastation.

Putin does not want Washingtons nuclear missiles parked on his western border in the Ukraine. For security reasons, he cannot allow this. He has made this excruciatingly clear over and over again. As he said on December 21, 2021, more than a month before the war began:

If US and NATO missile systems are deployed in Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be only 710 minutes, or even five minutes for hypersonic systems.

No American president would allow a potential adversary to deploy their nuclear missiles to sites along the Mexican-American border. The risks to national security would be far-too great. In fact, Washington would remove those missile sites through force-of-arms without batting an eye. We all know that. So, why isnt that same standard applied to Russia? Why are policymakers siding with the US and NATO when all the parties involved know what is at stake and know that they have all signed treaties that promise not to improve their own security at the expense of their neighbors?

And deadly serious Putin and Russia are, while Joe Biden bumbles and gets lost and soils himself.

VLADIMIR Putin has ordered drills involving Russia's nuclear forces in which they simulated a massive strike on the West.

The barrage of ballistic and cruise missiles fired in the "Operation Thunder" exercises comes as a US official has warned of "troubling developments" involving Russia's nuclear arsenal.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the drills - codenamed "Grom" or "Thunder" - simulated a massive nuclear strike by Russia in retaliation for an attack on its soil.

Video released by the Russian-military run Zvezda website showed armed forces personnel in front of computers launching a Yars ballistic missile. Other footage showed a Sineva intercontinental ballistic missile being fired from a submarine in the Barents Sea and a TU-95 bomber that launched cruise missiles.

The Kremlin said that all tasks set for the exercise were fulfilled and all the missiles that were test-fired reached their designated targets.

And what, some might ask, were their 'designated targets' which would be obliterated? While the image above was taken from this 2019 story which reportedRussian state television has listed US military facilities that Moscow would target in the event of a nuclear strike, and said that a hypersonic missile Russia is developing would be able to hit them in less than five minutes.

And with the targets including the Pentagon and the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland, take note that image shows submarines being used to inflict the carnage, and shows the devastation from those attacks alone would be East and West-coast wide.

Because, as 'Kalbo' had reported on ANP back on October 3rd, Russia has a whole bunch of highly advanced nuclear weaponry that our 'woke' military has no way what-so-ever of stopping. From that story.:

Russia, as led by Putin, does not blindly rush into altercations. Putin takes his time, weighs his options, considers the consequences, and then, at a time of his choosing, acts. Putin had several Russian navy submarines surface in the Atlantic Ocean only 15 miles off the US east coast earlier this year. The submarines were stealth running and were not known to be in the area. This was a warning to Biden that Russia could launch ballistic and cruise missiles from undetectable submarines that are mere minutes away from US targets. There would not be time to react from US forces.

If Putin does not choose to respond in kind and cause economic damage, but instead up the ante and use military force, he has many choices. Russia has hypersonic weapons, and anti-ship missiles against which there is no defense. Russia has nuclear weapon capable, nuclear powered, underwater drones that can cause a 100' tsunami to wipe out miles of a seaside city.

And of course, Russia could also take down the electrical grid for the entire country, quite literally sending us back to the dark ages. With nothing that the US military could do to stop a Russian EMP, imagine America looking like this in our near futures thanks to Joe Biden and the globalists.

Russia could fire off an EMP over the US. Depending upon location and strength, this will permanently destroy any electrical infrastructure or electronic device that is exposed to the EMP. The power grid substations would overload and burn. The transformers in these stations take months to build and install, and that is in a time when manufacturing supply lines are normal, With half, or most of the US power grid down, it will be a decade or two before the grid returns to present day service.

With the grid down, services such as elevators, municipal water and sewage service, fire fighters, police, traffic signals, gasoline station pumps, refrigeration, radio, TV, internet, transportation of food and fuel, and all new manufacturing of goods will cease. Any device with electronics, including automobiles, cell towers, computers, internet servers, elevators, traffic signals, and cell phones will be electronically fried. There will not be any repair or spare parts available. Welcome to the 18th century.

So with Vladimir Putin and Russia putting the Russian people first, at least when it comes to building underground shelters in preparation for nuclear war, helping to explain Putin's 79% approval ratings among the Russian people, while Joe Biden and the globalists put themselves first while carrying out more and more bioweapons attacks upon the American people, while the Pentagon vowing to nuke Russia if they continue the Ukraine war guaranteeing we'll see a nuclear response here in America on our home soil, there's never been a better time to be fully prepared for something we pray never comes.

The final two videos below are must-watch flashbacks from the Brighteon channel of Steve Quayle featuring Henry Gruver and his warnings to us from several years ago that Russia was going to nuke the US. As Steve tells us in the introduction, Henry gives the account of him being swept up into heaven and God showing him the future of America. Warning of seeing submarines emerging from under the surface of the ocean and seeing missiles being fired out of them that hit both the East and West Coast of the US, the vision Henry was given sounds remarkably like what Russia's nuclear tsunami submarines are capable of doing to the US as seen in the image above, leading to America's destruction.

Two of our most recent nuclear war prepping stories linked below.:

As War Drums Beat Louder, Preparing To Shelter-In-Place From Nuclear Fallout Has Never Been So Important - Surviving The Aftermath Of A Nuke Attack Will Depend On How Prepared You Are

As The Globalists Get Ready To Blow Up The World, Be Prepared For TEOTWAWKI As The World Has No Experience Stopping A War Between Two Nuclear-Armed Foes

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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