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October 16, 2023

Danger Is Lurking Around The Corner: While All Eyes Are Focused On The Middle East, Sleeper Cells Are Right In Our Own Back Yard Prepared To Kills Americans

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

While the war between Israel and Hamas has been sucking all the oxygen from the room, so to speak, so many things happening right here in America right now are simply being ignored. When tunnel vision becomes the only vision for some, whether from the pro-Hamas crowd or the pro-Israel faction, we become blind to the reality of what is happening in our own back yard.

With tensions so high and getting higher with each bit of news coming from the Middle East, Americans have become so involved with infighting that danger could be at their doorstep and many wouldn't even realize it.

Our politicians are doing the same thing. They are worried about the House Speaker battle in terms of how damaging it is to Israel, or Ukraine because without House leadership in place, new funding cannot be provided for either.

So worried about spending billions to other nations, our politicians have forgotten to even pretend they care about what is happening right here in the good ole U.S of A. Of course they will make a big deal out of it when the spending bills are imminent, mostly because they each want funding for their BS agendas, not because they are showing care for their constituents.

Many would say, that is just politics as usual, and it is, but their blatant disregard for Americans living paycheck to paycheck while battling each other for tens of billions to help... (insert whatever foreign nation here), has been a real eye-opener.

So while Americans in chat forums, social media, comment sections and any other place people bicker online, are so busy screeching Zionist! or Hamas supporter!, at each other, we have democrats wanting to let up to one million Gaza refugees into America, without having any way to determine if they are just refugees or Hamas members, hinky things happening with ammunition manufacturers, and Iran's threat against America that if the "scope" of the Israel/Hamas war expands, "heavy losses will be inflicted on the United States."

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."


Things are getting very dangerous, right here in America, where we are warned by a Senior Pentagon analyst that what happened in Israel could happen in America due to our open borders.

Finally, Hamas attack on Israel could in part be replicated in the US thanks to our open southern border and the reported crossing into our country of known criminals and people with suspected terrorist ties. The intelligence failure that contributed to the surprise attack on Israel may be something others are planning for America.

We know that as of March ,284 suspected terrorists apprehended so far in fiscal 2023. How many terrorists have already crossed and have not be captured?

That warning was echoed by FBI Director Chris Wray, which to be honest, despite his admitting the dangers on U.S. soil, I am not sure he can be trusted to counter the threats. Let me be a little clearer, I am not feeling safer knowing the Wray runs the agency that is supposed to counter these types of threats.

"The threat is very much ongoing and in fact, the threat picture continues to evolve," Mr. Wray said, CBS reported. "Here in the U.S., we cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or other foreign terrorist organizations could exploit the conflict to call on their supporters to conduct attacks on our own soil."

These dire warnings are also coming from Sen. Ted Cruz.

He added, Number two, 2 1/2 years of open borders on our southern border, 7.6 million people coming in illegally, including a very significant number of people on the terror watch list, and an exposure that there could be a significant number of terrorists from countries in the Middle East who have come into this country in the past 2 1/2 years.

These are issues we used to see discussed in comment sections and other platforms where people communicate, but those discussions have been overtaken by Israel and Hamas. Granted, the attack was news, and so is the aftermath, but it should not be to the exclusion of what affects us, and what is happening right here in America.

Yet that is exactly what happened.

Moving along, we have some news that takes back to the question of whether we believe in coincidences.

Ammunition Watch: On October 14, 2023, it was reported that Lake City ammunition plant has canceled all commercial contracts. According to the report, Lake Citycurrently supplies 30% of the civilian market for 5.56 ammunition.

The Lake City ammo plant is owned by the US Government, but operated by Olin Winchester. Winchester produces ammo and sells it to the government.

When the facility is able to produce more ammo than the government requires, they sell it either to consumers or distributors.

If its true that theyve cancelled their commercial contracts, this means the US Government is requiring more ammunition, enough that they cant produce enough to sell the excess.

The day before that, we see another report about a Hornady plant in Nebraska, a leading ammo cartridges, components, and handloading equipment manufacturer, blew up. The resulted in one death and two people injured.

In June 2023, there wasan explosion at an Illinois ammunition factory, which also killed one.

The point of bringing up the ammunition explosions, is to encourage readers to get your ammo now. Restock, top off your stocks of it, double what you have... just buy now if you can.

Dems want up to one million Gaza refugees brought to America:This one defies logic.

Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas, said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic Squad who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.

I understand that Democrats are the party of illegal immigration, or to phrase it more accurately, future Democrat voters, but what about the other 50%? Also, how do you vet them when they are entering with Gaza residents that are not Hamas?

Marco Rubio, an establishment Republican, got something right when he responded to the Democrats' very bad idea, saying "The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nations inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here."

He may not be my favorite politician, but credit where it is due.

That is just a small sample of the news being buried under the wall-to-wall coverage of Israel and Gaza, which has basically blinded many Americans to the actual dangers surrounding us.


We're already being told the Israel/Hamas war could last months, with some saying up to 18 months. We're seeing the protests for and against Israel and Hamas, and the infighting among friends, relatives and neighbors, and it has been less than two weeks.

We're warned of possible attacks on U.S. soil, and we have no actual numbers available as to how many Middle Eastern immigrants are in the U.S. right now, or how many have crossed the border sine Biden took office. We know President Trump put limitations on immigrants from countries tied to terrorism.

What we do know is that from October 1 to October 10, illegal immigrants from many Middle Eastern countries have been caught and arrested by Border Control.

"Since the first of October, Border Patrol agents have apprehended individuals from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya. Malaysia, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Yemen," Daines said in a media call following his visit. "This is just in the last 10 days."
"I'm very concerned about potential sleeper cells that can be coming across our southern border. I asked Border Patrol agents how Syrian, how Lebanese, how Middle Eastern country citizens can come in, and they told me they fly first and foremost to a airport in the Middle East could be Saudi Arabia, could be in Dubai and then from there, they take a flight to Colombia," Daines said. "Then from Colombia. They're taking a trip oftentimes by bus across Central America, across Mexico [to] our southern border."

What about the ones they didn't catch? Where are they and what are they planning? What about the sleeper cells right here in America, discussed in the first video below?

This is what they have been waiting for.

The fact is the longer the Israel/Hamas (backed by Iran) war lasts, the more threats to Americans, on U.S. soil, will increase. Lone wolves, groups, sleeper cells, have all had open access to America for decades, due to our porous borders.

Yesterday in the comment section we spoke of being vigilant, and while many in the Independent Media world, readers and writers, already know to be aware and observant of their surroundings, the need is more important now than ever.

As is the need to be prepared to protect yourself, your family and neighbors against possible attacks.

Some have guns, but many prefer other personal protection measures, and now is the time to get them and to be prepared to use them.


Starting with the non-lethal, the products below are affordable and have some very good reviews.

Pepper Sprays:Note- This seems to be best used for outdoors, but not advisable for indoor use unless absolutely necessary as some of the reviews were clear that the rate of dissipation ended up affecting the user as well as the attacker.

Out of all the products researched, when it came to pepper sprays, the SABRE brand received the best reviews with 4 and 5 stars.

SABRE RED Pepper Spray Keychain with Quick Release for Easy Access Max Police Strength OC Spray, Finger Grip for Accurate Aim, 10-Foot (3M) Range, 25 Bursts (5x Other Brands) Practice Spray Option

SABRE ADVANCED Compact Pepper Spray with Clip 3-in-1 Pepper Spray, CS Tear Gas & UV Marking Dye Maximum Police Strength OC Spray, 10-Foot (3M) Range, 35 Bursts Optional Practice Spray

SABRE RED Pepper Gel Spray for Runners Gel is Safer Maximum Police Strength OC Spray, Adjustable Hand Strap for Quick Access while Running Optional Clip-on 120dB Personal Alarm w/LED Light

SABRE Pepper Spray & Stun Gun Self-Defense Kit Police Strength SABRE Red Pepper Spray, PLUS a Compact, Stylish & Powerful Purple SABRE Stun Gun with Flashlight

Stun Guns

VIPERTEK VTS-989 - 58 Billion Heavy Duty Stun Gun - Rechargeable with LED Flashlight

VIPERTEK VTS-T03 - Aluminum Series 53 Billion Heavy Duty Stun Gun - Rechargeable with LED Tactical Flashlight, Green

SABRE Tactical Stun GunAnti-Grab Technology (Shocks Person If They Try to Take)Charge Emits Intimidating 95 dB120 Lumen Flashlight, Wrist Strap & Holster

Blade-Tech Kydex-The-Waistband Holster for TASER Pulse and Pulse +

Tasers: (Note- Tasers are a little more expensive, but rather than just stunning the attacker from up close, they fire barbs attached by wires to batteries, which will incapacitate them temporarily.)

TASER Bolt 2 Self-Defense Device | Personal Protection Kit

Taser Pulse + Self-Defense Tool with Noonlight Mobile Integration, Black

TASER Pulse Self-Defense Kit - Includes 2 Cartridges, 1 Soft Carry Sleeve, and 1 Conductive Practice Target - Protect Yourself with Confidence

Batons, Bats & Tactical Pens:

Selfdefensetools Non Lethal Mutil-Tool Extended Striking Distance,Light Weight (Open Length:21 inches. Close Length: 9 inch.)

Cold Steel 92BSBZ Brooklyn Basher Mini Baseball Bat (24-Inch, Black)

Smith & Wesson 6.1in Aircraft Aluminum Refillable Tactical Pull Cap Pen for Outdoor Survival Camping and Everyday Carry


While many prefer non-lethal options to disable an attacker in order to get away, against multiple attackers that could be problematic, so survival knives, orswitchbladesare another option of a weapon that can be carried on you unseen, but offers the ability to disable a person fast in order to focus on the next threat.

Bottom lone here is to be vigilant, be prepared and be safe.

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are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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