What is being called a 'suspicious police operation' closed down the entire area near the Boston Marathon starting line merely 2+ weeks prior to the next Boston Marathon and is raising eyebrows and bringing back martial law memories in Boston as shared in the 1st video below from Dahboo777. Though police were quick to proclaim that a bomb hoax had taken place, the sighting of fully equipped responders dressed in military-style fatigues and carrying heavy arms is very concerning considering the upcoming Jade Helm 15 'events', the history of drills turning into 'live false-flag events' and the heavy militarization of America over the last several years.
One recent heavy-military sighting is shared below 1st video in a Steve Quayle alert from a reader who describes 126 military vehicles seen on a highway in Washington state, just the latest such event that we have been made aware of, all of which when combined clearly indicate that the US government is preparing for something huge to happen in the future while most Americans remain sound 'asleep'. More pictures of Boston Marathon starting line police operation are below video.
In the 2nd video below, we learn of more crisis actor opportunities, this time in 'hostile' Texas for upcoming April mass-casualty drills while in the 3rd video we learn that the Department of Homeland Security is seeking to purchase in bulk amounts, 'less lethal' riot control gear and 'specialty munitions' as the US government continues to prepare for what most Americans would consider their worst nightmares.
While Steve Quayle's source below did not get any pictures or videos of what he saw, we'll remind you that it's often not possible when someone is safely driving a vehicle to get pictures and in fact, in many states, against the law to take pictures/videos while driving a motor vehicle. We thank him for having the courage to speak out while most won't.
I am a resident of Washington State of 37 years. As I have been following all the news out their regarding the "Jade Helm"! On March 14th of this year my mother passed away! As my father lives in North Pierce County, South King County area of the state (With which is the western half of the state) I was required to travel back and forth over the last couple weeks from Chelan County which is on the Eastern side of the mountains, via I-90 with the cut-off in the east/west-bound direction being Cle-Elum to Federal Way. During my transits back and forth over the last couple/few weeks I observed military vehicles traveling east-bound in convoys of up to 25 vehicles with up to 2-3 convoys. Well this Easter weekend i.e.. Friday and Saturday heading West bound on Friday I counted 106 military vehicles heading East on I-90. On my Way East on I-90 heading home I counted 20 more military vehicles. That's 126 in 2 days!!!!!! As I noticed that a few exits along the way had exits that paralled I-90. And during my observations of militay vehicles pulled over they had "porta-potties"! So my conclusion is this has been going on for some time and they have designated stops along the way that is off the interstate that they can "use the restroom"! As I do not have any photos nor video of my encounters as being a solo driver makes it difficult nor do I have a military back round! The vehicles were "various" hummers, tankers (maybe for water or fuel), Big hummers that seem to have satellites on them. (Maybe communication)? Hummers hauling what see to be guns. Single shot! Lots of what seem to be maybe communication or hell maybe a microwave beam trucks of some sort. Bull dozers, and what to look like "mini-tanks with the gun sticking out etc. Many of the vehicles were "Very dark-green" in color while the rest were very light green. I know their had to be others that witnessed at least part of it! Wish to pass this on and maybe some one with more understanding of the military and its movements can shed some light on this. God bless to you and all that read this!
HOPKINTON Police Chief Edward Lee on Saturday pledged to tap all available resources to find out who phoned in a bomb threat to the Hopkinton Public Library, bringing a section of downtown to a standstill and forcing the evacuation of several nearby buildings.
Police converged on the library early Saturday evening, closing down portions of Rte. 135 and drawing a crowd of curious onlookers to the area. Some stayed past sunset as the flashing lights of police cruisers illuminated the intersection near Hopkinton Drug and Colellas Supermarket.
Police were first contacted around 5:30 p.m. from someone who claimed to be holding two hostages inside the library building. The caller claimed to have a bomb and demanded a ransom of $50,000, Lee said.
Police were contacted a second time by the purported hostage taker soon after officers were dispatched to the scene.
They received another call where the subject said, Pull your police officers back, so we had pretty credible information that someone might have been watching, Lee said.
Police staged outside the library, summoning tactical officers from the Central Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council and a cavalcade of law enforcement personnel from as far away as Uxbridge and Grafton.
Businesses and residents in close proximity to the library were evacuated, and police temporarily closed the streets surrounding the scene, which was several hundred feet from the start of the Boston Marathon.