"The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary." - Eco-92 Earth Charter
Over the last year and a half ANP has covered different aspects of the globalists' depopulation war against not only America but globally, from the chemicals being ingested into your body from GMO foods, to the drugs being pushed along with vaccinations, to the very air we breathe and is absorbed into our skin from chemtrails, to the mass death events and mutations documented in the sea life since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns.
Another deadly weapon has just been added by the DHS into the biological warfare agenda meant to decrease the worlds' population drastically.
Department Homeland Security, Science &Technology Directorate is kickstarting financial incentives to harvest unique ideas from thinkers, doers, and entrepreneurs such as yourself, for implementing a smart-strategy to launch the illegal National Bio and Agro-Defense (NBAF) Facility in Manhattan, Kansas, set to open in 2022. The incentive for qualifying partners with fresh ideas is $15K to $100K. NBAF Think and Do Challenge falls under the new Fast Track policy and ends November 30, 2015. Recipients agree to enter into contractual agreements to implement their ideas with DHS using a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) instrument.
The NBAF facility will experiment with the worlds most deadly pathogens including zoonotic pathogens that transfer pathogens from animals to humans. Experimentation will be conducted within veterinary, agricultural (plant-based), and pharmaceutical disciplines with an emphasis on accelerating novel vaccinations and transferring novel technologies into science and to the marketplace.
As the article excerpted and linked above points out, this type of experimentation was prohibited in the U.S. by Congress due the very real danger of an accidental pathogen escape," which could result in a "global biological nightmare" causing "mass casualties" to the extent unprecented in history.
These concerns are not hyperbolic or exaggerated as evidenced by an August 2015 investigative report published at USA Today, showing "Kansas State University where a controversial $1.25 billion biosecurity lab facility is under construction secretly faced federal sanctions last year after repeatedly violating safety regulations during its research with bioterror pathogens.."
More from USA Today:
Although the NBAF will be an independently run Department of Homeland Security facility when it opens around 2022, the university has publicized on its website that Kansas States labs already are being used to jump-start research that will eventually transition to the new federal facility. Transition research underway includes studies of Rift Valley fever, a mosquito-borne disease that can cause abortions in livestock and fatal infections in people; Japanese encephalitis, another mosquito-borne disease that can cause reproductive problems in pigs and serious and sometimes fatal brain infections in people; and Classical swine fever, a potentially deadly pig disease.
As seen on USA Today's Biolab page, they have done extensive research not only into the Kansas State University labs violations of safety regulations, but they have documented hundreds of lab accidents and safety violations in multiple bio labs across the country, such as vials ofbioterror bacteria have gone missing, labmice infected with deadly viruses have escaped,cattle infected in a university's vaccine experiments were repeatedly sent to slaughter and their meat sold for human consumption, gearmeant to protect lab workers from lethal viruses such as Ebola and bird flu has failed, repeatedly, with many of the documented violation putting the public at risk.
The depopulation agenda isglobalists' plan to reduce population using an overpopulation crisis as the pretext, or a secret eugenics plan cover-up and while treated by the MSM as a "conspiracy theory" there are enough documented references and quotes by world leaders and elitists to understand the agenda is real and with all the piece now in place, they are initiating their depopulation war.
The ultimate goal is written on theGeorgia Guidestones, where it states "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."
While there are many high profile quotes, 22 of them can be found here, let's look at just two examples starting with number nine on that linked page, Ted Turner whose goal is even more dramatic, "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." Number 16, byThomas Ferguson, former official in the U.S. State Department Office of Population Affairs, who stated "There is a single theme behind all our workwe must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it."
In October of 2014, Stefan Stanford highlighted a website, Deagel.com, which used government sourced data to project a descrease of78.2% from 316+ million people to69 million people in America by 2025. By April 2015, those projections were further adjusted downwardfor the US in 2025 by another 4 million, bringing the total number of Americans who are here now but not expected to be here in 10 years to 254 million people.
The depopulation desire on the part of the globalists is there and everyone knows when the elite desires an outcome, they do whatever it takes to accomplish their agenda.
Fukushima- It is a well known fact that radiation can cause mutations in plant life and animals, including sea life and back in January 2014, one such finding was recorded, plus I published a video at the time showing a twoheaded whale which had washed ashore in Baja California, asking if it was due to the radioactive water being poured into the Pacific Ocean from the cripple Fukushima plant.
Since 2011, ENENews has documented the damage the MSM consistently claims is "unexplained," from mass sea life deaths, to mutations to melting starfish, all of which effects the ecosystem as well as infecting the very seafood we eat.
Chemtrails & Geoengineering - as we have covered extensively in the past, chemtrailing has continued unabated, pumping unknown amounts of toxic chemicals into the very air we breath, being absorbed into our skin, with a chemical compound shown to consist ofAluminum, Barium And Strontium, which many believe are causing some serious health issues with some even wondering about behavioral changes in people.
Dane Wiginton from Geoenginnering Watch has done excellent research on this topic, providing a much needed voice to counter the government propaganda. His YouTube channel is here and he covers a variety of different aspects of geoengineering, the damage that is being done to the planet and the inhabitants.
On October 25, 2015, he joined Greg Hunter to reveal "new information on chemtrails or geoengineering the weather in the form of a 1978 U.S. Senate document. Wigington reports, In this 750 page document, the express goal is for those in power to decide who should get more rain and who should get less rain. . . . Even though you have the damage by these programs, the desire to play God with the weather was not suppressed at all. In the 1978 document, they talk about further expanding the programs to a wider scope and scale. These people think they have a right to play God with the weather, with no regard for the consequences what-so-ever.
Bioweapons - With the latest reports of Francepreparing their citizens for chemical weapons attacks in conjunction with previous threats from ISIS about a biological weapon attack here in the U.S., along with the "lab accidents" highlighted at the beginning of this article, we see multiple ways a massive biological attack could wipe out millions of people across the world.
The depopulation agenda has been kicked into high gear and between Chemtrails, biological weapons, terror attacks, the radiation from Fukushima and the mutagenic effects of all of the above, there is a very real possibility that the globalists' goal of wiping out 90 percent of the worlds population could come sooner than anyone believed it could or would.