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July 17, 2022

This Is The Family Tasked With Running America Into The Ground - Proof The Mental Health Of The Biden Clan Is Absolutely Disastrous For America

By PF Whalen of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

(ANP: With Tucker Carlson recently warning on air as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story that, according to a witness from the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden took 'pills' under wife Jill's supervision before every public appearance and was 'like a child' without the medication, this story takes a look at Jill, Joe and Hunter, each of them being called out as the demons they are in 2022.) 

There have been plenty of clownish families over the years who have somehow managed to find themselves in places of prominence on America’s political stage. Perhaps most notable was the Carter Family in the late 1970s. Jimmy Carter was a pathetic leader, and his beer-guzzling, hillbilly brother Billy was a family embarrassment; but at least the Carters had Lillian as the spunky matriarch. We also have the Cuomo Family, of course, with unemployed former CNN hack Fredo and disgraced grandparent-killer Andrew. And then, we have the Bidens… a family that makes the Carters and Cuomos look like the Roosevelts. 

Winner: First Lady Jill “You Had Better Call Me Doctor” Biden manages to thoroughly insult the Hispanic community which had already been abandoning the Democratic Party in droves. 

Beating out President Joe Biden and crack-smoking First Son Hunter Biden for the honor of being named the week’s top knucklehead is no small feat. Note that this week Joe achieved the unthinkable by attaining a 29% approval rating according to a Civiqs poll, and then challenged a questioning reporter to “Read the polls, Jack!” Then consider that Hunter may be facing federal charges for not only soliciting prostitutes but for transporting them across state lines. 

Indeed, we must have seen a monumental misstep by Doctor Jill for her to have surpassed her grouchy, senile spouse and her degenerate stepson, and that’s exactly what she did. 

With polls showing her husband’s approval rating among Latinos as low as 26%, even lower than that of white folks, the geniuses in the White House apparently thought it would be a good idea to send out the First Lady to sharpen her husband’s messaging and mend some of the damage that has been done amongst the Latino electorate. It did not go well. On Monday, the First Lady made an appearance at a gathering of Hispanic leaders, and here’s how it went. Watch:

“Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength.” 

Well done, Doctor Jill, truly… well done.

For the record, “bodegas” are small, family-run grocery stores that are commonly found in New York City, whereas “Bogota” is the capital of Columbia, somewhere Hunter likes to travel to when he wants to buy some top-notch cocaine. But the line that really doomed Doctor Jill was her comparison of the Hispanic community to tacos. She’s brought a new meaning to the phrase, “Hmm, I feel like a taco.” 

For those of us who are Italian, we’re probably not too keen on the idea of having our communities compared to stromboli. For the Chinese, it’s doubtful they’d appreciate their people being equated to fortune cookies. And most Middle Easterners would probably be offended by someone likening their humanity to baba ghanoush. Generally speaking, folks like to think of their cultures and communities as more than just some pasta or chopped eggplant. And our Hispanic friends are no exception.

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The backlash for Doctor Jill came fast and furious, with this tweet by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists summing up the situation well, “We are not tacos. The NAHJ encourages Dr. Biden and her speech writing team to take the time in the future to better understand the complexities of our people and communities.” Nailed it. 

The real damage that the First Lady caused was much more than just vocalizing a clumsy ethnic stereotype and the temporary annoyance it caused with Latinos. There’s no doubt that her speechwriters thought the wording was a good idea, but Jill Biden had to approve the verbiage. She’s the one who spoke it, and in doing so showed how out of touch she, her staff, and the entire Democratic leadership are with everyday Americans. They don’t value the various Hispanic cultures, they value power. And their identity politics approach to attaining and retaining that power is utterly insincere. 

To Jill Biden, Jewish folks are just bagel-eaters, Irish folks are just Guinness drinkers, and Japanese folks are just sushi consumers. Our stereotypes are indicative of our communities. But for the rest of us, whether Latino, Jewish, Irish, or whatever else, we understand what Doctor Jill truly is: a knucklehead. 

Honorable Mention #1: Hunter Biden’s debauchery caught on video… again. 

Hunter Biden is not very good with modern technology. He abandoned a laptop at a Delaware computer repair shop a few years ago, and its contents may yet result in criminal charges. Now he’s had an iCloud account hacked that allegedly contained more texts, pictures, and videos of Hunter’s hedonistic and illicit shenanigans. 

As mentioned, evidence from the account may show Hunter had transported prostitutes across state lines, which is a federal offense. But there’s also a video that shows Hunter weighing what appears to be about 21 grams of crack cocaine and hanging out with what appears to be a hooker. What a charming fellow, that Hunter Biden. And let’s keep in mind, it’s not like Hunter Biden is some wealthy, footloose college kid sowing his youthful oats. Hunter Biden is 52 years old. He just happens to act like a privileged, immoral 21-year-old reprobate. 

Honorable Mention #2: President Biden can’t believe he’s the president, and neither can we. 

As usual, there is a multitude of incidents we could cite in justifying the president’s appearance here in our weekly tribute, again. We mentioned his idiotic taunt of, “Read the polls, Jack.” He also encouraged everyone to “Keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust.” Yep, that whole Holocaust thing was quite an honor, Joe. But probably the best example of Joe Biden’s idiocy came with that episode.  

“Every time I hear ‘Hail to the Chief,’ I wonder, where the hell is he? It took me a long while. You think I’m joking but I’m not. I turn around and, ‘Where? Where’s the president?’” 

No, Mr. President, we don’t think you’re joking. We totally believe you. In fact, we shake our heads and ask the same question on a regular basis.

This story was originally published here. P.F. Whalen is a conservative author at TheBlueStateConservative.com. His work has appeared in multiple publications, including Human Events, the Western Journal, and American Thinker. Follow him on GETTR; he does not do Facebook and Twitter.

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