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August 18, 2020

'Commiefornia's Rolling Blackouts' Show Us How Quickly The Globalists Could Shut Down America Completely & A 'Long-Term Grid Down Death Toll' Would Absolutely Dwarf That Of Covid-19 

- Build Your Own Faraday Cage At Home - Instructions Here

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free or Die

With government's now unveiling medical tyranny from the East coast to the West with this recent story over at SHTF Plan by Mac Slavo showing just how ludicrous some government's are getting with one Wisconsin state agency requiring employees to wear covid-19 masks during Zoom calls, even if the participants are alone in their own homes, we see just how quickly 'they' can shut everything down in two recent stories from 'Commie-fornia' which show us why we should all get prepared for a 'grid down scenario'.  

And with the lead story much of the weekend over at globalist-drudge reporting millions of residents of California may be hit by 'rolling blackouts' amid an incredibly intense heatwave that has seen temperatures hitting 130 degrees in Death Valley, Yahoo reports residents in California are being urged to conserve energy by cutting back on their electrical use as much as possible while the manager of their power grid also warned of more power outages ahead in a statewide flex alert issued Sunday. 

While we all know that weather can always wreak havoc upon the grid and turn what most consider 'normal' into the most difficult of times should the grid go down for an extended period of time, we also see how government's in California are using modern amenities such as electricity and water to enforce their own brand of medical tyranny, threatening to shut those modern day necessities down to people who might be hosting parties in 2020 America.

And with estimates that up to 90% or more of Americans would die in any kind of an extended grid down scenario here, and the very real possibility that other government's across the US might follow California's tyrannical lead and shut off people's electricity/water while 'playing politics', we owe it to ourselves and families to prepare to ride out the storm should any number of different 'worst case scenarios' arise and we be forced to be without power for an extended period of time.  

(ANP Emergency Fundraiser: Following Stefan's medical emergencies during the month of July and upcoming medical bills for surgeries he'll need, ANP is holding an emergency fundraiser during the month of August. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at a time of systematic censorship and corruption).

And with the very real and growing possibility of an exterior enemy of America such as China, Russia, North Korea or even Iran using an EMP to take down the power grids across America as Dr. Peter Vincent Pry had warned in this June 18th ANP story, it's not just weather or tyrannical state/city government's that Americans need to be concerned with and prepare for when it comes to the grid going down. 

While democrats/globalists are screaming about the dangers of Covid-19, locking down America and delivering a devastating financial and social blow over something that even in a very-worst case scenario may kill 2% to 3%, as this story over at warned, an extended grid-down scenario in America could easily kill off 90% of the US population through disease, chaos and the mass civil unrest that would follow as Americans learn their next meal won't be found at the grocery stores. From that story.:

When a large electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) event occurs—which, according to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), there is “100% certainty” will happen at some time in the future—as many as 9 out of 10 people in the U.S. could die

Johnson, chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, posed questions to witnesses testifying on Capitol Hill before his committee. He asked R. James Woolsley, chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, what would happen to society if the electrical grid were to be down for an extended period of time, such as a year or two, following an EMP event? 

Woolsley responded, “It’s briefly dealt with in the commission report of [2008]. There are essentially two estimates on how many people would die from hunger, from starvation, from lack of water, and from social disruption. One estimate is that within a year or so, two-thirds of the United States population would die. The other estimate is that within a year or so, 90% of the U.S. population would die. We’re talking about total devastation. We’re not talking about just a regular catastrophe. 

And while when asked, "what can be done?", Woolsley responded “people tend to think of it as science fiction, people get into not wanting to think about it, not wanting to worry about it, because it’s too terrible", the suggestions offered to lessen the danger during that hearing were mainly for the national power grid and the large power transformers that are the most vulnerable. 

As this story over at Secrets of Survival had reported, the chaos that would rip all across America following an EMP attack upon would be absolutely unimaginable to some but something we must none-the-less prepare for. From that story. 

Commercial jets will fall from the sky across North America. Nuclear power plants will go off-line. Hospitals will become death traps. Battles over food will be fought in the streets. And that’s just day one. 

Welcome to the EMP nightmare. 

Just One EMP Could Be Devastating 

As a result of just one EMP attack on the U.S., in an instant the nation’s power grid will fail as anything with circuits (including most automobiles built since the early 1960s when computerized components became more standard in automobiles) will cease to work.

Trains, buses, subway systems and commercial airlines and other modern planes will cease to work also — even the 4,000 or so commercial flights (think Delta, U.S. Airways, Southwest Airlines, and many others) that are in the sky over America at any given time. Our electricity driven society, built on a complex web of intersecting wires and computer circuits, will suddenly come to a standstill. 

All hell will probably break loose shortly after. 

Chaos Following An EMP Attack On The U.S. 

Why chaos after an EMP? Imagine the world suddenly without TV, radio, phone, internet, refrigeration, microwaves, stoves and ovens, washers and dryers, waste removal, sewage treatment facilities, clean water from the tap (provided by water companies that use industrial equipment to treat water; even water that at a previous time may have been sewage) making it safe to drink; gas companies who provide heat and power gone; or of course the electric company. 

Imagine each going offline — permanently. 

Imagine the U.S. unable to transport food from farmland in distant states and counties — meat, dairy, eggs, produce, grain products, packaged food. 

300,000 million people (the population of the United States) will quickly descend on the packaged food left on store shelves in the initial hours of the realization that an EMP had taken place.

So while President Trump back in March of 2019 signed an Executive Order to protect the electrical grid against an EMP, an absolutely necessary first step in doing so, in the final section of this story below we're going to be taking a look at individual/household preparation for a short-term or lengthy grid down scenario. We've also included a PDF for a 'build-it-yourself faraday cage' to help protect sensitive electronics at the very bottom of this story. 

As SDGE reports in this recent story, while power outages don’t happen often, they can be absolutely devastating when they do, especially for those unprepared if they go on for an extended period of time, so it's always a great idea to be prepared just in case, whether the outage be for only an hour or days/weeks. 

With the very real chance that any long-term grid down scenario could bring thieves to any location running a generator, getting ourselves a super-quiet generator might be our best option to avoid people coming to our homes who may not have our best interests in mind. A couple other super-quiet and lightweight inverter generators include this and this one

Some of the more traditional generators include this 3,800 watt one and this 2,000 Watt ultralight model. Having extension cords is also critical should we need to bust out our generators.  

Having a solar-power kit can also come in handy, providing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) allowing electricity-operated objects like computers, stoves, refrigerators and medical equipment to continue running during an emergency. Several different kits available online now include this one and this one. From this SDGE story.:

Outage Kits 

We recommend going through this checklist and assembling an easily accessible kit that you can rely on in the event of a power outage. The following are useful items to have in an outage, and remember to replace items you've used up, such as batteries, food, and water, after the outage. 

Outage Kit Checklist 

Battery-powered radio or television (solar powered emergency radios as well)


Batteries (9 Volt) - (D Batteries) - (AA Batteries) - (AAA Batteries)

A (satellite) phone that does not require electricity 

Non-electric alarm clock 

Bottled water and nonperishable food 

Manual can opener 

First aid kit 

Manufacturer's instructions on how to manually open power-operated doors

In the 2nd video below we hear more about EMP prepping while in the 1st video we hear that the underground bunker business is booming with public feeling a building sense of urgency all across the country as they watch unfolding leftist riots and as the economy crumbling around them. And as they report in this video, that panic is translating into action in a big way. From their video: 

Countless people are already on the move to relocate, or at least planning to do so soon. Some will leave the country entirely, but most are looking for ways to hunker down and ride out the crisis at home in the United States. Unfortunately, employment opportunities--a rare thing at this stage in the pandemic and not something to be given up lightly--are keeping a lot of Americans tethered to their residences in city centers.

As a backup plan, however, many of these individuals are securing bunkers in more rural destinations so they can bug out if things continue to go downhill. Today, the number of Americans that are prepping for the worst case scenario numbers close to 4 million. The survivalist industry is now worth billions, and the current health crisis has only made it all the more popular. There are around 3.7 million Americans prepping today on some scale, feeding a multibillion-dollar-a-year industry that has become more mainstream because of the pandemic. Bradley Garrett, author of “Bunker: Building for the End Times,” anticipates that one in every four Americans will be engaging in some level of prepping before the end of 2020.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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