April 9, 2024
From Allowing An Invasion Of America To Pretending Men Are Really Women, We Are One Election Away From Allowing America To Become A California-Like Hellscape
By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline
While it would be wonderful to have political candidates from the two major parties running for president that were not over 75, that is the hand we have been dealt. Granted, many think that by November it won't be Joe Biden on the ticket for the Democrats, but it is April now and we are no closer to seeing Biden replaced, so it may very well be a Trump versus Biden rematch.
Even if Biden was replaced, more than three years of Democrat agenda policies, some shown below, has turned American into a laughing stock, weakened our military, spending so much that inflation has made the price of food so expensive many Americans are skipping meals in order to afford housing, and much more.
As we browse the news each day and listen to the political chatter, we see a nation that if the images and reports were about any other country, we would believe that country was on the verge of collapse.
Just a few items off the top of my head below:
Millions of immigrants flowing across the border illegally, with a large increase of military-aged Chinese men. This is deliberate because those illegal aliens gravitate to Democrat-run cities/states, which in turn gives those states more representation because illegals are counted in the U.S. Census. This is an invasion, nothing less, encouraged by the White House.
Sending tens of billions to Ukraine while our infrastructure remains vulnerable. Remember, America cannot even pay its own bills, so we borrow from others, with our national debt heading to $35 trillion.
Teaching young Americans that "loans" don't have to be paid back, by cancelling student loans, creating an entire generation of dead beats. The Biden regime doing this after the Supreme Court ruled that he couldn't. This is nothing short of a bribe, so they will vote for Biden.
Encouraging gender confusion by pretending that men can change into woman and vice versa, coming from the highest levels of government.
Making a mockery of our U.S. Military with transgender "women" (men pretending to be women) leaders, and lowering physical standards for women an older Americans, and a "woke" military destroying the image of the military, resulting in missing recruitment goals.
Food costing 50% more than before Biden took office. Everything else costing approximately 20% more than before 2021.
Turning America into a Banana Republic by persecuting the presumptive nominee of the opposing party using lawfare.
I could name so much more, but the point here is that America, as a Republic, may not survive or come back from another liberal presidency.
After browsing forums, social media, comment sections, and any other place online that allows commenting and discussion, many are worried that America's apparent weakness, amplified by Biden leaving so many behind in his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and his diminished mental capacity, are going to get us attacked by either China, Russia or both.
The media is nearly 100% in Biden's pocket, to the point where some articles seem as if they could be written by the White House, mimicking their claims and outright lying for them
Big tech is doing its damnedest to bankrupt Independent Media such as ANP, and other conservative websites before the election, with the goal of making sure that the only "news" available is Biden regime-approved.
Keeping independent media alive is the only way to get to news that the MSM downplays or in most cases. simply refuses to report on.
This is why donations are so appreciated, and frankly are the only reason ANP is still online, so a HUGE thank you to those that have donated, shared our work, and visit and/or comment almost every day.
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As stated earlier, this is the hand we have been dealt, either Joe Biden of a far left liberal replacement (Newsom?), or Donald Trump.
While Biden is practically wasting away in front of us, when they are not pumping him full of drugs to make him loud and angry (remember is SOTU address?), there is a very good chance that he is forced to drop out due to his health, or without trying to sound cold, passes away, so there is a good chance he will have to be replaced as the presidential candidate.
Kamala Harris has a disapproval number even higher than Biden, so political chatter indicates it would be Newsom who replaces Biden on the ticket.
No other name comes up as often as Gavin Newsom as a replacement for Biden.
Right now, Democrats are hemorrhaging voters, the young, black and Hispanic voters. All of which would gravitate right back to Democrats if a younger, charismatic, candidate replaced Biden.
Seriously, Republicans better hope Biden makes it to election, or America will become one big California.
What would that look like? Let us take a look below at California, a state I might add, that people are fleeing from in large numbers, due to the radical liberal policies.
Let's take a look at just a few reasons why people are exiting California.
Newsoms tax the rich electricity plan will increase taxes for those making $28,000.
California lawmakers are changing the way electricity is billed to households. Instead of paying for how much electricity one uses, they will also be taxed based on how much they make.
The new law requires people earning $28,000-$69,000 to be charged an extra $20 to $34 per month. Those earning $69,000-$180,000 would pay $51 to $73 per month, and people earning more than $180,000 would pay a $85-to-$128 monthly surcharge.
California is one of the top ten states with the highest taxes, with nine of out the ten being states run by Democrats.
Newsom signed laws that require gender-neutral displays of children's toys and toothbrushes in large department stores
Drug dens of SAN FRAN.
Around 20,000 rooms in about 500 hotels have been converted from coveted tourist destinations into roach- and vermin-infested Single-Room Occupancy (SRO) housing for vagrants.
Many of the century-old buildings are now overrun with drug-addled zombies high on fentanyl and the flesh-eating animal tranquilizer dubbed tranq, residents told The Post during a tour on Tuesday.
Californias homelessness crisis is the worst in the US. But who is struggling the most?
We could go on, but you get the point. Perhaps the only voters need to know when considering whether they want America to be like California, is that CA is Americas most liberal state, and has been for years.

Whether one believes the 2020 election was "stolen" or not, it is good news that more than a dozen states have strengthened their voter integrity laws, much to the dismay of Democrats that frame the changes as "restrictive." Liberal websites call requiring an ID to vote "restrictive," so take those claims with a large grain of salt.
First and foremost, let me say that in my opinion, and legally as well, each person has the right to choose, support and vote for whatever candidate they prefer, or even to not vote at all. No one has the right to demand one vote for a candidate they do not want as President. No one. It is a persona choice, period, end of.
With that said, Americans must be aware what their decision means for the country, and they must decide if they want to see more Biden regime or Newsom policies enacted, unchecked, from 2025 through the start of 2029.
If so, act accordingly. If not, act accordingly.
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