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November 26, 2023
Prepare For A Nuclear False Flag Where An American Nuke Is Dropped On U.S. Soil To Blame Another Country As Justification To Drop Nukes On Another Super Power
While Independent Media readers understand the difference between a false flag operation and a hoax, it was brought to my attention by a social media follower, that not everyone does know the difference, so we'll start there on the off chance that someone who does not understand the difference is reading this.
In simplistic terms, a hoax is a claim of an event or events that never really happened, and a false flag is an act orchestrated in a manner that makes it appear to have been carried out by a party that was not responsible.
With that out of the way, conditions across the globe, wars, nuclear saber-rattling, the economy, both internationally and nationally, are all events that leave America ripe for a false flag event geared to "unite" Americans against a common enemy.
While Russia has always been the boogeyman our government, with a lot of help from the media, the Russian collusion hoax, damaged the media and multiple federal agencies' reputation and ability to continue to use just Russia to terrify Americans.
Now it is the Russia and China alliance against America holding the "superpower" status, and creating the perfect opportunity for the Biden regime to keep Americans under control with the use of a false flag event.
The same people that do not understand what a false flag is, are obviously unaware of the documented memorandawritten by the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, suggesting a number of attacks against America, carried out by the U.S., as a pretext for going to war with Cuba, who was working with Russia.
It was dubbed Operation Northwoods, and was proposed in 1962, the very same year of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
While we will do a quick trip down memory lane below, the bottom line point here is that the next false flag planned by the U.S. government will be nuclear and on U.S. soil, because nothing less will convince the majority of Americans to trust any U.S. federal agency again.
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While the Operation Northwoods was proposed in 1962, the project was not made public until November 18, 1997. It wasn't published online in a more complete form by theNational Security Archive, until April 2001.
Operation Northwoods was a plan circulated in the U.S. government in 1962 to stage false flag terrorist attacks inside the U.S. and abroad to provoke military intervention in Cuba. The plan called for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other operatives to commit genuine acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro. One part of the Operation Northwoods plan was to develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The document was signed by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer and reportedly presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962. (source)
Millions of Americans are still unaware of Operation Northwoods, and when informed, they call it a "conspiracy theory."
Also in 1962, America dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Cuba's alliance with Russia, during the cold war, was one of the reasons Operation Northwoods was proposed.
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a tense, 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962 over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, just 90 miles from U.S. shores.
At this point some might be asking why we are going over history, and the reason for that is we are far closer to nuclear war right now than we were then.
With Cuba being less than 100 miles from Florida, any hostile nation on the island is considered a direct threat to the U.S.
It bears repeating something we all know, and that is China is a nuclear power.
A look at the global events since Joe Biden started occupying the White House, and we have a war between Ukraine and Russia, one between Hamas and Israel, civil unrest in a number of nations, violence and protests on American streets, and extreme tensions between America and Russia and China, both nuclear powers.
Speak to anyone that keeps track of world events, online or offline, and they will tell you they are waiting for another shoe to drop.
With Americans on edge, knowing with all the tensions, fighting, civil unrest, with America often acting aggressively against other nuclear nations, there is a very good possibility of World War III going hot right here in the U.S.
The question which needs to be asked in light of what our DoD, and Joint Chiefs of Staff did back in 1962, planning multiple attacks including on U.S. soil in order to justify a war against a hostile nation, is whether the nuke that hits America will come from another country, or will it be a false flag by our own insane rulers?
Ask yourself: If Biden went on TV and mumbled his way through a speech saying he was declaring war on (insert country here), how many war-weary Americans would back him, unite behind him? How many in Congress, that are not war mongers like Lindsey Graham, would back him?
On the flip side of that coin, if an American city is hit, and our "intelligence community," said it was (insert country here), despite their past egregious inaccurate assertions, Americans would be incensed enough to fall in line and back a war against whoever our federal agencies falsely pointed the finger at.
They have planned for it before, and this time international relations are far more tense than they have ever been historically, so it is in no way far-fetched to think that the next false flag will be nuclear, on American soil, and it will be one of our own nukes.
Unfortunately, political leaders, military leaders and all their families have underground bunkers to hide in, while everyday Americans only have their own preparations.
Everyone knows a direct, or being too close the hit, will be over for those in the immediate area, but Americans outside the red zone, have a chance to survive on our own.
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