Not only is the Obama administration fast-tracking the importation of Syrian refugees into America, knowing that Islamic terrorists have infiltrated the refugee resettlement program, but now we have seven soldiers who were being trained in the U.S. as part of theInternational Military Education and Training program under the Pentagons Defense Security Cooperation Agency, going AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave).
The official narrative is that two of the missing U.S. trained Afghan soldiers are "accounted for" with a Defense department official suggesting they "may" have fled the United States.
An Army source said the Afghans who left the weekend of the New York area bombings appeared to be part of a coordinated effort. The three men are being probed for possible connections to Rahami. "Initial assessment is that there is not relation and the timing is coincidental," the source said.
Evans declined to comment on whether the Pentagon has security concerns about the missing Afghans.
Sarah Rodriguez, a spokeswoman for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, said authorities are pursuing the Afghans.
"ICE Homeland Security Investigations is aware of the situation, and is actively working to locate these individuals in coordination with the State Department and the Department of Defense," she said, declining specifics because of the ongoing investigation.
Of course Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson is following the official White House policy of refusing to name the enemy, and has created a new label for Islamic terrorism that has been seen on U.S. soil of late, calling them "terrorist enabled," which supposedly falls between a "self-radicalized loner and one directly controlled by an organization."
Johnson said terrorist threats have evolved, moving from terrorist-directed attacks "to a world that also includes the threat of terrorist-inspired attacks" in which individuals who live in the U.S. are "self-radicalized" to attack their own country.
That is nothing more than Johnson attempting to play word games as see that ISIS has instructed "lone wolf" attacks, so the claim that these terrorists are simply "inspired" by ISIS or "self-radicalized," is nonsense and just another attempt on the part of the Obama administtration to avoid admitting that the attacks were conducted by radical Islamic terrorists.
Johnson says that by their nature, terrorist-inspired attacks and terrorist-enabled attacks are difficult to detect by intelligence and law enforcement communities, can occur with little or no notice and in general make for a more complex homeland security challenge.
As ANP pointed out on September 18, 2016, law-enforcement can pinpoint the general location of where these types of attacks will occur, using their very own data on where Syrian refugess (and ISIS members and supporters) have been resettled to in larger numbers.
As was mentioned in that article, the latest three attacks in NY, NJ and Minnesota, and the Orlando massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Florida, are all shown to have recieved a significant number of Syrian refugees from September 2015 through July 2016.
The reason these types of attacks are "difficult to detect" is because Homeland Security, run by Johnson as well as other investigative agencies under Obama's control, have been prevented from utilizing all intelligence capabilities, becausemosques have been off-limits by government surveillance since October 2011.
The timing of everything we are watching occur, with the presidential election drawing near, the race-baiting and cop shootings, the racial tensions where we are seeing reports of "kill white people" and Black Lives Matter graffiti, the increasing frequency of terror attacks and shootings, all followed immediately by Obama, his wife, and his merry band of lackies calling for more gun control.... is no coincidence.
As a side note, we do notice that a number (not all) of police shootings have occurred against unarmed black Americans, so we also have to wonder if an old warning by Steve Quayle about how professional assassins would be inserted into police departments in order to generate racial tensions and stoke a race war, with the help of people like Geoge Soros funding and inciting groups like Black Lives Matter into violence, is also another phase having been completed.
The people that want to see America destroyed are all laying out the groundwork for their endgame.
We see that while Islamic communities and mosques are being protected from intelligence gathering, Christians, constitutionalists, patriot groups, veterans and others are being targeted and labeled and dangerous and extremists and listed as hate groups, quite likely to create their assassination algorithms to highlight the "red list."
I would like to make another couple of observations, speculative but highly suspicious in my view because of the timing issue.
It is quite possible Obama, freaking out about a possible Trump win and knowing Trump plans to reverse many of Obama's executive actions immediately which would effectively "erase the Obama Presidency," has moved up the endgame timeline, using terror attacks against America, more shootings, more violent rioting by Black Lives Matter, to provide the perfect storm to implement martial law and to disarm Americans.
If the polls stay tight and Obama thinks there is a chance that Hillary won't win in November, we can expect something huge to happen before the election.... and it won't be pretty.