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And then they said the real kicker, a paragraph that describes right where we are at this time; If the world monetary system collapses in the course of play, all governments are judged losersand economists write books describing the follies of man and the causes of the next war. It seems the worlds elitists are playing that game just as described, with the added evils of massive depopulation to ease the pressures on the purposely diminishing food supply and world peace and at the same time reducing the power of the nation that brought such wealth and increase of living standards down to third world status. This article is speculation on just how that might occur regarding the money supply and its control systems. We hinted at where this is going in our ANP March 19th article involving the Mitt Romney investments in digital currency, also known as block chain. This crypto currency system, of whatever final sort is to be pushed, is the One World Currency the planners of the Great Reset (also known as the death of nations or the New World Order) is designing, building and will soon implement fully rather than the current experiments that are proving its viability. About four years ago, a website called Social Europe said that For more than thirty years, our politicians have relied on the theory of efficient markets, i.e. on the generalised dismantling of barriers to trade, liberalisation of financial markets and the opening up and increased flexibility of labour markets. The financial and economic crisis almost completely shattered the illusions surrounding this theory in a very Marxist view that seems the basis for what is being pushed. We need an approach involving political control and guidance of market forces they continued in their communist/fascist diatribe, and described their view of a world currency as Foreign exchange markets are characterised by the dominance of a few currencies, like the US-Dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen, the British Pound and the Swiss Franc. These markets do not reflect the multi-polar system of the world economy.If this dominance continues, it amounts to surrender to inefficient currency markets, and will, in turn, lead to further crises and currency wars. Given the conditions and challenges already described, it would be wise first to establish a new fixed but adjustable exchange rate system. And as gracious as that may sound for many, their idea is that they control the currency and exchange rates. But alas, that is not to be as something far more sinister is afoot.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
At nearly the same time, the British Prime Minister said in a statement archived here; World leaders must meet to agree a new Bretton Woods system.Sometimes it takes a crisis for people to agree that what is obvious and should have been done years ago, can no longer be postponed.We must create a new international financial architecture for the global age.We must have a new Bretton Woods -- building a new international financial architecture for the years ahead." Please note his terminology for the global age. This is a key phrase indication that the worlds bankers are directly involved in the creation of that global age which is none other than the Great Reset better known as New World Order, or ownership of the whole world by a very few selected monarchs and we will own nothing and be happy about it. The current money system is too clouded with opacity, conflicts of interest, irresponsible risk-taking and that a financial system for the 21st century that recognizes the new realities -- open not sheltered economies, international not national capital markets, global not local competition. That is much the same thing as written on the Georgia Guidestones. This new Bretton Woods agreement is to remove the dollar from the price of petroleum, destroy it completely and replace it with a fiat system of the world bankers own imagination that is based on nothing but their own computer models of what they say is needed. A year and a half ago, Stefan Gleason, president of Money Metals Exchange, said Central bankers now appear poised to embark on their biggest power play ever and that the monetary masters arent contemplating a return to sound money. Rather, theyre planning for even more debt, more inflation, and picking of winners and losers in the economy. We have been watching this warning come true as the mental midget infesting the Peoples White House and his handlers have done everything to achieve just that goal of the destruction of what is currently in force to rebuild, or build back better to their evil scheme. In the event that the U.S. central bank launches a digital dollar and assigns every American a virtual wallet, there would be no escaping adverse monetary policy decreesIt would be the vehicle through which modern monetary theory could be fully implemented with the central bank becoming tax collector and funder of all government operations. Basically they are right now, as the worlds central banks control the worlds nations through their monetary shenanigans as it is, but this would cement it in place as the legal or royally mandated system rather than merely the De facto system as it is now. About a week ago, Jim Hoft with The Gateway Pundit wrote on this dramatic shift in the new financial world order speaking of what economists at the World Government Summit in Abu Dhabi last week said. We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and Ill say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over whats going on. And that, my friends, means the only things the government cannot track are those things that are bargained and traded by non-currency methods. But watch yourself carefully, the electronic tracking of our lives, locations, friends, needs and wants is going to tattle on you if you are not very careful. The use of cellphones for tracking everything about you including where you are and who is in the immediate vicinity is included in the social justice tracking system that rates you in a comparison to the Satanist standards of the NWO. This new money system constitutes what is called programmable money meaning that the central banks will have complete control over your money and can control when, where and for what you can spend it on. Misbehave, and you do not eat. There are two things that must be created to employ this; your new global digital identity and the associated new global digital money system. Do not confuse this new digital money with Bitcoin or other current crypto currencies; the only thing that it will share is that it will be built on bock chain technology. To again quote from that Gateway Pundit article, That system is at the door. And once its here, it marks the beginning of the end because nobody will be allowed to buy or sell without becoming a digitized, hybrid human being.The vast majority of people will walk blindly into this digital trap being set by the power elites, only to regret it later. They will lose all autonomy.Independent critical thinkers will be banned from the system. Traditionally minded Christians and Jews will be banned. Why? Because free thought is not allowed. They talk about diversity and inclusion but that is a euphemism for a society based on total information domination, where you must not only follow but celebrate whatever lie of the day is being promoted in the mainstream corporate media and on social media. Please note what is highlighted in red above; Revelation 13:16-17; And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. And in Revelation 14:9-11 the penalty is given; And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receivehismark in his forehead, or in his hand,10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Please excuse me if I appear to be a Bible thumper as that is not my intention, but the God of Creation has clearly stated that those who follow this evil development are not going to be in a very good situation when it comes to judgment time. This world economic summit held last week is the stanchion point that the new world currency will be considered as the beginning of its horrific reign. The Conservative Treehouse stated it well when they said the global trade currency does not need to be pegged to anything to determine value, it is completely fiat. This is the current problem with global trade and transactions taking place in U.S. dollars, which arbitrarily lifts the standard of life for Americans while providing no similar benefit to other nations..That view was/is also the perspective carried by Barack Obama, that lay behind his fundamental change statement.No other mechanism will have as much control over the life of a person than a digital currency that will create a system of transactional credits and debits, perhaps also influenced by your social credit score. This is essentially an extension of the Fabian mindset into the world of financial transactions and monetary evaluations. Fabians believed that some form of socioeconomic tribunal would be needed in order for each citizen to be quantified according to their worth to society. The Chinese social credit score is a variant of that same concept.The phrase you didnt build that, when espoused by former President Obama and current Senator Elizabeth Warren is also based on this collective worldview..The phrase it takes a village to raise a child, as espoused by Hillary Clinton is another variant of the same collective advocacy. It will be difficult to avoid this system, but together we can do it. It will take a lot of fortitude and work, but we should be able to form local systems for support and lifes requirements outside of the Satanists system. This new financial order will not have much input from the American people if any at all other than those central bankers and hyper rich that run the world systems. The disorder that the sanctions and related problems connected with the Ukraine invasion has sparked the impetus to fulfill this nightmare as confidence in the worlds reserve currencies wanes and they fade away. The mandates that Russian energy sources must be paid in Rubles and Chinas demand that their products be paid for in the Yuan are stepping stones to destroy the US dollar and then move into the world digital currency, whatever it may eventually be called. Even BlackRocks Larry Fink said that the Ukraine war is pushing global ESG policies that will result in a global digital currency. He should know, he is one of the main proponents and beneficiaries of such a system. His being CEO of BlackRock means he has the wealth and power to help implement it for the central bankers who support him. The World Economic Forum (WEF) said three years ago that they are still experimenting on how digital currencies work by the various central banks around the world are implementing forms of block chain technologies to develop the technologies that will be incorporated in what the final version may look like. As I said, that was three years ago and much has been accomplished since then. Central banks around the world are experimenting with so-called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).. CBDC is adigitized version of domestic currencywhere the central bank issues new money equivalent to and redeemable for its domestic currency they said, and although they did not say in that article, the various central banks will be consolidated into one whole world system. And for that to succeed, the worlds major currencies of the USA and England must be destroyed. That is one of the main benefits to them of our destruction and that is why I have been saying that the looming nuclear war with Russia and China will destroy us and the Brits because we are the ones that have (or perhaps more accurately HAD) the strength that can stop it. So destroy us they must to accomplish their evil goals. The UK government plans to launch its new Digital ID Technology this month according to the Expos as a part of a Dystopian Nationwide Digital Identity Push as they put it. On April 6, 2022,new digital identity document verification technology (IDVT)that enables data sharing between public bodies and businesses for the purpose of identity verification will be introduced. It will be made available to UK employers, landlords, and letting agents who can use it to digitally carry out pre-employment criminal record checks, right to work checks, and right to rent checks..The government has framed these digital ID plans as a way for UK citizens to easily and quickly prove their identity using digital methods instead of having to rely on traditional physical documents. You can safely bet that we are not far behind as the push for digital proof of vaccinations has shown and even been implemented in some areas. The intent of the Digital ID follows the mandates for a vaccination passport. That is the secondary purpose of the C19 farce alongside of the system to implement the mass injection of the bio-weapon to reduce the worlds population to the desired goals. Lew Rockwell has stated that their models have confirmed that there is a highly unusual change in the direction of the global capital flows. These sanctions are not going to cause regime change and the overthrow of Putin with Russians running into the arms of the West. This is outright hatred of Russians as a people and they will have no choice but bond with China in an all-out war against this outrageous tyranny.These Neocons are bringing the entire world to destruction which some argue is all part of their plan to enable the world toBUILD BACK BETTERwhich necessitates the destruction of the current energy system and reduction of population. Yes, it is part of the plan even if Lew does not believe it. Vince Quill in a story on We Love Trump said Larry Fink, the current C.E.O. of Blackrock, recently touched on the idea that cryptocurrencies will see accelerated global adoption due in part to the war inUkraine but even they fail to understand that it must mean the destruction of the Free World in order to fully implement the new system. One of the better stories on this situation was put out by Zero Hedge when they said that We are now at the end of an era of economic and moral decadence in a debt infested world built on false values, fake money and abysmal leadership.All hell will break loose.It is the buildup of a massive debt mountain which has given the Western world a false comfort based on false values.like most economic eras, this one will finish with a number of spectacular events, many of which will take place concurrently.Even a monkey would understand that if you print $10s of trillions and keep interest rates at zero or negative for years, the end result will be spectacular inflation..What is coming next is the inevitable perfect storm. A perfect storm means that everything that can go wrong will go wrong.And that is not just obvious failures in many parts of society but also totally unforeseen consequences.Human Hellbreaking loose will sadly be felt by most people on earth as a consequence of the problems outlined above. And that is without a bigger nuclear war, which obviously would be fatal for the world..But in a perfect storm, a number of very ugly catalysts will always occur at the worst possible time in order to trigger one worse crisis after the next. True enough, but it is my opinion that nuclear war is indeed on our doorsteps and along with it, whether preceding or concurrent, is civil war, possibly as a result of mass starvation. That under the current system cannot be avoided at this stage; it is too important for the Agenda 2030 crowd to fully destroy this nation to accomplish their dream of a New One World Order after a corresponding Great Reset that necessitates the complete destruction of the current one so they can 6uild 6ack 6etter. And that includes total slavery as rendered by a full world digital currency and digital ID that is the very essence of the Mark of the Beast. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America. Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan. PLEASE HELP KEEP ANP ALIVE BY DONATING USING ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS. One time donations or monthly, via Paypal or Credit Card: ![]() Or https://www.paypal.me/AllNewsPipeLine Donate Via Snail Mail Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to: ![]() |

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