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November 29, 2022
With Cancer's Skyrocketing Since People Were Coerced Into Injecting The mRNA Bio-weapons, The 'Vax Everything Agenda' Is More Than A War Upon Humanity But A War Upon God
Last time we met we discussed the massive decline in human reproductive potential especially relating to the Western world - or should I say civilized world through technology and poisoning of the biosphere in which we reside. Although most of that column was devoted to the environmental portions, we did mention that the mRNA bio-weapon was making dramatic increases in the loss of fertility everywhere in the world that it is forced upon people. This has only recently been investigated and we are only on the leading edge of this humanitarian disaster that threatens to eliminate our specie from this world. Today we will look at a complimentary (perhaps better stated as coexisting) threat to the worlds population that has existed for some time now but is rapidly increasing in potency and rate of diagnosis that is also being hidden by the world at large.
The forbidden C word, the word that is not socially acceptable to say much about without acknowledging the heroic fight being waged by the powers that be; by the pharmaceutical, medical and research establishments. The word that is so feared by the masses mainly through propaganda-like fear campaigns designed to push them into the hands of the ones that make the most money on the problem. Big Pharmamost powerfully controls the treatments of cancer and refuse to acknowledge the real causes and treatments for it. Over a hundred years ago we knew of the real cause and the best treatments for cancer. Lets take a look at that history and see what comes from that.
Way back in 1902 a Scottish doctor by the name of John Beard, a professor of embryology at Edinburgh University in Scotland, came up with the theory he called The Unitarian Trophoblastic Theory of cancer that goes (briefly) like this; (Taken from the Healing Cancer Naturally web site)
All human life begins as a simple undifferentiated cell. As the zygote (i.e. the fertilized egg cell) begins to divide, the resulting majority become specialized cells i.e. muscles, bones, teeth etc. However some of the resulting cells become the placenta, which is the means by which the developing fetus is connected to the parent and by which it is supplied with nutrients.
The placental cells are the first to differentiate from the fertilized egg. These never form part of the fetus but are ultimately destined to be destroyed or rendered inert.
Trophoblast cells form the outermost layer of the placenta and their purpose is to eat a niche into the uterine wall where the fertilized egg can gain nutrition from the maternal bloodstream. The characteristics of trophoblast tissue are that it is invasive, autonomous and erodes cells with which it comes into contact. In other words it resembles the behavior of cancer cells.
If trophoblast cells possess these characteristics the question arises as to why the mothers immune system does not regard them as foreign and attempt to destroy them.
The article then goes on to explain basically how this is accomplished and then notes this fascinating bit; Beard noted that trophoblast tissue begins to be destroyed after the 56th day of the normal pregnancy. This coincides with the completion of the fetal digestive tract, the onset of the fetal pancreatic function and the sudden onset of morning sickness as the first sign of the degradation of the placental trophoblast. Please note the term used for these cells as he notes that Beard found other trophoblastic cells lying dormant throughout the body, and he called them "germ cells". As we age, or in a combination of other factors, the cells receive a signal that causes them to begin growing in an attempt to become trophoblast tissue. In other words cancer is essentially a normal process which happens in the wrong place at the wrong time. These vagabond or germ cells today are called Stem Cells and we should understand just what is happening to understand cancer.
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TheMayo Cliniccalls stem cells the body's raw materials cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated.such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the natural ability to generate new cell types. This is why stem cells are used on so many reconstruction or remedial medical work. Dr. Beard noted that pancreas is an organ which lies behind the abdomen. Its purpose is to make juices and hormones, including insulin. Pancreatic juices, also called enzymes, help digest food in the small intestine and we can then say that his theory is that the pancreas routinely secretes enzymes that prevent the "germ cells" becoming malignant. However some factor might overwhelm the pancreatic ability to produce enzymes.This could be one or a combination of several things, for example, the pancreas may be damaged by an excess of mercury or eating an excess of animal protein may have overworked the pancreas to the point where it malfunctions.Other factors include some types of physical injury or excessive psychological stress, particularly over a long period of time.
The standing belief now is that it is the cells in the body that go whacko, but that is not correct. Rather, it is the stem cells in the body that go whacko and do not reproduce the correct cell type when they transform into the required cell type to replace those cells that need replacing. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells, meaning they are all the same throughout the body until they are called upon to change into the cell type required. Our bodys cells are not permanent; they are constantly being replaced with fresh new ones by those stem cells. Dr. Beard said that it is the enzymes from the pancreas that activate the stem cells and it is the local growth factors control what they will change into. It is the overgrowth of the undifferentiated cells that causes cancer and it is the lack of pancreatic enzymes that allow that to happen. So that idea is where we will find the answers to curing cancer, or rather, curing most kinds of cancers. Not all respond properly becauseagain, there are many causes of cancers but the lack of the pancreas activities is the primary cause. There are many kinds of pancreatic enzymes and they all seem to cover various portions of the transformation of stem cells into the required cell types. It is the job of those pancreatic enzymes to digest those wayward cells the moment they get out of control. Uncontrolled, those stem cells undergo massive growth that is not regulated nor differentiated and that is what we call cancers. Our God given bodies were designed to eliminate cancer and it is the failure of those systems that allows cancer to propagate.
The treatment is to eat foods which are not hard to digest, for example switching to white meat instead of red meat, and taking supplements of enzymes, especially trypsin and amylase. We can therefore see the following quote and how it coincides with my first paragraph comment that it is being hidden by the world at large and that quote is Beards theory was not so much refuted by mainstream medicine, rather it was ignored. The methods used to effectively fight the onset and even curing of cancer is also being ignored by the main stream medical community. The medical arts should we say cultish or mystical arts? and their push for maximum profit have ignored the real cure for most cancers and morphed them into the deadly aspects that generate the most money and a mystical sort of you cannot understand this you stupid morons so just do as we demand that we see today. No, I am NOT a doctor but just an opinion piece writer that likes to investigate things that are forbidden by the powers that be to be brought up and discussed so please keep this in mind as I continue. There are many causes of cancers and many cures but this aspect is seemingly the major cause of the majority of cancers and the following is the major cure for cancer. Please note that it is not all inclusive as there are many causes and some cancers may not respond to the treatments given. The recent mass lies and deceptions of the medical related professions regarding the Covid disaster of an attack on the worlds population has done nothing if not given a hardened resolve for NEVER trusting what they say outright. Always research and come to your own conclusions is my motto. This column is the result of just that tactic.
EnCognitive, a Natural Medicine website,on their home page quotes the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice Journal when they said The pharmaceutical industry has spent $9 billion since 2004 to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints related to the illegal marketing of drugs that kill or injure a million Americans annually and yet, they control the policies that are used by CS [civil servant] personnel to force drug/vaccine use. On their page about Dr. Beard they said of him Howard Beard jokingly stated at the Cancer Control Society seminar back in the seventies that he had some tumors in his bowel and when they got too big he would stop eating donuts and go back on his pancreatic enzymes to shrink the tumors back down. But they go on to write about a dentist named William Donald Kelley that cured himself of pancreatic cancer in the sixties and went on to develop the present nutritionally based, do-it-yourself home cure for cancer which is probably over ninety per cent effective in patients who have not been overly destroyed bychemotherapy and orthodox treatments and that it is a full time job to cure yourself of cancer. The cause and cure are known and at hand. It has been developed by Kelley over the last thirty years.
In 1920s England some of the cancer clinics experimented with using the enzymes from a pigs pancreas and found that they would attack the cancers and dissolve them. At the same time Madame Curie came along and the use of X-ray was used as a safe and effective treatment for cancer along with Radium treatments. And the use of pancreas enzymes for use as a cancer cure was forgotten for a long while. It is perhaps ironic that Madame Curie ultimately died of radiation poisoning.
The dentist William Kelley did much work on the treatment of cancer with great success and the article in EnCognitive mentioned above then quotes these words of wisdom, modern medicine has not cured a single degenerative disease.NOT ONE!!!every degenerative disease that has ever been cured has been cured by an essential food factor - not a prescription drug - and every single degenerative disease is caused by either an environmental poison, most of which are introduced into our environment by medical quacks and quack scientists or by malnutrition.
Not one single degenerative disease ever suffered by a human was due to a deficiency in a prescription drug.
Well said.
Note the line every degenerative disease that has ever been cured has been cured by an essential food factor. That is the key that must be flowed to cure most cancers. What do we mean by most cancers? Perhaps this audio track by Mary and Dr. Jack Stockwell (the Forbidden Doctor) may cover a few answers for you. Sure, they
are advertising their own enzyme pills, but the information is still valid and they claim that proper diet and the proper care of your pancreas and support by added pancreatic enzymes will stop many cancers dead in their tracks and is titled The Answer to 97% of All Cancers.
Dr. Beard and William Kelleys initial work was later updated and improved by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez who is a Holistic Oncologist. Holistic means relating to the whole and Oncology is the branch of medicine relating to tumors; in other words treating cancer by far more than the accepted use of deadly chemicals and radiation such as is found in the chemotherapy and related regimes. Dr. Kellys therapy involved three basic components: individualized diet, individualized supplement programs with large doses of pancreatic enzymes and included other things such as a coffee enema to detoxify the body. An article on Beat Cancer website (a Center for Advancement in Cancer Education page) notes a number of patients and their treatments. The following is quoted from that page showing a couple of those patients
One of these patients, a woman from Appleton, Wisconsin, had been diagnosed in the summer of 1982 with stage IV pancreatic adenocarcinoma, the most aggressive form of this most aggressive disease. A liver biopsy during exploratory surgery confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic cancer, which the Mayo Clinic would later confirm. When the Mayo oncologist on the case said there was nothing that could be done, the patient beganlooking into alternative approaches, learned about Kelleys work, and began his therapy.
Thirty-one years later, she is alive and well, having seen her children and now her grandchildren graduate college. To put this case in perspective, I know of no patient in the history of medicine with stage IV pancreatic cancer and biopsy proven liver metastases who has lived this long.
Another memorable patient had been diagnosed with what was thought to be localized endometrial cancer in 1969. After a course of radiation to shrink her large tumor, she underwent hysterectomy, and was told they got it all. Over the next few years, however, her health began to deteriorate: she experienced persistent fatigue, malaise, pelvic pain, and weight loss. Eventually, in 1975 she developed a palpable mass the size of a grapefruit in her pelvis, thought by her doctors to be an indication of obvious recurrent disease. A chest x-ray at the time revealed multiple nodules in both lungs, consistent with widely metastatic cancer.
Though told her situation was dire and her cancer incurable, she underwent surgery to remove the large pelvic tumor, to avoid an impending intestinal obstruction. Shortly afterward she learned about Kelleys work, began the program, regained her health, and avoided all conventional doctors for many years. In 1984, nine years after coming under Kelleys care, she returned to her primary care physician who was quite perplexed she was still alive. A chest x-ray showed total resolution of her once widespread lung metastases. This patient eventually lived until 2009 when she died at age 95, having survived 34 years from her diagnosis of recurrent metastatic uterine cancer.
While there are many more stories, these two should give a good indication of what the possible results are from using the natural means to treat the mutations of our stem cells.
Dr. Gonzales then continued on with Kellys treatments who he studied under to learn the techniques and theories with his own patients with great success and improved the therapy that is used to a large extent today. Although now passed, Dr. Gonzalez updates are known as The Gonzalez Protocol,Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.'s nutritional enzyme treatment. On the websiteThe Nicholas Gonzalez Foundationnotes that Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez practiced medicine in his private practice in New York City for nearly 30 years. He believed thatNature is a Friend and Not the Enemy. Dr. Gonzalez treated cancer patients as well as patients withdiseasessuch as severe allergies, chronic fatigue, lupus, Parkinsons, Lyme and those who were interested in general wellness and disease prevention. Fortunately, he meticulously documented the scientific theory of his work withbooksand lectures andVideos. Dr. Gonzalez also wrote more than 150 cancer case studies demonstrating a lifetime of research and patient care which have been posthumously publishedCancer Case Reports. Ill not say more on this but will direct you to this site to read more and watch videos on the Gonzalez Protocol.
The mRNA vaccines are actually bio weapons designed to kill the worlds excess population. This has been documented and written about for two years now and include many columns by yours truly on it. It is the main cause of the so-called sudden death syndrome even though officially the Powers that Be refuse to admit that simple truth. We alluded to that in our last column on infertility and I am stating here and now that this bio-weapon is directly involved in the destruction of our reproduction systems and in our massive increases in cancers of all types. As in the first column I will not list the many stories in the news regarding those increases as they are increasing daily and the numbers would only be a fraction of the real ones. Suffice to say that the deaths, the ruined lives and the loss of some of the best this world has to offer are done at the direct involvement of our modern medical establishment not only in hiding the best methods to arrest and destroy those cancers but knowingly and purposefully increasing those numbers and rates by their continued refusal to use the time proven technologies to all but wipe out cancer here and now. Cancer is curable; cancer need not be such a fear to us all, cancer cause by the mRNA bio-weapon is directly involved in the destruction of our God given reproduction systems by the massive increases in testicular, prostrate, cervical, uterine, ovarian and other cancers, much of which is directly related to the kill shot destroying our natural immune system. This is a direct (perhaps unintentional to begin with) war against the human race against Gods perfect creation. This is a war against God himself.
Thank you for reading this column, you are appreciated and I will continue to try my best to bring you more readings to interest your curiosities.
God Bless
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