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July 15, 2021
This Explains The Orwellian Rush Into Medical Tyranny: Dangerous Polls Show Americans Agree, The MSM, Biden, Congress And Medical System Have Failed America Horribly
- Expect The Rush To Despotism To Be Kicked Into Overdrive As Americans 'Awaken' To 'Woke'
While the mainstream media plays their part by continuing to try to 'sell' an experimental 'big pharma' injection to the unvaxxed masses who clearly aren't 'buying it', a revealing new Gallup poll from July 14th shows Americans overwhelmingly have a consistent distrust in that same media, with over 3 out of every 4 Americans not believing what they read and hear in the news while only 21% trusts them.
With another recent poll by Reuters itself finding the US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in mediabeing more evidence that the 'propaganda machine' unleashed by the globalists/democrats upon America is failing, we none-the-less have to deal with the 'after-effects' of the mainstream media's lies, a 'reality' in 2021 that borders upon 'Orwellian'.
And with that same Gallup poll finding over 50% of Americans have trust in only 3 different institutions, small businesses, the police and the US military, the fact that way over 50% of Americans DISTRUST public schools, the medical system, the banks, the court systems, technology companies, organized labor, the President, big businesses and Congress show us why America is in the mess that we're now in, with America's biggest institutions largely lying to the masses for decades.
Leading to the insane and Orwellian liberal way of thinking such as the police need to be defunded, white Americans need to be 're-educated', males can 'become' females and vice versa and governments controlling 'freedom' is a 'good thing', it's alarming that those institutions who Americans have completely lost trust in still wield such enormous power over the masses. From this July 13th story over at the Tampa Free Presswhich also had very bad news for 'the fourth estate'.:
Former President Donald Trump spent four years complaining about fake news, and that the national press corps were the enemy of the people. The media returned the favor by denouncing Trump as a tyrannical threat to the republic and unfit for office for noting its lopsided, liberal bias against him and his followers.
It turns out, however, that Americans may have listened more to Trump than the media, which got a double drubbing from the public in recent days, according to two public opinion polls.
On Friday, the right-leaning Rasmussen Reports released a survey of 1,000 Americans, and found they overwhelmingly believe fake news is a problem, and a majority agree with former President Donald Trump that the media have become the enemy of the people. According to Rasmussen, 58 percent strongly or somewhat agree that the national media are worthy of the title.
Comparatively, only 36 percent disagreed. Not surprisingly, conservatives (81 percent) and Republicans (76 percent) and they are not the same thing sided with Trump. Liberals and Democrats rejected the idea, although perhaps by smaller margins than expected.
Among liberals, 30 percent accepted the enemy argument, while among Democrats, 37 percent did. Meanwhile, when asked about fake news, 83 percent overall called it a serious or somewhat a problem. Regarding ideology, 91 percent of conservatives felt that way, while 73 percent of liberals did. Aside from Rasmussen,
Reuters also delivered bad news for the Fourth Estate. In late June, Reuters released a survey of 92,000 people worldwide that found America ranked dead last among 46 nations when it came to public trust in its news providers. Just 29 percent of Americans admitted that they trust the media, based on reporting about events in 2020.
These findings highlight the challenges of translating 2020s surging news usage into long-term trust-building in the highly polarised American market, Reuters analysts noted.
(ANP NEEDS YOUR HELP: Before continuing, we wanted to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread Democrat corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Just a few weeks ago on ANP, we warned in this story that all signs were pointing to a return to Covid lockdowns in our futures as this 'psyop of epic proportions' upon Americans was about to be kicked into its next stage. And now we see all across the MSM (that most Americans don't trust!) lead stories with these titles:
And while we don't believe those stories, as they are clearly more 'propaganda' to get Americans to take the shot, think that Joe Biden and Democrats who've been lying to the American people for decades about practically everything (thus proving why they have a 12% approval rating!) won't take those stories and run with them as they attempt to get the unvaccinated masses to 'comply'?
It was only a 'conspiracy theory' when Trump was in office.
So Twitter and Facebook, how many accounts did you ban or suspend over this fact?
And besides myself being completely banned from twitter for linking to anti-vax ANP stories, we can also report that we here at ANP have had a countless number of such stories 'demonetized' by ad companies for reporting 'inconvenient truths'such as those as seen in the screenshot below. This is the main reason why ANP actually NEEDS donations from our readers to stay online and we thank you so much for them. Because while the msm continues raking in the ad revenue for reporting lies and 'fake news', reporting the truth doesn't pay the bills in 2021 America.
LOL!!! These vaccinated people are nuts! I was recently told I can't attend a family wedding because I'm not vaccinated. But, if everyone there is vaccinated then why do you care if I'm not? Well we can still catch it! Then what is the point of the vaccination? ...Psychological warfare at its finest!
I'm sorry for her but just goes to show that we've not been told everything there is to know about the vaccine!! People are still getting sick. Some are sick in other ways now after getting the vaccine with problems they never experienced before and some lost their lives because of the vaccine. I think I'll take my chances and pass.
I wish people would wake up to all this.... Just look at the carry on in parliament.... One rule for the elite, another for the little people below....its over. It is over. We are now living with the virus like we do flu. If you want an experimental vaccine, have it. If you don't... Don't take it. Simple. Don't judge, just do what you think is right for you. Live your life people.... Its too short for all this carry on!
So while we'll completely agree with the main point of that last comment, that those who want to get 'vaxxed' should go ahead and do it, and those who wouldn't touch an experimental injection with a 100' pole should be allowed to 'reject it', insane TV personalities such as Geraldo Rivera recently stating"No Vaccine, no work, no school, no in-person shopping. You have a right not to be vaccinated. I have the right to protect my kids"gives Americans another strong hint of where we're we being herded: Towards full-scale medical tyranny if the globalists get their way.
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