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October 23, 2020
Violent Protests Resulting In 'Deadly Confrontations' Expected In Multiple States As Law Enforcement Prepare For Election Day And Post-Election Violence Into 2021
Many have always subscribed to the belief of "Better safe than sorry," and after watching the violent actions of groups like Antifa and some Black Lives Matter (BLM) factions over the course of the past few years, specifically the spike in violence, arson, looting and attacks on innocent people just trying to eat out or sleep at home, we think that that belief has never been more important than it will be in the next few months.
Racial tensions have been high, and Antifa groups, and some BLM members have hijacked even the most "peaceful" of recent protests to turn them into declared riots.
Tensions over President Trump's Supreme Court nominees have caused many a temper tantrum by liberals.....and that was before this the latest nomination of Amy Coney Barret to fill the former SC seat of Ruth Bader-Ginsburg.
The majority of preppers and survivalists stock up on supplies in preparation for some type of disaster, whether a weather event, terror attack, cyber attack or anything else that could leave them stranded with just their own supplies to survive for a week, a month or even longer.
(Emailed image from ANP reader)
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, others, not considered preppers, hit the stores in a mad rush and bought out all the frozen food and toilet paper, among other products.
With every controversy and/or political scandal, those tensions just keep rising, like a powder keg just waiting for a match to blow everything up.
That match is the 2020 presidential election.
ANP readers prepare the best they can with what they have monetarily and space-wise, and now many, again not known as "preppers" have even started bracing and preparing for a "civil war" they see coming just by watching and observing the chaos being caused in liberal cities, like portland, Oregon, which managed to hit some type of record I think with riots for more than a 100 nights, in a row.
In the survey, 61 percent said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, including 41 percent who strongly agree with that assessment.
And 52 percent are so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials, an historic expansion of the prepper movement that has been brewing for years, now driven by fear and coronavirus-induced shortages, Bedard wrote.
Rich Thau, president of Engagious, said: This is the single most frightening poll result Ive ever been associated with.
The current data shows an alarming trend that that extreme political polarization of our country has a majority of Americans concerned that our country could be a powder keg ready to explode into a Civil War, said Ron Bonjean, a partner at ROKK Solutions.
Predictably, Bedard noted, its the political extremes who are most ready for war, with 52 percent of very liberal, 52 percent of very conservative, 32 percent of somewhat liberal, 34 percent of moderate, and 35 percent of somewhat conservative respondents saying they believe the statement Im concerned that the U.S. could be on the verge of another civil war.
It appears, from recent reports, that election day and post-election chaos is not just expected by 61 percent, but state law enforcement officials are actively preparing for mass civil unrest, some even planning for unrest to last until 2021.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to unexpected medical and emergency repair bills,please consider donating to ANPto helpkeep us in this 'Info-war' for Americaat this most critical time in US history as we approach the 2020 election during a time of systematic 'big tech' censorship and widespread Democrat corruption.)
From the New York Post, titled "NYPD preps for more protests ahead of presidential election."
To police the expected protests, the department will require most cops to report for duty in uniform and be prepared for deployment starting Oct. 25, the memo states.
This November 3rd will be the one of the most highly contested presidential elections in the modern era. There is also a strong likelihood that the winner of the presidential election may not be decided for several weeks, the memo states.
Accordingly, we should anticipate and prepare for protests growing in size, frequency, and intensity leading up to the election and likely into the year 2021, it adds.
Moores advice to other election officials -- be prepared.
Make sure that you're reaching out to your law enforcement and say, on and around Election Day, what is our plan? he said. Do you have an emergency contact list? Do you have your police department, your sheriff, whoever, on speed dial ready to get them to respond to any kind of threat?
Yes, warning people not only to be prepared, but to put the cops on speed dial.
NOTE - Personally I would suggest have some type of self-defense weapon, a firearm for those confortable and trained, and other non-lethal weapons for those uncomfortable with firearms, because if you need to speed dial your law enforcement from your home, chances are they are going to be a little (ok, a lot!) busy answering calls and your wait time may be too long to survive without defending yourself.
In that same VOA article they talk about New Jersey, and the language is far more dire than most reports.
The updated threat assessment issued by New Jersey officials warns that the longer it takes for the Nov. 3 election to be decided, the greater the chances for something to go wrong.
In one possible scenario, which envisions the country having to wait months for certified election results, the assessment advises: Several states [could] become a destination for various groups to converge and conductviolent protests, resulting in deadly confrontations and civil unrest occurring among protesters, requiring state and federal law enforcement to intervene.
If state officials and law enforcement, including the FBI, are expecting that type of chaos, including "deadly confrontations," well, we should all prepare for the same thing.
The best advice would be to vote early on November 3, 2020, then head on over to where you plan to spend the next few weeks, either home, or visiting someone else, preferably someone that lives in a rural area where there is less chance of violent rioters
Plan for an extended stay, or to remain at home until it becomes clear whether the violence will come near where you are.
Anything can happen. I want to say that includes absolutely no protests, no violence and no rioting, but empirical evidence to date shows that to be a very naive hope.
As we often encourage, stock up, restock anything missing, or just top off your preps.
Yes, that includes non-violent Biden supporters as well, because when the violence starts, rioters never ask before busting open someone's head.
As usual with prepping pieces we will list items 'still/back in stock' at the very bottom as to not break up the article with links.
Note: We are not suggesting "hiding," but it seems to be common sense that unless you are protesting and joining the rioters, it simply makes sense to stay away from them.
No one knows exactly what will happen, nor exactly when to expect the violence that we are being warned about, but I come back to the expression I mentioned at the beginning..... better safe than sorry.
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