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April 23, 2021

We Were Warned NOT To Let The 'Genie' Out Of The Bottle And Now It's Too Late! As 'Human Genome Ending' Technologies Are Unveiled Before Our Eyes, Scientists Warn: 'The Devil Is In The Details' 

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

(ANP: UPDATED BELOW) In the only video at the bottom of this story titled "Don't Let the 'Gene' Out of the Bottle", the Institute for Responsible Technology powerfully conveys to Americans the threat to both the human and environmental microbiomes, as well as the permanent corruption of nature’s gene pool, from lab-enhanced GMO's being released into the atmosphere.

And as they warn us within that video, modern gene-altering technology has the capacity to cause utter catastrophe for human beings and the plant and animal world around us. 

Also warning within the video that what they refer to as 'GMO 2.0' even threaten global weather patterns or creating enhanced viruses far more dangerous and deadly than COVID-19, as we'll explore within this story, we're now witnessing "the rise of never-before-seen genetically modified organisms with CRISPR technology".

And while GMO's have long been in our food chain and 'cosmetics' as the PDF we've embedded at the very bottom of this story points out, the fact that the globalists are attempting to 'sell' GMO-2's as 'adding health benefits to foods,' when experts in the field such as Dr. Elaine Ingham, Dr. Jonathan Latham, Claire Robinson, Kiran Krishnan, Jim Thomas and Michelle Perro, M.D. all are warning of the dangers, is just more evidence that the American people are largely being lied to. 

So all of those medical experts will be featured in that video below, discussing with us the ways the 'gene is being let out of the bottle' in 2021, warning that the risks far outweigh any 'perceived benefits' of the technology.

With modern biotechnology also leading to the creation of monsters as End Times Headlines warned in this recent story reporting pandora's box has been opened with hybrid human-monkey embryos created in a lab for the very first time, as Steve Quayle warned while linking to that story, 'human genetic armageddon is upon us' as the Days of Noah are played out before our very eyes.

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As this story over at the website New Hope points out, amidst an international backdrop of leaders being awarded for work in genetic editing, including the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry being awarded for the development of CRISPR/Cas9 genetic editing, Americans, and even those in the food supply chain, may have no idea what kind of new GMO's are getting into our food chain. From their story before we continue.: 

As novel gene-editing technologies like CRISPR and ODM take off, concerns about genetically modified foods, flavors, enzymes and fragrances entering the marketplace unnoticed are gaining traction. 

GMO 2.0 is here. Even though more consumers are asking for non-GMO verified foods, businesses need to be aware of changes coming from within the supply chain as gene-editing technologies like CRISPR and TALENs rapidly change the food industry, especially in the United States. 

“Agribusiness has a vision of how they want food production to go and that involves large-scale use of these new genomic technologies like CRISPR and synthetic biology,” says Jim Thomas, co-executive director and researcher with the ETC Group, which monitors the impact of emerging technologies and corporate strategies on biodiversity, agriculture and human rights. 

“It involves digital technology, using drones and robots in agriculture and large amounts of data flowing in and off the farm. This is the next stage of industrialization in the food chain. CRISPR is very much part of that vision.

With drones and robots helping to grow our foods and who-knows-exactly-what being put into them, that story also warned.:  

As a Scientific American story pointed out, “The CRISPR revolution may be having its most profound—and least publicized—effect in agriculture.” The reason: USDA doesn’t think all gene-edited crops—including the newer CRISPR variety—require the same regulatory attention. That means many companies are racing to get gene-edited crops into the food supply chain. 

It’s a loophole experts say is being exploited because the USDA is enabling scientists to knock out gene traits and add more desirable traits, which the government considers more “natural” than inserting DNA from other species like is done in more “traditional” gene-editing techniques. 

For example, gene editing now stops apples and mushrooms from browning, keeps oranges from greening and removes gluten from wheat, according to Synthego, a genome-editing company headquartered in Redwood City, California. 

“The devil is in the details,” says Dr. Jonathan Latham, co-founder and executive director of the Bioscience Resource Project. That includes off-target effects, unintended side effects that can happen, Latham says, because gene editing isn’t as precise as many are lead to believe.

As that previously mentioned Scientific American story titled "New Gene-Editing Techniques Could Transform Food Crops--or Die on the Vine" pointed out, a powerful new gene-editing tool sweeping agriculture could end up transforming the debate over genetic modification.

Warning within that 2016 story that CRISPR technology was completely changing the game for agriculture, though it had the potential to create more and more 'franken-foods', as we're warned in the video below as well as the PDF at the bottom of this story, "corporations are now tampering with nature in new and riskier ways. They can change a species by deleting genes, turning genes on or off or even create whole new DNA sequences on a computer."

And with companies now sneaking these new GMO's into our foods and cosmetics, including gene-silenced apples, GMO'd potatoes and more and more synthetic biology flavors and fragrances on their way to market every day, some even marketed as 'natural', as Jon Bowne at Infowars had warned in this April 17th story, we're witnessing nothing less than the total genetic sabotage of humanity unfolding. 

Also called 'nature bending technology' as heard in the video below, as that Infowars story also warned, we're witnessing in 2021 nothing less than 'the elite seeking total control over the human genome, and therefore the evolutionary destiny of mankind' now playing out before our eyes. 'Control the food, you can control the people' we were long ago warned. 

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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