As we read the news that morethan two dozen Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the words "husband" and "wife" from federal law at Washington Examiner, we see a countering headline at The Independent this morning announcing that Russia has unveiled a "'straight flag' to rival gay pride symbol," to promote "traditional family values."
Therefore, in response to the LGBT movement's rainbow flag, the United Russia Party unveiled a banner celebrating the traditional, nuclear Russian family. The flag depicts two parents - a woman and a man - holding hands with three children.
It was unveiled at a party rally in Moscow's Sokolniki park on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, an annual country-wide celebration held on July 8.
Andrei Lisovenko, deputy head of the United Russia branch in Moscow, told the Izvestia newspaper, "This is our response to same-sex marriage, to this mockery of the concept of the family.
Lisovenko goes on to state "We have to warn against gay-fever at home and support traditional values in our country. "We are speaking of the traditional family. We mean the average standard Russian family that is ours: mother, father and three children."
Which brings us to the headlined question: When did Russia become the good guys? Maybe a more appropriate question would be: When did the U.S. become the bad guys?
It is like we are living in the classic Seinfeld's "Bizarro World."