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July 10, 2015

Russia Battles 'Gay-Fever' With 'Straight Flag' As US Pushes To Ban Words 'Husband' And 'Wife' - When Did Russia Become The Good Guy?


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

As we read the news that morethan two dozen Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the words "husband" and "wife" from federal law at Washington Examiner, we see a countering headline at The Independent this morning announcing that Russia has unveiled a "'straight flag' to rival gay pride symbol," to promote "traditional family values."

Therefore, in response to the LGBT movement's rainbow flag, the United Russia Party unveiled a banner celebrating the traditional, nuclear Russian family. The flag depicts two parents - a woman and a man - holding hands with three children.

It was unveiled at a party rally in Moscow's Sokolniki park on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, an annual country-wide celebration held on July 8.

Andrei Lisovenko, deputy head of the United Russia branch in Moscow, told the Izvestia newspaper, "This is our response to same-sex marriage, to this mockery of the concept of the family.

Lisovenko goes on to state "We have to warn against gay-fever at home and support traditional values in our country.
"We are speaking of the traditional family. We mean the average standard Russian family that is ours: mother, father and three children."

Over the past few years we have seen Russian President Vladimir Putin fight back against the "New World Order," prevented Barack Obama from kicking off World War III in Syria, and offer protection to Christians and religious values worldwide, while the U.S. has systematically attacked religious groups, labeling them "extremists," forcing them to offer abortion drugs as part of Obamacare, attacking their freedom of religion and religious expression which is supposed to be guaranteed under the Constitution.

Which brings us to the headlined question: When did Russia become the good guys? Maybe a more appropriate question would be: When did the U.S. become the bad guys?

It is like we are living in the classic Seinfeld's "Bizarro World."


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