On May 26th of 2023, ANP published my notes on The Obscene Joke Pretending To Be The 'US Government' Is A 'Potemkin Village'... and how that system of a fabricated reality is used to hide the fact that they are doing all that they can to enslave us in a farcical utopia of nightmarish surveillance and absolute control; in effect rendering us slaves in our own nation. We see that from the censoring of just about everything we see, hear and learn to the distemperate mandates or attempted control over what we think, feel and supposedly 'know' as well. Please go to the link and re-read those notes if you are unsure what I am speaking about.
And just three months previous to the above, ANP published my thoughts on 15 minute cities and how Utah is an example; actually an early adopter, or rather, the test bed for those evil atrocities of the dictatorial overlords. In this column I would like to continue with thoughts involved in those concepts by showing what the state of Utah is doing to exemplify what we are seeing on a national, or better said, international level to enslave humankind. As you read on you should be able to see how these things described in Utah are actually taking place in the world as a whole (but for us primarily in this nation that we are living in at present) just as we saw in the column on 15 minute cities.
These past few years there has been an increasingly hard push to make Utah the Silicone Valley monster, and increasingly successful unfortunately. Massive increases in high technology and high dollar corporate investments has been making that change. About six years ago, the Deseret News had an article that exemplifies this push titled Why Utah should be the birthplace of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We must remember that the satanic megalomaniac Klaus Schwab gave the definition of the Fourth Industrial Revolution when he said We stand at the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another. In its scale, scope and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before."
Believe him when he says it will be a transformation unlike anything before, and Satan himself is behind it. As a side note, in 2021 Best Life Online rated Vermont as the most corrupt state in the nation, with Utah a close second. Seems kinda weird that the state known for high ethics and integrity would rate so high don't you think? And note it has nothing to do with the states most predominant religion except, perhaps the very high trust factor that the church engenders.
ANP EMERGENCY!!-With the passing of Stefan Stanford, ANP's financial situation has become dire.Without significant contributions, the future of All News PipeLine, and our ability to stay online, is in danger. Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
We can see this in such things as the Point of the Mountain proof of concept 15 minute city as I wrote about a couple years ago, the Inland Port concept that they are pushing to control freight traffic in the whole western United States and thereby control economics as well, the NSA data information complex that stores everything you have done, said, think, relationships and more. We can go on and on with this subject, but let's look at the current evil pusher for these things that resides in the Utah peoples Governors house that goes by the name of Gov. Cox, R. His role in the collapse of Utah's political scene has been enormous and the R by his name means Rino, NOT republican. He is despised by so many that are aware of his underhanded dealing, but the news media and corporate backing has him mounted on a pedestal ready for Sainthood. It is because if Spencer Cox that Utah has turned a light shade of blue whereas it used to be a bright red. Even the radical leftists are seemingly behind him as he twists this state into a socialist nightmare; just color us Rino Blue from now on.
Perhaps, or I should say arguably the most intensely active China pushing state is Utah. From an AP story on this quotes a China expert at security firm Krebs Stamos Group said Utah lawmakers are essentially acting as mouthpieces for the Chinese Communist Party and legitimizing their ideas and narratives. And that is where the power and money behind such evil monkeys as Cox comes from. Utah is not like Washington D.C., then Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes, a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, told the Chinese state media outlet in 2018 as the former president ratcheted up pressure on Beijing over trade. Utah is a friend of China, an old friend with a long history.
It is one thing to be a friend, something else to push the hard core invasive controls over the population as the Chinese Communist Party does, and that is who is funding and running these connections. Note how well this coincides with the NSA data center; I am not linking them directly, only suggesting that it is not just a coincidence. After all, how close could our Federal Governments primary security agency and our worst enemies intelligence agencies cooperate?
This makes the Utah system of social controls match our rapidly increasing tax rates, social engineering, indoctrinating school systems (yes, even the so called independent charter schools), advanced 15 minute cities (also known as walk-able cities) that seem to me to be no more than enclosed killing zones for warfare purposes.
Utah is the testing ground for the implementation of the global elites trans-humanism and AI driven surveillance that may put China's to shame. This makes me wonder how Elon Musks deep involvement in AI and high tech around the world ties in with Donnie John Trumps agenda as they have been getting pretty chummy as of late. And I mean not only chummy as in friendly, but chum as in bait to catch predators as used by fishermen. Trump seems to be easy to chum with kind words and especially praise driven his way. And since Elon is huge into AI, global tech, control of anything he seemingly wishes to be in control of, the influence of corporate political power and numerable hidden agendas out to overthrow society as humanity is reshaped as we know it. This is the goal of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Utah has a major part playing within this evil conspiracy as Utah's highly corrupt governments role in the rise of the surveillance state rises rapidly.
Dare I ask if we are witnessing perhaps the rise of the anti-Christ? Or at least one form of it I am sure.
So, as we see that the reality of Utah's transformation into a surveillance state and connections with the CIA, Utah's government, private corporations, smart city push, AI driven tech, and more are creating a system of control that not just favors, but possibly also controls China's model. This is not the world we grew up expecting to be living in and we must be out fighting to stop and reverse this sickening trend is mandatory for our future survival along with our liberty and the constitutionality of it all. Utah has a large role in the rise of the surveillance state.
So understanding this so far, who really runs Utah? For an answer to this question, I will refer to a group known as We Are The People Foundation Utah chapter and their fairly recent video (the next to last one listed in the Video section) that discusses just that. I will not go over it all for times sake but be aware that it covers the powerful and often unseen influence of government and corporate partnerships on Utahs communities. [and] how certain corporations and government entities are working together to shape policies and public opinionoften without transparency or accountability. With eye-opening examples, he discusses how these alliances affect everything from local governance to education and economic development, raising questions about who truly holds power and how it impacts the everyday lives of Utah residents.
I will give one example though within the push for 15 minute cities there is a scheme that has people driven from their homes (think Los Angeles, Western South Carolina, Florida, etc) in order for private developers and corporations (like BlackRock etc) to take control of the land through whatever means necessary including immanent domain, condemnation, outright land theft, destruction of property and so forth and having the government including state, county and local allow unconstitutional and illegal arrangements where they would control not only the development using often massive public investments, but also include the voting processes, the taxing systems, the land use laws and so forth much like the old Company Towns from a hundred and fifty years ago. Think the redevelopment of Barron's and Serfs or in other words, lord Masters and Slaves. And this without any references to God our Creator except the claims that AI or the hyper elites themselves are the gods.
The last video is from the same group and covers in detail just how this relationship and unconstitutional drive for absolute power in the hands of super evil satanic hands is arranged. My original intentions were to write down the fundamentals and discuss them with you, but the intertwined corruptions and unbelievable involvements make it better if I just let you know what you are going to see. I would also like you to remember what I said at the beginning of this column; that this is the testing bed, the proofing machine for total world control by the hyper elites that run the world, and is what is planned for the world at large as the details of the systems are proving.
This is purely Satanic in nature and implementation as it is based on total deception and lies.
The very short first video shows Cali's guv barking out just what their agenda is, and it is supremely evil in all respects but do not discount the same for Utah's Cox or the guv and mayors in your locality. This is the reality of why we see such intentional destruction's all over our once great nation.
Please do not think from this I hate our form of government or our nation. On the contrary, I love it so much that I feel I am driven to show the evil manifest in those out to destroy what God has built here. The single greatest nation to have ever existed on this sphere will rise again in glory once our Lord returns in power. You can bet on that.
May God Bless us all
This video is amust watch the amount of truth in it it amazing for only a two minute vid.
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