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February 24, 2022

With The Cloward-Piven Strategy Of The Radical Left Fully In Play, The Pressure Is Being Ratcheted Up To The Breaking Point As The Left Push A Bloody Civil War As The Next 'Orchestrated Crisis'

Alan Barton - All News Pipeline

There have been so many different things going on in this world lately it is difficult to make sense of so much of it let alone keep up with it all. Alinskys Rule Number Eight Keep the pressure on. NEVER let up. And so they do so; and do not forget that Obama is still right in the middle of it all and the WEF, Schwab, Soros, Gates, deRothschilds and so on are right at the head of it all with the pretender Biden being inundated with so many lines he is ordered to speak even his minimal mind is in shock. I am feeling overwhelmed at times by how long it takes anymore just to make a quick overview of the current news each morning, and do not have the time to go into depth on much at all anymore either. And trying to keep track of so many new threads and concerns and new updates and opinions and still try to remember the historical basis of so many things, I wonder if should just stop trying to do it all or just quit trying at all. But I have a real need to know the situational awareness of what is affecting my life and the lives of those I love, so I keep at it. This is just the latest in the old communist revolutionaries fight to decimate this nation and her wealth and Liberty, and the Great Reset is the tool box they pull their tools out of. Take a look at a Brillo pad; notice the jumbled threads that seem to go everywhere and the difficulty of following one thread from one area to another? Yeh; that is how it seems to follow the news stories anymore.

We have had many stories the past year about our supply line problems with our own Miss Susan Duclos leading the way showing severe shortages especially in our food supplies. A week or two ago Truth Warrior had a story published on ANP that concerned our medical drug supplies and Chinese and other suppliers having dirty, EPA unregulated medications entering our nation while at the same time we are feeding massive funds into their hands. With a nation moving quickly to starvation and the immanent loss of all of our generic drugs when China invades Taiwan, how do you think Americans will respond? Three years ago the CFR itself stated If youre the Chinese and you want to really just destroy us, just stop sending us antibiotics and also lightly covered the fact that so many of those drugs coming in from China are substandard, even to the extreme.

Speaking of the World Economic Forum, the recent farce of the Covid scare directly impacts the state of our nation in regards to the Great reset as described by the WEForum website when they state that COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the worlds social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s.To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a Great Reset of capitalism. Now can you tell me with a straight face that the US communists in their fight to destroy the US is not part and parcel of this New World Order agenda? Hardly, as unemployment is skyrocketing in many countries: in the US, for example, one in four workers havefiled for unemploymentsince mid-March, with new weekly claims far above historic highs is how Klaus Schwab described it two years ago, and it is getting worse. He added Left unaddressed, these crises, together with COVID-19, will deepen and leave the world even less sustainable, less equal, and more fragile. Incremental measures andad hocfixes will not suffice to prevent this scenario. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems he dictated and continued on with some of the most evil and despicable anti-Liberty and anti-Human diatribe I have ever heard. This monster is truly evil to the core, Satanic at his best. We know the reason for the C19 farce and its subsequent bio-weapon vaccination because he claimed way back in 2020 that the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future. Do not believe anything about what he said on improving the world, as his ideas and others in the elitist satanic club actually think a massive reduction in population to about 500,000,000 is what we need, which is absolutely insane.

ESG Index. Environmental, Social and corporate Governance is the catchphrase in broad use in industry, education and government agencies at the present time; and it is the Woke terminology of having some vaporous image and control system (lets call it AI for now) determine if you can do any business or work at any job or live wherever you might or even raise a family. Harvard Law noted that ESG, at its core, is a means by which companies can be evaluated with respect to a broad range of socially desirable ends and that it is purely voluntary. That is a lie as although ostensibly they say it is, in practice the dictates of the WEF and Central Bankers that control this world mandate that any company wanting to do business anywhere MUST conform their dictates. No compliance, no funding, no growth or doing business with anyone else. That is why you see companies that otherwise had been good citizens and supposedly conservative have suddenly turned woke and put out idiotic announcements, advertising and so forth. Klaus Schwab himself put it this way, During the consultation process on the metrics, more than two-thirds of the 140 International Business Council membersincluding many of the largest companies in the worldsupported them too. And all major accounting firms, the so-called Big Four (Deloitte, EY, KPMG, and PwC) even helped develop the metrics. They are committed to helping the metrics become a global standard. In this way, the Stakeholder Capitalism metrics are a major step in turning the idea of stakeholder capitalism into a practical reality..A widespread adoption of these Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics is realistic and could happen as soon as 2022. Stake Holder Capitalism is a Marxist phrase meaning only Oligarchs own any stakes in it.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Blackrock seems to be the one company to rule them all, and is directly connected with the WEF and Schwab/Soros/Fink/CIA/NWO. This compliance with the oligarchies mandates has all but destroyed so many business models and lives that we hearken back to the opening paragraph of this column. It is all done on purpose, not just to kill off so much business, but to reform them in the image of the worlds elitist satanic clubs image. And it results in those shortages spoken of earlier. Either you meet our arbitrary Marxist style mandates or you cease to exist as a viable entity. Tyranny is the very basis of its existence as they seem to be the major enforcer of this evil, and a major component of the loss of economic development in this nation and around the free world. ESG grew out of investment philosophies clustered around sustainability and, thereafter, socially responsible investing. Early efforts focused on screening out (that is, excluding) companies from portfolios largely due to environmental, social or governance concerns, while more recently ESG has favorably distinguished companies that are making positive contributions to the elements of ESG, premised on treating environmental and social issues as core elements of strategic positioning. Quote from Harvard Law .pdf noted above.

One major impact of the above is seen in this headline from The Gateway Pundit, After 25 Deaths, $1-$2 Billion in Damages, and Over 2,000 Policemen and Policewomen Injured, US Companies Have Contributed or Promised Nearly $1 Billion to BLM and/or Social Justice Groups speaking of the 2020 riots and insurrection of the left across this nation and our corporations funded them! Back in 2020, they said that Donations to BLM Are Funneled Through Democrat Related ActBlue and Handled by Organization Led By Member of Weather Underground Terrorist Group. Got that? The WEF, ESG, and woke anti-American activities are paid by corporate America with controlling and organizing done by communist revolutionaries and the Democrat party. This infuses massive instability in our nation along with all of the other things mentioned so far. What can come of such antics and acts of treason by our nations corporations, leaders, courts, bankers and so many of the population led by the left and fed heinous propaganda by the leftist media also controlled by the WEF and their ESG bull? Yep, I agree, the perfect storm resulting in another civil war to straighten things out. Very bad, yes, but lets continue on.

Lets touch lightly on our Southern Border for a moment, and mention that Talk about the ultimate betrayal of the American taxpayer. These videos that are coming out, the stories that were hearing are all about the fact that these people are coming across the border and being allowed to resettle wherever they want and They actually fear the cartel, because they know they come into our country, they know theyre coming in and doing business in our establishments. And frankly, theyre afraid to actually interact with the cartel or even condemn them. So this is again, Joe Bidens America speaking of the migrants and people that live near our southern border. The Geller Report noted that In these enlightened years of Bidens handlers administration, the Southern border has become more of a concept than a reality, as anyone, literally anyone, no longer how long his criminal record or extensive his terrorist connections, can cross into the United States in hopes of a new life of peace, prosperity, and high living off the American taxpayer. The latest recipients of our forced generosity are Turkish nationals, who have been crossing into what has hitherto been known as the United States of America from Mexico in record numbers. And really, what could possibly go wrong?.... Crisis? Theres no crisis. The border is working in exactly the way Bidens handlers want it to: as a conduit for massive numbers of migrants who will come to America, become clients of the welfare system and dependents of the government, and reliably vote for Democrats. There is a reason why the democrats are in on everything evil in this once great nation, they themselves are a party of evil, of Satan worshippers at least in the upper reaches of control. And now Turks are streaming in, from a country that has been discarding secularism and readopting Sharia. If you express any concern about the possible catastrophic ramifications of this, youre a racist, bigoted Islamophobe.

Flag & Cross noted that His primary obligation as the commander-in-chief and the president of the United States is to enforce our laws, to live up to his oath, to enforce our border security and also to tell the truth to the American people, she added.

Malliotakis similarly had strong words against the presidents actions.

Aiding and abetting illegal immigration is a violation of the law, she said. And you have it coming from the president of the United States.

It is completely unacceptable. The Supreme Court ruled that he had to reinstate Remain in Mexico. He has clearly not done that, the congresswoman said in reference to a Fox News Tucker Carlson report of secret flights of criminal invaders being flown by our government in the middle of the night to various cities across this nation. We covered this border insanity in an early November column last year, on about the 2nd or 3rd, and brought up how the Bidens and others are in on massive fraud and other criminal enterprises including investments in Russian and Ukrainian oil productions as well as Chinese involvements with their military and intelligence agents. Please note what our oil prices have been doing lately, and who is involved in the current Eastern European conflicts; clearly High Treason, yet nothing is done. That Flag & Cross article also called for Bidens impeachment, which I agree with. Speaking of treason, the Geller Report had an article on the Pentagon using socialism to combat China. Really? The Pentagon is in deep, dangerous decline. They surrendered Afghanistan. They are marching to war with Russia. And they have turned on the American people. Our leaders no longer understand what freedom means anymore. Without faith or respect for our own military, what do you think will happen to this nations internal peace and security?

A few days ago, Canada Free Press had an interesting article about a declaration of war against the democrat party and said The Oligarchs you worship know The Great Reset is fact and in the implementation stage. There is plenty of information to be found in cyberspace to destroy your fantasy, including the World Economic Forums own website.

You have taken up with friends in low places, global criminals and Chinese Communists, and you will go down historys sewer with them. History tells us that all of you ideologues, you useful idiots, will be done away with by your own heroes. Even BLM has left town and taken the money with them speaking to members of the democrat party; To those billionaire Oligarchs whose bright idea it is to take over the world because you think we need you, and are desperate to turn over everything we own to you and find Xanadu, youre deranged. Your plan to relegate us lessor beings to being serfs granting your every pleasure, eating only what you allow us, live where you concede us, have only the freedoms you grant us, is a figment of nothing less than your vivid imagination. Chaos reigns in their cities, rapidly increasing inflation, oppressive tyranny, massive censorship, the imprisoning of so many American Patriots that they so falsely call Insurrectionists because they showed support for the actual winner of the 2020 elections, President Donald John Trump, and so much more is why they call for this declaration of war on democrats. I agree.

Just as the US did with the January 6th prisoners of war, the Ottawa police chief said they will be going after the Truckers Freedom protest for months to come. We have gone after the Jan6 Patriots for much longer than that, and the current truckers convoy forming now in the US is bound to suffer more than the Canadian truckers did. Much worse because the Biden DHS has identified the First Amendment as the largest US terrorist threat as covered in these ANP articles from just a few days ago, Stefan Stanfords and yours truly that show the total disregard or better said hatred of what has made America the greatest nation to ever exist on this planet. The Blaze spoke of this when they said The witch hunt against freedom of speech is so strong that even members of Congress are not immune to it.Taken together, its beginning to look a lot like a despotic third world country. They used COVID to criminalize our breathing and bodies; they used Jan. 6 to criminalize political beliefs. Now they are using any opposition to their policies as pretext to shred the First Amendment rights of citizens and separation of powers of political opponents. And the Capitol Police are expanding nationwide and collecting secret dossiers on private American Citizens. As reported inPolitico, the Capitol Police are now building intelligence dossiers on private citizens who meet with members with congress or their staff. This includes anyone ranging from lobbyists or simply constituents who have requested a meeting with their representative..These files that are built on citizens include past social media posts, their followers or people they follow on social media, and various other background information. Mind you, this is all on people who have been suspected of no crimes, nor have they been told they are undergoing such scrutiny. Now they are criminalizing the very basic American right to speak with their elected representatives as though they were enemies of the state? What will it take to bring a forced reversal on this unimaginable evil and attack on our most basic human rights to convey our views to our DEMCRATICALLY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES? This atrocious evil must be not just decried but forced to reverse and those who made this decision pay for their crimes as the treasonous scum they are.

Fascism is the bastard child of the worst aspects of governmental monopolies in force and marketplace manipulation in private business and were seeing its horrific results in real-time said NOQreport, the anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far-left kept a tight lid on everyones private life. Serious crises and emergencies are always perfect for these people, keep everyone in a state of panic and they can do whatever they want.

But nowall of that is ending, what is an authoritarian leftist to do?

Picture Adolph Hitler or his black face counterpart,Justin Trudeau, sitting dejectedly by the side of the road, clutching a tattered piece of cardboard hand-scrawled: Will mass murder for food

Tucker said that the truckers in Canada presage what is coming here, and history says he is correct. The situation in Canada is what the collapse of democracy looks like. Yes, agreed, and we are seeing it now here and it is getting worse and worse. Rand Paul even said that the tyrannical Emergencies Act Trudeau implemented n Canada is closely duplicated here in the US, and that We actually have in the United States an Emergency Act that allows the president to shut down the internet Do not mistake that it will not be used if the evil regime feels threatened. And they do feel threatened because Biden has quietly declared (extended actually) the Declaration of a National Emergency in the United States indefinitely. Supposedly for Covid but that farce is finally coming to an end and I figure that the covid is just a ruse to keep his hands on the trigger for something else they suspect that will be much worse; and that is the American People rising up against his handlers evil and incompetent schemes to destroy this nation for good as reported in the We Love Trump article where they said I think the emergency is the so-called power elites are quickly losing power and an uprising is growing all around the world, led by brave and fearless truck drivers.and they are scared for not only their jobs but their lives if it becomes known they have aided and abetted or even actively committed Treason against their home countries. Yes, I agree, and I would also extend it to cover the high possibility of civil war or insurrection if the idiots do not change their ways. They most likely will not change their ways, but rather press forward ever harder as Alinskys Rule dictates.

We have covered only a few of those twisted strands in the Brillo mess, and there are so many more, but you can see why I am getting tired of the continuous stream of bad reports and evil from our government and the worlds leaders. I really think we will be at war within the next handful of years whether that is WW3 or civil war, but one often leads to the other when a nation is in severe distress, and I fear for the worst but pray for the best.

I pray that it does not come to that, but I see that as things get worse with no food, no energy, no Freedom, no right to use our God given First Amendment that in spite of the American Thinker writers opinion that it is not time for war as well as mine, that it is coming. Civil war is on our doorstep; perhaps still a few years away, but things cannot deteriorate much more before We the People are driven by our evil overlords to do something about it. As I said, I pray that is not the case, but we would not be the first nation to rise up against overpowering evil oppression and tyranny as we reported in the January 29th article The Buildup To World War 3 As The War Mongering Left And Their 'NeoCon' Monkey Pets Rush To Cover Up Their Treason

And concerning our allowing this evil to continue without a push back? My answer is -

Alberta Leader Exposes The Great Reset Coup Against Canada

This is the precedent and our government is implementing it on us

Ottawa Police Chief: "We Will Be Going After Protestors for MONTHS To Come! Financial Sanctions and Prison!"

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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