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April 21, 2022

Countless People Just 'Dropping Dead' Across The Planet, Many In Public, But You're Not Supposed To Believe Your Own Eyes! Read These Recent Stories Then Try To Tell Us The Depopulation Agenda Isn't Real

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Just for fun, (lets just call it a mental exercise) what do the following actual headlines bring to your mind?

41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%

1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds

UPDATE: A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23 (April 8 headline)

Professional Athletes suffered at least 890 Cardiac Arrests and 579 Deaths following Covid-19 Vaccination in the past year; & FIFA Football Deaths increased by 300% (April 20 headline)

TOO MUCH TO IGNORE: COVID vaccines cause 16,633% more miscarriages compared to flu vaccines

FDA & CDC Study finds Covid-19 Vaccination increases Childrens risk of suffering Myocarditis by over 13,000%

In creating percentages, the increase is calculated as the original number subtracted from the new number, divided by the original number and multiplied by 100. This means that a 100% increase is double the original number. Even simple logic tells us that; and then a 1,000% increase is nine times what was before. So with an 1100% increase in military deaths, that is a jump from 100 men to 1200 men suffering death because of the mandate they submit to the murderous bio-weapon. Using just the numbers that were submitted to VAERS of military men murdered, it amounts to a 4,133% increase. Amazing, yet there is still the mandate that they be injected with that murder weapon.

Health Impact News in their story (the first headline above) said that of the 3.9 million injured by the vax that nearly half of them are considered serious injuries with the term serious being defined as Seriousnessprovides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as serious if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results indeath, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect. They break down the totals by which vax they were given with the Janssen 4.9% of cases listed) and Moderna (4.45%) being approximately double what the Pfizer (2.3%) is and the AstraAZeneca (1.83%) coming in a bit less average deadly cases reported. The percent of serious cases compared to the total number of cases reported in this European study shows close results, with Pfizer at 44.23%, AstraZeneca at 51.62%, Moderna 45.17% and Janssen with the lowest at 40.52%. They did not give the number of shots average or number of people given those shots, but with those numbers of reported problems compared to those that are serious or death related, who would take any chances at all? Not me.

Then note the difference between the April 8th Gateway Pundit versus the April 20th The Expos articles in the number of athletes deaths. And that 15.7% increase is only over a one and a half week period. With the FIFA (football, or Soccer here in North America) being 4 times higher this past year compared to the 2009 to 2020 numbers. That is in just one year compared to eleven years in total numbers, so what is the increase year by year? I do not know, but The Expos furnished this graph to help you see what is actually going on;

It would seem to me that this increase cannot be tied to increases in drug usage, although some have tried to say that is the case. And many more have dropped out of professional sports because of the effects the shots have had on them. Unfortunately, many doctors are unwilling to acknowledge that the COVID-19 shots might be related to patients injury complaints, and many who have been injured find their stories have remained hidden from public view, with YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms censoring their personal stories and videos. Some, however, have made it through to mainstream media. FIFA football deaths in December 2021 alone matched the annual average for the last dozen years with the cardiovascular issues doubling every three months and there were three and a half times as many deaths in December last year compared to the whole of 2021. No, nothing to see here folks, and the main stream propaganda rags dare say nothing about it. An example of their fidgeting around the edges is in the Australian sports show linked here. Please note that the do mention the dramatic increase in Bells Palsy in sports figures though, but still try to down play the link with the shots. They must be afraid of being fired or being imprisoned as it is a great taboo to show those kinds of factual links.

While I believe most of us here on ANP, both regulars as well as guests that visit less frequently, realize that this lie of the Covid shots efficacy is perhaps the biggest lie to ever be pushed by the popular press, and that those numbers reported to the VAERS system is only a small percent (some say from 1% clear up to 10%), the headlines above were based primarily on VAERS type systems, whether the North American system or the European equivalent database system EudraVigilance. Also note that those reported numbers have been altered a number of times to LOWER the cases to make the shots look a bit better in the publics eyes. NEVER trust the government on anything is the motto to be followed here. There are no second chances after taking the shot according to the first video below. Even the supposed protection from the C19 virus is not supported by the available data, such as this headline that reports Vaccinated Have Up To SIX Times the Infection Rate of Unvaccinated, New Zealand Government Data Show with the likelihood for getting C19 going up with the number of jabs. That is exactly the opposite of what we are being told. And this does NOT consider the number of top athletes that drop out or competition because of ill health, primarily caused by the vaccines.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

And lest you think age may make you safer, this following graph shows the NZ experience of covid mortality over 100,000 cases.

  • Note that Data on deaths in the unvaccinated and those given a single dose of vaccine are co-mingled; the New Zealand hospitalisation data suggest that death rates might be greater in the single-jabbed.The vaccinated appear to have significant increased risk of catching Covid, which contributes to overall risk of serious disease and death..These calculations do not include any consideration of the risk of side-effects and complications following vaccination.

The number that really frightens and concerns me is that huge increase in miscarriages compared to the flu vaccines. 16,633% is an increase that cannot be ignored by anyone, and then consider that the number of infant deaths cause by the mothers milk having spike proteins or other c19 vax components is not considered a risk by the health professionals and the VEARS data shows no real data as none has been entered, it is also well known that breast milk has a concentration of proteins from the mothers body and blood system. But there are many stories of infants dying after suckling from a mother that has recently had the shot or boosters so while not properly documented, do not discount the numbers of dead babies from this atrocious mass infanticide scheme. But the numbers are in that the effects on pregnant women are absolutely huge as seen in the second and third videos below. And please note I did not even mention that the CDC is using Polio as a cover up for the childrens jab adverse reactions. Nope, I did not say that (even though they are). A couple more headlines to keep things interesting;

Breast-fed Baby passes away after being poisoned by Mother who had taken the Pfizer Covid Vaccine

Nursing Baby Died With Blood Clots, Inflamed Arteries Following Mothers Pfizer Shot, VAERS Report

Vaccine Impact photo credit

All in all, people are being frightened into taking that kill shot even though the truth is the shot is killing far more people that the common flu marketed as Covid. Actually, it was planned to make a new disease to force those bio-weapon injections because the common flu virus was just not scary enough. But how long has this scenario been planned? At least as far back as 1970 according to a Jeff Rense article that says the DOD was getting funded for Bio Weapon development to create the HIV-AIDS plandemic that grew up to become the Covid farce as the attached House appropriations document in that article shows. The fourth video below shows the agenda with the creation of C19.

And not to be outdone, a Pfizer study reported in The Expos says that the vaccine is to blame for a huge increase in Hepatitis in children because the vaccine seems to attack the liver so hard, seemingly especially in children. Not quite to the standards of mass murder had in other studies among this earths population, especially considering what is being done to the innocent young ones, the wissenschaft of the New World Orders schemes to bring this planets populations way down according to their 2030 Agenda is well underway and cannot be ignored. They attack the truth with ridiculous fervor as illustrated with the headlines shown above as the pyrrhonism (extreme skepticism) of those of us that like to dig into things is increasing at an accelerating rate. This short overview of where we are now is intended only as a refresher to what has already been covered very well here on ANP, and as a means to clear my mind from the horrors of my just previous story; although the emphasis on the ill effects of the C19 murder scheme on little children cannot be overlooked as my prayers are directed to those affected. Those Satanists will attack the most precious ones at every turn and must be called out. I could have dragged this article out by commenting on all of those headlines, but not much more will be accomplished doing so and you can follow the links or figure it out on your own; I think the headlines alone speak well for themselves.

Until next time, stay safe.

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