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January 8, 2018

It's Time To Declassify These Deep, Dark Department Of Defense Secrets, President Trump! 'Gravely Unwarranted Optimistic Findings' Set Up Catastrophic 'Game Changer'

'For you know perfectly that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night'. 1 Thessalonians 5:2

Story Submitted to All News Pipeline by Dr. William Graham and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

(ANP note: If you are 'on the fence' about EMP, please read this story and listen to the only video below featuring Dr. Peter Vincent Pry on the Jim Bakker show in which he tells us only 2 of the 6 US Congressional EMP Committee reports that he worked upon have been declassified. What info do the other 4 contain? Dr. Pry argues it's now time for President Trump to declassify these reports.)

After President Trump announced his new National Security Strategy (on Dec. 18) that for the first time gives deservedly high-priority to protecting the nations critical infrastructures from electromagnetic attack the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) launched a media campaign promoting their bogus studies grossly underestimating threats from electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

EPRI, the Edison Electric Institute and North American Electric Reliability Corporation are funded by electric utilities to serve their political interests. They churn-out junk science studies dismissing or minimizing electromagnetic pulse threats to avoid government regulation requiring EMP protection of electric grids.

The Electric Power Research Institute falsely claims high-altitude electromagnetic pulse attack by a single nuclear weapon could not blackout all or most of the contiguous United States, only a few states would be effected, and few if any transformers would be damaged, giving hope for speedy recovery.

These gravely unwarranted optimistic findings contradict long-standing electromagnetic pulse threat assessments by the Defense Department and recent threat assessments by the Congressional EMP Commission. The Electric Power Research Institute grossly underestimates electromagnetic pulse field strengths and overestimates grid survivability.


The Electric Power Research Institutes rosy view of EMP is not only technically unsound, but intellectually dishonest. Its two EMP experts Rob Manning and Randy Horton have no expertise in electromagnetic pulse phenomenology and effects; never worked professionally on electromagnetic pulse for the Defense Department, intelligence community, or any defense contractor; and either have not had access to classified information, or have ignored classified data contradicting their very benign misrepresentation of the electromagnetic pulse threat.

Strangely for analysts seeking truth about EMP, Mr. Manning and Mr. Horton never asked the EMP Commission to review their work. Indeed, we had to write a letter to the Electric Power Research Institute for a briefing. The EMP Commission warned them their analysis is erroneous and offered correction.

EPRI ignored the EMP Commissions offer to help and has proceeded to misinform policymakers and the public with analysis they know is wrong.

You dont have to be an EMP expert to know that EMP is an existential threat.


Real world failures of electric grids from various causes indicate nuclear EMP attack would have catastrophic consequences. Significant and highly disruptive blackouts have been caused by single-point failures cascading into system-wide failures, originating from damage comprising far less than 1 percent of the total system. For example:

Great Northeast Blackout of 2003 put 50 million people in the dark for a day, contributed to at least 11 deaths, and cost an estimated $6 billionoriginated from a single failure point when a power line contacted a tree branch, damaging less than 0.0000001 (0.00001%) of the system.

New York City Blackout of 1977, resulted in the arrest of 4,500 looters and injury of 550 police officers, was caused by a lightning strike on a substation tripping two circuit breakers.

Great Northeast Blackout of 1965, that affected 30 million people, happened because a protective relay on a transmission line was improperly set. Indias nationwide blackout of July 30-31, 2012the largest blackout in history, effecting 670 million people, 9 percent of the world population was caused by overload of a single high-voltage power line.

Indias blackout of January 2, 2001 affecting 226 million people was caused by equipment failure at the Uttar Pradesh substation. Indonesias blackout of Aug. 18, 2005 affecting 100 million people was caused by overload of a high-voltage power line.

Brazils blackout of March 11, 1999affecting 97 million peoplewas caused by a lightning strike on an EHV transformer substation. Italys blackout of Sept. 28, 2003 affecting 55 million people was caused by overload of two high-voltage power lines.

San Francisco blackout in April 2017 was caused by the failure of a single high voltage breaker.


In contrast to the above blackouts caused by single-point or small-scale failures, a nuclear EMP attack would inflict massive widespread damage to the electric grid causing millions of failure points. With few exceptions, the U.S. national electric grid is unhardened and untested against nuclear EMP attack.

In the event of nuclear EMP attack on the United States, a widespread protracted blackout is inevitable. If Mr. Trumps National Security Strategy is to be successful protecting our nation from EMP, we recommend:

Obama-holdovers and permanent bureaucrats still obstructing national EMP preparedness embedded in the Department of Defense; Department of Homeland Security; the Department of Energy and the national laboratories at Sandia, Los Alamos and Livermore who are hiding from competent technical review, be fired immediately.

Firings should include Obama-holdovers in: DOD Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense that sabotaged the EMP Commission; DOEs Office of Electric Reliability that studied EMP endlessly; and the DHS EMP Task Force that ignored the EMP Commission for a year, hiding their identities in a teleconference two days before the Commission ended.

Mr. Trump must immediately order DOD to publish the EMP Commissions new reports as unclassified so accurate information can be provided to policymakers, utilities and the public.

Its time to drain the swamp of electromagnetic pulse naysayers and do-nothings.

Story originally published here. Dr. William Graham was chairman of the congressional EMP Commission, White House science adviser to President Reagan and director of NASA. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry was EMP Commission chief of staff and served in the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA.


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