The hinges of sanity have fallen off the doors of America! Insanity, madness, and murder have entered her doors and gateways. Every unclean spirit will now manifest itself as this nation invites them to inhabit this once sanctified place and people!
Up is down and down is up. Wrong is right and right is wrong. America has lost her direction. Her moral compass is broken. She is lost at sea!
Civil unrest is upon this nation. Agitators will ignite this fire that will not be put out until the new system is in place.
Banking, law and politics will now go south. Not in direction, but in perception. The banking system will implode upon itself. (The Father made it known to me concerning this statement about Law that He is referring to the Supreme Court laws to come. We havent seen anything yet.)
Politics atboth federal and state levels will mirror each other. States will cave into the pressure of the federal government concerning everything from LGBT rights, to the increase in taxation. Though this is already happening, we will soon witness the increase of conservative states caving in to the pressure, because of the threat of federal money being withheld., There will not be a difference between the two; they will operate from the same book. The American people will now realize what has happened to them, but it will be too late.
America will now see the rising of the Beast system. It will be too late to stop it for those who become awake during its birthing! (No amount of revolt will change the course of this System. It will be a crushing system that will not allow dissent to flourish.)
My People must brace themselves for impact! Suddenly things will change! The media will no longer be able to spin the propaganda of false peace, false stability, and false comfort. For the reality of this nations fall is at the door!