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March 2, 2016
Foreboding Warnings Given To Americans - 'If You Can't Leave The Country, Leave The Urban Areas' And 'Get Right With God' - WW3 Update:Obama Prepares To Sacrifice More Americans
According to the note from Steve Quayleseen via a screenshot of his website below, the new SQAlert from retired US Brigadier General 'Greg' is the most important alert that he has ever posted. After thoroughly reading through it, we agree strongly and have decided to emphasize this warning in this story, using recent past and present day news stories to help prove just how dire his warning really is. If you haven't read it yet, this may be our final warning.
With the US presidential election now almost directly ahead of us and the eventual nominees for each party practically set in stone, we see this warning to us of coming 'total war'...upon American soil...as not only a harbinger of what's to come but a final warning to ALL Americans, especially those in high places, to 'choose wisely'. The future of America and much of humanity is clearly at stake.
Telling us that this will be a war that affects EVERYONE here in America, not just the men and women in uniform, we also learn that it will leave our economy decimated and be a battle where more people die than all other wars combined. As Gerald Celente has been consistently telling us, when all else fails, they bring us to war. As everyone knows who has been paying attention, the global economy is failing and even many experts who have spent much of their careers in government and the financial sector say there is nothing that can be done to stop the coming financial carnage. The collapse is here.
Almost most amazingly, while most wars last months, years or even decades, we're told the next war will likely only last 2 to 3 weeks. Imagine the kind of carnage that would likely be involved to cause more deaths than all other wars combined...in only 2 to 3 weeks! Are we about to witness the warning given by the 'Georgia Guidestones' of the culling of the population coming true? If war is on US soil, we'd think that Washington DC would be a likely target. Is that why they're prepared to move the 'capitol' of this coming 'new world order' underground...to Denver?
As Gary Franchi of the Next News Network tells us in the 1st video below, the fact that Barack Obama is now leading a $3 billion dollar arms buildup on or very close to the Russian border is putting Americans in danger. Why would Mr. Obama put more Americans lives in danger and continue to poke at the Russian bear? US President Barack Obama is pushing for a significant military increase in Eastern Europe, citing fears of Russian "aggression." As American authors Lawrence Korb and Eric Goepel point out for Defense One, the plan is wasteful and an unnecessary provocation.
"The [US] Department ofDefense has fallen back ona tried-and-true Cold War boogeyman: the threat ofRussian aggression againstallies inEurope," Korb and Goepel, both withthe Center forAmerican Progress, write forDefense One.
"A NATO buildup ofthis magnitude also neglects totake intoaccount just how provocative such a move would be; byconcentrating troops onRussias border, we are playing intoPutins long-standing criticisms ofNATO encirclement."
"The United States is onthe cusp oflaunching an unnecessary, expensive, and potentially dangerous plan tomodernize its strategic nuclear forces," Professor Gordon Adams and Richard Sokolsky write forDefense One, "helping stimulate what is being called a 'new nuclear arms race.'"
If somehow we make it to the general election in November of 2016 w/o WW3 beginning or Mr. Obama taking away Americans right to vote, it has become clear thatDonald Trump is the only remaining candidate NOT calling for World War 3 as heard in the 2nd video below from Infowars. In fact, as has been proven in this new story from Infowars, the Neocons will be voting for Hillary Clinton after penning a scathing open letter declaring war on Trump.
We all know that the 'Clinton Body Count' is lengthy and still growing andjudging by Hillary's warmongering past, if she becomes president, she'll likely be justanother warmongering psychopath in office. We see that Donald Trump is America's only option if we hope to avoid the next world war. If Barack, Hillary and the Neocons really want to start a war with Russia, they'd all be best served by remembering that Russia has promised to bring the 'next war' to US soil. If the warning given to us below videos by a highly respected, retired US Brigadier General is any indication, hundreds of millions of Americans could soon die due to more horrific decisions made by Barack Obama (or a 'president' Hillary Clinton).
As we are also told below, Americans shouldn't expect God to be on our side in future wars. "We chose to abandon Him, so He honored our free will." We're also told to prepare for war here in America, on US soil...by getting out of America if possible...and if not, by getting out of the heavily populated areas. Most importantly, we're told that now's the time to get right with God if we haven't already. As our nation is headed towards self-destruction the question is asked and answered by the retired Brigadier General himself.:"Is there hope? Of coursebut it would require repentance and revival on scale we have not seen for a long time in the US. Fast and pray."
Please put this in the I need to get his off my chest category. I know you know most (if not all) of this, but I believe, as a somewhat recently retired US Army General, I have an obligation to put this out there.
We have all heard it said that generals are always fighting the last war. I did not find that true during my military career. In fact, I found the opposite. There were many exceptionally smart men and women who strained to look through fog, into the future, in anticipation of what would come next. The problem is, this is extremely difficult to do.
Do you think post-World War II (and to some extent post-Korean War) planners could have envisioned the Viet Nam War?
Do you think the post-Vietnam planners could have foreseen kicking in doors in Afghanistan and Iraq?
What do you think post Afghanistan/Iraq planners are envisioning next?
As you know, the Pentagon has war plans for multiple contingencies.along with concomitant branches and sequels. Some predict total war, but those plans rarely see the public eye. With todays technologies and weaponry, it is too difficult to fathom that any nation would go down this path. Besides, anyone in a position of power, who publicly predicted such a war--- and urged immediate preparation-- would likely see his/her career end rather quickly.
Yet sadly, history would indicate total war is the most likely next outcome.
Those who fought the last total war, (World War II) have mostly passed. Those who remain have seen their voices grow dim. We are now in the fourth generation from World War IIand all current US generations have come to believe the following about war:
Wars are protracted affairs that can last a decade or more. Wars are low-level conflicts. Wars do not affect the general populace of the US. (We bomb others, they dont bomb us.) Only a few are needed to prosecute a war. (Currently, less than one half of one percent of our population have served in the military.) War is good for economy. The status quo is maintained regardless of wars outcome. God is on our side.
If history is any guide, all of the above beliefs will be shattered during the next war.
Steve, there are historical war cycles. Not every war can be total (WW II), or a stand-off (Korea), or swiftly-victorious-but-without change (Desert Storm), or indecisive (Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan). There is a rhyme and rhythm to human conflict and we are on course for total war. Strauss and Howe to an excellent job of explaining such cycles in their 1997 classic book, The Fourth Turning.
With that said, I believe the next war will:
Last only 2-3 weeks. Be a high-level conflict where more people will die than in all previous wars combined. See the general US population targeted (and stunned) at the devastation. Affect everyonenot just those in uniform. Decimate the economy. Those not killed directly will struggle to survive post-hostilities. Destroy the status quo and usher in a new order. Make manifest that God is no longer on our side. We chose to abandon Him, so He honored our free will.
The reality is, Americans have not fared well at the beginning of most wars. We get caught off-guard, stumble, and suffer casualties we should not suffer. Our strength is in our ability to recover and adapt. As a people---and as a militarywe have proven ourselves able to adjust on the fly and overcome overwhelming odds.
This trait is not lost on our enemies. Their solution? Win before we can adjust. Attack so hard and so fast, we cannot get up. The Japanese had this idea at Pearl Harbor, but did not have the means to execute the strategy. Todays weapons/technology allow for such a strategy to be successful.
The difficulty for most American leaders is that they have been brought up to believe there is a linear path to things such as civilizations progress, economic growth, cultural achievement, technological advancement, military improvement, and so on. Yet, this has never been the case. Things cycle. The ancients knew this. Our founding fathers knew this.
Linear thinking is a relatively new mindsetfueled and reinforced in large part by the industrial and technological revolutions. And, while the material achievements have been amazing, and seemingly straight up, the human condition has not changed. Like everything in nature, human behavior cycles.
(As an aside, the Romans also believed technological advances were linear and destined to grow to the sky. Yet, after the Empire fell, Europe forgot how to make concrete for over 700 years. When Rome fell, knowledge was lost in the areas of health care, architecture, hygiene, plumbing, engineering, etc. This knowledge was not recovered until centuries later. Thus, even technology cycles, if you look back far enough.)
The point is, among other things, industrial and technological advances have reinforced a false belief-system that past is prologue.despite overwhelming historical evidence to the contrary. The result is, we are careening down a destructive path that many Americans can feel, but cannot articulate.
This is not intended as fear mongeringthere is plenty of non-substantiated nonsense out there. As hard as this is to write, however, there is substantial evidence to indicate total war is on the horizon. I believe future historians will look back and say, How could they have not seen the path they were on?
Your website has offered many solutions re what people should do. Your recent prepper articles have been outstanding. Of course, the best way to live through total war is to not participate. Given this, what can the average American do?
Leave the battlefield, which in total war, is the entire nation. Go south of the equator. If you cant leave the country, leave the urban areas. Prepare as best you can for the war and its aftermath. Get right with God. Be attuned to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The early Christians were told via visions, dreams, & prophets to flee before the Romans sacked the city in 70 AD.