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August 27, 2019

On Guard If You Live In One Of These US Cities Or Areas! Map Shows Where Monstrous Health Problems May Soon Arrive As 5G Is Fast-Tracked Across America  

- 5G Rollout Goes Forward Despite Health Concerns Expressed By Experts Around The World

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In the map that we've created seen below, we used this new story over at Android Police as our source to map out every city/major region of America that either already has had 5G installed or will soon be getting it fast-tracked in within the near future, with each major telecommunications carrier bringing their own 5G networks in despite major developments recently concerning the negative health aspects of 5G radiation going viral thanks to a recent Drudge Report story link as heard in the final video at the bottom of this story. 

As Android Police reported, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon are all unveiling 5G across America with networks going up from sea to shining sea, and while their story reported that they are being unveiled too slowly, believing like many 'tech' outlets do that 5G will do no harm, as this August 24th story over at the Wall Street Journal reports, all across the nation, cities are saying NO to 5G despite the bullying from the FCC.

And while the Wall Street Journal story attempted but failed to debunk the health dangers of 5G that have been reported upon by the Independent media across the political spectrum, with left and right and independents agreeing on the dangers of 5G, as we had reported on ANP back on May 16th in this story titled "Does The NY Times Want Us All Dead? 'Gray Lady' Blames Russia For '5G Economic Warfare' While Launching Massive Cover-up Of Proven 5G Health Dangers", the 'slimestream media' has seemingly gone 'all-in' to protect the rollout of 5G across America. Why?  

So with a battle going on within America this very moment about 5G, its overall safety and whether or not more studies should be done before it completely 'envelops' America, we'll be taking a look within this ANP story at where 5G is now and where it'll soon be rolled out, the health dangers that 5G are expected to bring to America as well as 'preparing' for the roll-out of 5G in our own areas withing the final section of this story below with particular attention paid to protecting America's young children who will be much more susceptible to the negative health effects of wireless radiation due to the the relative thin-ness of their skulls compared to the skulls of adults.  

(If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of America.)


As the Android Police story reports, the following cities as seen in the map above either already have had 5G networks installed or they'll be getting them installed very soon. Each carrier is broken down individually.:

AT&T Now:

Las Vegas
Los Angeles
New Orleans
New York City
Oklahoma City
San Antonio
San Diego
San Francisco
San Jose



Sprint Now:

Dallas - Forth Worth
Kansas City


Los Angeles
New York City
Washington, D.C.

T-Mobile Now:

Las Vegas
Los Angeles
New York

Verizon Now:

St. Paul
Washington DC


Des Moines
Kansas City
Little Rock
San Diego
Salt Lake City

And while the Android Police story reported that the list seen above will be updated regularly as more and more US cities decide to have 5G installed, as we'll explore within the next section of this story below, the dangers of 5G are well documented. And quite interestingly, with Americans seemingly never more divided than we are now in 2019, this Wall Street Journal story reports that politicians are now hearing it from their constituents on ALL sides of the political aisle, with Democrats and Republicans voicing their concerns about what is being fast-tracked all across America without adequate health testing being done.


As Mac Slavo had reported in this February story over at SHTFPlan, the rollout of 5G across America and the world is at the very least a 'massive biological health experiment' upon ALL of us that could lead to cancers, kill off wildlife in mass numbers, damage a large number of plant species, cause DNA damage within humans and plant and animal life, cause heart problems, diabetes, alzheimer's, lead to insomnia, low sperm counts in males, headaches, tingling skin, and much more. And at worst, as others are warning as we had reported in this July 24th ANP story, it could even be used to carry out genocide with 5G using the same EMF waves as the Pentagon's 'crowd control systems'

And as this April of 2019 story over at Take Back Your Power reported, Brussels, Belgium had recently become the world's first major city to halt the rollout of 5G due to the negative health effects that have already been proven despite what the FCC here in the US might argue, with 'profit margins' once again put above 'health'. 

The statement was made by Céline Fremault, the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy. From an interview last Friday, with L’Echo:

“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt.”

And while the chances of Americans hearing those same words from the FCC here in the US run about 0%, as Eluxe Magazine reported in this story titled "Frightening Frequencies: The Dangers Of 5G And What You Can Do About Them", the potential negative health effects of 5G have opened up a 'Pandora's box of trouble' for us and our planet.

5G has been created with machines’ needs in mind, offering low-latency, high-efficiency data transfer. It achieves this by breaking data down into smaller packages, allowing for faster transmission times. Whereas 4G has a fifty-millisecond delay, 5G data transfer will offer a mere one-millisecond delay—we humans won’t notice the difference, but it will permit machines to achieve near-seamless communication. Which in itself may open a whole Pandora’s box of trouble for us – and our planet.

First, it’s important to know that in 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified RFR as a potential 2B carcinogen and specified that the use of mobile phones could lead to specific forms of brain tumors.

Many studies have associated low-level RFR exposure with a litany of health effects, including: DNA single and double-strand breaks (which leads to cancer) oxidative damage (which leads to tissue deterioration and premature ageing) disruption of cell metabolism increased blood-brain barrier permeability melatonin reduction (leading to insomnia and increasing cancer risks) disruption of brain glucose metabolism generation of stress proteins (leading to myriad diseases)

As mentioned, the new 5G technology utilizes higher-frequency MMW bands, which give off the same dose of radiation as airport scanners. The effects of this radiation on public health have yet to undergo the rigours of long-term testing. Adoption of 5G will mean more signals carrying more energy through the high-frequency spectrum, with more transmitters located closer to people’s homes and workplaces—basically a lot more (and more potent) RFR flying around us. It’s no wonder that apprehension exists over potential risks, to both human and environmental health.

Perhaps the strongest concern involves adverse effects of MMWs on human skin. This letter to the Federal Communications Commission, from Dr Yael Stein of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, outlines the main points. Over ninety percent of microwave radiation is absorbed by the epidermis and dermis layers, so human skin basically acts as an absorbing sponge for microwave radiation. Disquieting as this may sound, it’s generally considered acceptable so long as the violating wavelengths are greater than the skin layer’s dimensions. But MMW’s violate this condition.

Furthermore, the sweat ducts in the skin’s upper layer act like helical antennas, which are specialized antennas constructed specifically to respond to electromagnetic fields. With millions of sweat ducts, and 5G’s increased RFR needs, it stands to reason that our bodies will become far more conductive to this radiation. The full ramifications of this fact are presently unclear, especially for more vulnerable members of the public (e.g., babies, pregnant women, the elderly), but this technology

Furthermore, MMWs may cause our pain receptors to flare up in recognition of the waves as damaging stimuli. Consider that the US Department of Defense already uses a crowd-dispersal method called the Active Denial System, in which MMWs are directed at crowds to make their skin feel like it’s burning, and also has the ability to basically microwave populations to death from afar with this technology if they choose to do so. And the telecommunications industry wants to fill our atmosphere with MMWs?

While the graphic below from EMFAdvice offers us 7 tips for protecting ourselves and our families from 5G radiation exposure, in the final section of our story below we'll be taking a further look at preparing for 5G coming into our own neighborhoods and what else we can do to protecting ourselves and our families.


One of the scariest thoughts in the world to me are what our children are being exposed to in this world we're now living in, especially the very youngest of all and most innocent and most easily harmed by the effects of wireless radiation, newborn children. 

As Shield Your Body had reported within this April story, children will be the most succeptible victims to the effects of wireless radiation due largely to their thin skulls which much more easily allow the penetration and absorption of the invisible wireless waves of 5G, true for any kind of radio frequency radiation, whether it’s emitted by a cell phone, wifi router, wireless baby monitor, or other device. This has also been confirmed by other studies — like a Brazilian study from 2015 and, more recently, this 2018 study which concludes that “young eyes and brains absorb substantially higher local radiation doses than adults’”.

So we've gone ahead and put together a list of a number of different ways to protect yourselves and your families from such harmful radiation already coming off of our own devices with a focus here at the start on protecting the most vulnerable members of society from the deadly effects of 5G and other wireless radiation. 

EMF Protective Belly Pregnancy Baby Blanket, Organic, Anti-Radiation, Blue, 36"x30"

Faraday Defense RFID Shielding Silver Fabric Roll 64" x 3 Ft. - Premium Grade EMF Signal Blocking Material

EMF Blanket - Radiation Shielding by EMR Shielding Solutions

Copper Fabric Blocking RFID/RF-Reduce EMF/EMI Protection Conductive Fabric for Smart Meters Prevent from Radiation/Singal/WiFi Golden Color 78"x43" inch

DefenderShield EMF Radiation Protection Blanket for Fertility, Pregnancy, Infants, Babies, Children - Organic Bamboo Anti-Radiation Maternity & Baby Throw Cover (36 x 35 inches)

Momz Armor 100% Organic Cotton Blanket or Swaddle Protective RF Shielding EMF with Silver Elastic Fabric

Mission Darkness X2 Faraday Duffel Bag. Laptop, Tablet, Phone & Other Device Shielding for Law Enforcement, Military, Executive Privacy, Travel, Data Security, Anti-Hacking & Anti-Tracking Assurance  

Mission Darkness MOLLE Faraday Pouch - for Law Enforcement and Military. Attaches to Any Bag with MOLLE Webbing. Signal Blocking/Anti-Tracking/Data Privacy for Phones, Tablets, and Other Devices   

EMF Protection Radiation Device – Radiation Protection for All Electronic Devices - Cell Phone, Laptop, Smartpad - EMF Protection Products

RadiArmor Anti-Radiation Cell Phone Sleeve – EMF Blocking Pouch That fits Most Cell Phones (Black, Large)

Signal Blocking Bag, ONEVER [2 Pack] GPS RFID Faraday Bag Shield Cage Pouch Wallet Phone Case for Cell Phone Privacy Protection and Car Key FOB, Anti-Tracking Anti-Spying

Faraday Bag, 2 Pack of Wisdompro RFID Signal Blocking Bag Shielding Pouch Wallet Case for Cell Phone Privacy Protection and Car Key FOB (Black)

Mission Darkness Non-Window Faraday Bag for Phones - Device Shielding for Law Enforcement, Military, Executive Privacy, Travel & Data Security, Anti-Hacking & Anti-Tracking Assurance

EDEC - Standard Non-Window Size - Signal Blocking, Anti-tracking, Anti-spying, Radiation protection for Cell Phones, Key Fobs and Credit Cards  

Faraday Fabric-EMI RFID Shielding Earth Grounding-Block WiFi/RF Anti-Radiation Military Grade for Radiowave Microwave and Other Electromagnetic Fields 78"x43" inch

The first video below is a must-see viral video with over 1 million views titled "5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event" within which our videographer takes at why so many believe 5G will be an existential threat to humanity while in the 2nd video, we hear about how 5G is already killing off birds and bees and other wildlife. The 3rd and final video takes a look at the previously mentioned story which Drudge had linked to on 5G and ties to cancer which had gone viral. 

EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Despite generous donations, the still dwindling advertising revenue over the course of the last two years has forced us to completely deplete all our savings just to survive and continue to keep All News PipeLine online.

So due to continuous attacks upon us and ongoing censorship, ANP is extending our emergency fundraiser through September. 


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