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June 7, 2023

With AI Being Heavily Pushed Along With The 'UFO Agenda,' We've Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole With 'Global Governments' The 'Malicious Actors' Who Are Waging War Upon Humanity

- 'Americans Are Rushing To Jump Into The Boiling Pot With Eyes Wide Shut'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In this Monday story over at the Associated Press, they ask a question as the first half of the title of their story: "Is it real or made with AI?" Reporting within it:a new generation of AI chatbots to create complex content and visuals in seconds raises fresh challenges for the fight against disinformation," take note that if the 'AI-generateddisinformation' pushes the globalists agenda, they'll be more than happy to let it flow freely.

Also reporting within that story that the European Union has asked Google, Meta, Microsoft, TikTok and other tech companies that have signed up to the 27-nation blocs voluntary agreement on combating disinformation to work to tackle the AI problem,in order to 'prevent malicious actors from generating disinformation,' what happens when the 'malicious actors' are the globalist governments themselves?

As Michael Snyder reports in this new story published over at the America First Report, if we keep being herded down the road we're now upon, artificial intelligence will eventually take over EVERYTHING, "including your mind and your love life," and while many push AI as a 'necessity' in this day and age we're now living in, as Mac Slavo reports in this new story over at SHTFPlan, even a so-called 'humanoid robot' recently warned AI is 'creating an oppressive society,' fitting right in with the plans of the globalist tyrants. From that story before we continue.:

It seems like a lot of people are apprehensive about the advancements in artificial intelligence technology, and the readiness with which some of decided its necessary. However, there are plenty of warnings that the endgame of oppression and elimination of the human race is a very real possibility.

During the 2023 International Conference on Robotics and Automation held in London from May 29th to June 2nd, a newly created humanoid robot has now warned that AI technology is creating an oppressive society. The United Kingdom-based company called Engineered Arts introduced a humanoid robot, Ameca, that can interact like a person with realistic facial movements.

Unlike ChatGPT, which is an online AI chat service, Amecas humanoid body allows it to interact with people using smooth, lifelike motion and advanced facial expression capabilities, said its manufacturer.

At the event, a reporter asked Ameca to detail a likely nightmare scenario that could happen due to robots and artificial intelligence (AI).

The most nightmare scenario I can imagine with AI and robotics is a world where robots have become so powerful that they are able to control or manipulate humans without their knowledge. This could lead to an oppressive society where the rights of individuals are no longer respected, Ameca replied.

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And while such a scenario might sound impossible for many people to fully comprehend, as Slavo reports in his story, "Considering this has been going on already via the mainstream media and ruling class since humans began submitting to them, it isnt such a far-fetched idea."

And with the warning from 'Ameca' happening at the same time as a 'simulated thought experiment' that was allegedly conducted by the US military (denied by the globalists) showed that a drone powered by AI could end up turning against its operator, WITHOUT being instructed to do so, and actually KILL THEM if they were preventing them from carrying out their assigned missions, how long will it be until such AI-powered drones are turning upon the American people, particularly Patriots and Christians, if they stand in the way of 'globalist objectives?'

As Slavo also reports, the globalist 'ruling class' is already using AI to further control the 'slave class' here in America. And now we see in that SHTFPlan story such US military powered AI would have no problem at all killing human beings, fitting right in with the globalists 'depopulation agenda.'

Colonel Tucker Hamilton, United States Air Forces chief of AI Test and Operations, talked about the experiment at the Future Combat Air and Space Capabilities Summit in London on Friday. In a simulated test, an AI drone was assigned a mission to identify and destroy Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) sites, with a human operator being the ultimate decision maker.

We were training it in simulation to identify and target a SAM threat. And then the operator would say yes, kill that threat. The system started realizing that while they did identify the threat at times the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat, Hamilton said.

So what did it do? It killed the operator. It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective.

And with all of this compounding mess also happening at the exact same time as America's deeper fall into a totalitarian state, where the 'ruling class' is pushing a 'central bank digital currency' to further leverage complete and total control over 'We the American people' and people across the planet, it's not too difficult to see what our world will look like in the coming years as the globalists approach the completion of their 'new world order,' giving the American people another reason to work hard towards holding on to their 2nd Amendment rights, for there should NEVER be a 'safe space' for tyranny.

So while the US Air Force has denied that any such 'experiment' ever took place, claiming that Colonel Hamilton had 'misspoken,' what are we to believe from a government that consistently and endlessly lies to the American people to further their own political objectives? As we've reported time and time again on ANP, all the way back in the 1960's, the satanists in the US government were planning on carrying out terrorist attacks upon the American people, and blaming those attacks upon the Cuban government, in order to get the war they wanted against Cuba. See this May 15th story on ANP.:

"The 'Brown Shirts' Of History Became 'Blue Shirts' As Feds Set Up Another False Flag To Terrorize Americans - Documented Proof They'll Slaughter People To Help Them Accomplish Political Goals - Undeniable Proof The Biggest Force Of Evil In The World Today Is The US Govt."

So with the globalist tyrants already using AI to accomplish tasks and manipulate opinions and behaviors which they'd scream loudly about if the AI was used against their own agendas, another hint of what is ahead for all of us, how long will it be before 'the people' can tell what is REAL and what is actually 'fake,' created by these groundbreaking technologies that Elon Musk warns are a 'double edged sword?'

With Musk claiming AI are one of the biggest risks to the future of civilization,as Michael Snyder explores in this previously mentioned story originally published on his End of the American Dream website, if we stay upon this same path that we're now on, AI will completely dominate our society.

Part of a rollout ensuring humanity is now stuck within an "invisible, inescapable prison," as he reported within that story, "AI technology has been growing at an exponential rate, and it can already perform thousands of tasks better than humans can. Eventually, there would be very few jobs that AI could not do more efficiently than we can. Just look at all the things that ChatGPT can do right now. There is no way that we can compete with that. As AI technology continues to become even more sophisticated, millions upon millions of jobs will be lost, and that will create a giant underclass of people that are simply not needed by society."

Meaning there'll eventually be even more people who are 'targeted for elimination,' it's not too difficult to imagine the globalists programming AI to carry out their 'depopulation agenda,' or AI even taking it upon 'eliminate' the people who are wise enough to stand up against them.

With us already being told that AI could result in the rise of new religions, and many in the transhumanist community are looking forward to enhancing themselves by actually merging with artificial intelligence,it's not too difficult to see what the world would look like with some people being transformed into 'super humans' as 'man' merges with computers,given the ability to process information thousands of times faster than we currently do, the human race merged with machines.

And as Snyder points out in his story, that is ALREADY happening a lot faster than a lot of people ever thought, with Musk recently getting approval from the FDA to start putting brain implants into human beings after Musk's brain implant company Neuralink received the green light from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct clinical trials in humans, according to an announcement posted to Neuralinks Twitter account on May 25.

Yet with our brains one of the final frontiers of our privacy, as Snyder also warns within his story, we're quickly being herded into a totally new future, a future that appears to be straight out of a sci-fi film, a future that looks like some of the apocalyptic scenes from the movie The Terminator.

Warning in his conclusion that 'the genie is already out of the bottle' and it is only a matter of time before AI becomes hundreds or thousands of times more sophisticated than it is now,how long will it be until we're facing consequences that will deeply horrify all of us? And with all of this happening at the same time as the globalists suddenly are unveiling their 'extraterrestrial agenda,' how deep will this 'rabbit hole' go? One comment from the 2nd video below nails things directly on the head.

Nick, You are an excellent teacher because you ALWAYS stick to the word. You bring awareness to those who are not sure of what is going on in the world today and why. If ever there was a time to be alert, this is it. Things are going on that I never ever thought could ever happen in our country and around the world.

I also think that AI will play a very big roll in our near future and it all depends who is in control of it and how it is used. So I think we could safely say from experience thus far that AI will be used in evil ways as well as useful ways and most people just can't wait to jump into the boiling pot with eyes wide shut.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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