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June 22, 2022
Alarming Chart Shows Rapid Escalation Of Mysterious Destructive Events Hitting America's Food Supply Chain With Meat Under All Out Attack As The Globalists Push 'Crickets' As New Superfood
- Are Food Recalls Being Redirected To The Globalists Underground Bunkers For TEOTWAWKI?
In the alarming chart we see above that begins back in February of 2019, we see a massive escalation of 'destructive events' at America's food processing plants all across the nation as also seen in the map below, with an absolutely stunning list coming to us from this Gateway Pundit story showing at least 99 such 'events' at US food facilities that have been destroyed, damaged or impacted byaccidental fires,disease, or general causes dating back to January of 2021.
And with this all happening at the same time as food shortages happening all across the United States as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this June 17th ANP story titled "Trucker Warning: 'You'll See Chaos As People Fight For The Basic Necessities Of Everyday Life' - Shocking Updates On The Supply Chain Crisis And Food Shortages,"it's easy to see the true big picture, no matter how much the msm babbles 'conspiracy theory'.
And we're getting some signs from even the least expected places and sources of what's ahead for America as reported in this recent Post Millennial story reporting on Washington's Democrat governor Jay Inslee recently sending out an eerie letter to his supporters predicting that they are in for a summer of "blackouts, destruction, and death"over the alleged climate crisis.
Though as Susan had also pointed out in this June 20th ANP story, rolling blackouts are being predicted now all across America this summer, with forecasts that 10's of millions of Americans will be without power at some point or another due topower grids stretched thin and aging. So one could argue that Inslee's eerie email warning could apply to much of the country, although Inslee didn't even get into what we're now reporting in the 'meat' of this story, all of these food shortages and what appear to be outright 'attacks' upon our food supply chain, especially with it long warned that only 9 meals separate a civilized society from total anarchy.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to google ad services abruptly dropping their ads from ANP stories, we're running an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
According to this recent story over at the Western Journal,while we've been mysteriously losing one farm, factory or food processing plant after another to strange and destructive mishaps lately, we've fortunately gained a brand-new facility that is making food,though it's right up ANP commenter Joejoethabeanslayer's alley, food made out of insects.
Reporting within that story that the 'Aspire Food Group' had recently announcedit had opened the largest alternative protein manufacturing facility in the world that uses crickets as its base ingredient, that new plant will produce 9000 metric tons of crickets every year for human and pet consumption. Thats about two billion insects to be distributed annually across Canada and throughout the United States"they report.
Just the latest story we've seen about a strong move being made by the globalists away from traditional meats and sources of protein and towards a 'bug based' nutrition scheme in the world's future, notice in the list in the final section of this story below at just how many of these food processing plants getting 'hit' by 'mysterious events' are plants that somehow are involved in the 'meat supply chain'. From that Western Journal story before we continue.:
Aspire claims that crickets are rich in protein and should be considered the next superfood. The fiber-rich food source is already found in grocery stores and restaurants, they say, and they have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional protein sources.
Leftists have been touting the sustainability of bugs as food for decades, of course, and quasi-government entities have tried flogging bugs for years.
Scientists and researchers in Britain have been trying to get the U.K. government to begin serving school children bug-sourced food in the nations government-controlled schools.
"Researchers are planning to feed bugs like house crickets and mealworms to children between the ages of five and 11 from four primary schools in Wales, the Daily Mail reported in May.
So with the globalists pushing bugs as food upon America and the world at a time when we're already witnessing massive shortages of foods and other supplies right on the front lines of where Americans traditionally get our foods, at the local grocery stores, while more and more food processing plants are getting hit by 'mysterious incidents' that reek of 'grey terror', remember that Russian defector and Intelligence Officer Viktor Suvorov had warned in his book "Spetsnaz's First World War"of just such a period, what he called 'the overture,' in what he believed would be the build up to World War III.
So while the mainstream media continues to call of these 'attacks' upon our food supply chain a 'crazy right wing conspiracy theory', when does 'enough become enough' and the masses finally realize that something very fishy is going on? We strongly believe it's not just a 'coincidence' that all of this is happening to America now while globalist Henry Kissinger once babbled"Control the food and you control the people".
Just as Susan Duclos had warned in this May 30th ANP story titled "'Control Food And You Control The People': Food Plant Fires, Explosions, Plane Crashes, Recalls And Ongoing Shortages Are Decimating Our Food Supply",all of these mysterious events happening to our food supply chain are happening to far too many places, and far too often over the last two years, to be just 'coincidences'.
So before our story conclusion, which will include links to emergency survival foods that are still available right now, we have to check out this incredibly lengthy list of all of the different food supply facilities that have been 'hit' over the past 2 years. All credit where credit is due to the Gateway Pundit for originally publishing this extensive list.
Below is the updated list of U.S. plants that have been destroyed, damaged or impacted by accidental fires, disease, or general causes.
6/13/22 Fire Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin
6/14/22 Over 10,000 head of cattle have reportedly died in the recent Kansas heat wave
So with a very common theme running through that list being the decimation of our meat supply, with chicken, turkey, pigs, duck and cattle being hit an amazing number of times in less than 2 full years, we'll focus here on meat products available now which could end up making the difference between our families eating 'real food' and 'eating bugs' in the future for our supply of protein.
With the first video featuring National Black Farmers Association President John Boyd warning"weve never ever faced a food shortage, and I think thats coming" during an interview on NewsNations On Balance show, both of videos following warn of what's arrived upon America's shores, with more farmers warning of food shortages ahead while the final video takes a look at all of these disasters at food processing plants now impacting our food supply chain in a huge way under Biden and Democrats in 2022.
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