Dr. James David Manning from Atlah Ministries has published commentary on his politically "incorrect" thoughts about South Carolina's recent vote to remove the Confederate flag from the SC state house, calling it a "grievous mistake," and asserting this all-out war against the Confederate flag since the shooting at a historic black church killed nine people, blamed on the flag because the shooter had published images of himself holding it, has "awakened Johnny Reb," starting the "rise of the South," and kicking off the "start of the second Civil War."
Many believe Jade Helm 15 is preparation for martial law in America after some catastrophic event such as a total economic collapse, whether this 'event" is slated to happen during the training exercise or at a later date, no one knows, but Texas being labeled as hostile should be a huge red flag given the liberty-minded nature of Texas and what they people of Texas represent, as well as the fact that Texas is very gun-friendly and has a huge amount of gun owners residing in the state.
Given all the aforementioned points, it is noteworthy that a number of recent events have been noted in the mainstream news regarding Texas, smaller storylines, but when seen together, shows Texas remains in the bulls-eye of whatever the government is planning.
For example, a seemingly unrelated article at USA Today about Barack Obama slating "more than 1 million acres of public land in three states" for national Monuments, including 107 acres forWaco Mammoth in Texas... but it is the description of what "historic uses" are mentioned, which are "livestock grazing and military use," according to the administration.
Then we have a Texas federal judge threatening to hold the Obama administration in contempt of court for ignoring theCourts immigration injunction on at least 2,000 occasions.
According to the 3-page court order, filed on July 7, 2015, (embedded below the Manning video), it states "The Court was first apprised by the Government of the violations of its injunction on May 7, 2015. It admitted that it violated this Courts injunction on at least 2,000 occasionsviolations which have not yet been fixed. This Court has expressed its willingness to believe that these actions were accidental and not done purposefully to violate this Courts order. Nevertheless, it is shocked and surprised at the cavalier attitude the Government has taken with regard to its efforts to rectify this situation.The Government promised this Court on May 7, 2015, that immediate steps were being taken to remedy the violations of the injunction. Yet, as of June 23, 2015some six weeks after making that representationthe situation had not been rectified. With that in mind, the Court hereby sets a hearing for August 19, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. Each individual Defendant must attend and be prepared to show why he or she should not be held in contempt of Court....."
Following Texas news we also note that a woman is "outraged" after a Census worker refused to take no for an answer and camped out on her front lawn, but the sentence at the bottom of the CBS DFW article that caught my eye was when they said "Dallas is one of 25 cities targeted in the housing survey which runs through August."
When Manning talks about the South rising and the awakening of "Johnny Reb," which is the national personification of the Southern states of the United States, or less generally, the Confederacy during the American Civil War, represented by theConfederate flag also referred to as the "Rebel Flag," he is spot on as shown on the Texas Confederate Veterans website, which states the following:
"I am OFFENDED and I DEMAND you remove your history toAPPEASE my delicate sensibilities" is the new battle cry of the decade."
In Direct response The Sons of Confederate Veterans have already raised severalof these Huge Confederate Flags in Georgia, Florida and Tennessee.They are 135 feet high and are the size of a semi truck.Future Confederate Flags are slated to Rise all across the South!
From one end of Texas to the other, residents are taking an aggressive stance against the war on the Confederate flag, with local groups planning a Confederate flag rally, a "defiant" man in Texas nailing a "6-foot wooden Confederate flag to building across from county courthouse," and the Chron.com reporting that "In Texas, the western-most territory of the short-lived Confederate States, the flag won't quickly disappear," just to name a sample of articles showing that Texas is refusing to bow down to the speech, expression and thought police.
The bottom line is that Texas represents freedom, liberty and the spirit to fight for both in all their glory. If they can take down Texas, demoralize them, then they will have won over half the battle.
NOTE- With the media having no access to cover Jade Helm, it is important "we the people" keep our eye on them, so please email any first hand accounts,photos, videos or tips to[email protected]