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October 26, 2024

Impending Bedlam: The Pentagon Has Already Begun Preparing To Suppress Mass Unrest On The Streets During And After The November 5 Elections

Inside a fusion center

By Alan Barton -  All News Pipeline

With so many stories out there about how election results may be delayed, or rather, WILL be delayed, such as Arizona saying it will take at least two weeks to get the results, and Pennsylvania saying “several days”, and many localities blaming very poor service by the United Sates Post Office for their expected delays.

 “‘For the love of God, vote early,’ one election official says.”

Some states count votes quickly while others take weeks and therein lies the problem; there should be a mandated time when ALL results are announced, and that should be the next day after voting as things used to be before we implemented all of these efficiency plans that have done exactly the opposite of the announced goal of those plans.  Funny how machine counting has delayed so many return numbers while at the same time doing exactly what they were designed for; to enable massive voter fraud while claiming the opposite just like early voting, mail in ballots, no voter ID required, and other recent implementations of massive voter fraud enhancements.

Do not forget that to claim or to even mention voter fraud seems to be a capital offence in these days of free speech. So I will not mention how bad, how widespread, how out in the open that fraud is now with obvious and even bragged about proofs.  No, I do not want to be thrown in prison without trial and without charges as were so many of those January 6th prisoners and as some still are without trial or charges.  We live in America, the land of the Free and home of the justice system without peer; those things cannot happen here. So I intend to stay safe and not mention any of that reality.

That is not the subject of today’s column.  Rather, it is of the follow up to those elections/selections that is of concern with the above preamble merely to show one of the conditions leading up to the anger and mistrust that will help trigger our immediate future.  PLANNED future, one not by happenstance I might add.

The Federalist headline reads “The Atlantic Hit Piece On Trump Is A Psy-Op To Justify Post-Election Violence If Harris Loses” and covers a number of items that need to be understood.  The Atlantic piece spoken about is on the standard communist/democrat lie about Trump and their total fabricated story about Nazis and such and The Federalist stated that it is “part of a larger psy-op to justify mass post-election violence if Trump wins in November, to signal activists to reject the results of the election, to divide the military [Note: in a time of war no less], and to coax an insurgency out of the radical left-wing base of the Democratic Party and unleash it on American cities.”  Take this with full earnestness as that is how it is intended to be done.

Note what this post on X is designed to do –

Again quoting from that Federalist piece; She’s going to call for resistance. “Patriotic resistance,” she might call it, but it will be coded as a call for street violence or worse….. Is this reckless and dangerous? Is it designed to prepare the ground for mass violence? Is it assassination prep? Yes, it’s all those things. But understand that we’re not dealing with a normal political party here. We’re dealing with an ensconced institutional oligarchy that has already executed a coup against the previous Democrat nominee (and sitting president), forcing him to end his reelection campaign. They have already discarded millions of Democrat primary votes to install their hand-picked successor despite their claims to care about “preserving democracy.” They have already refused to tone down their incendiary rhetoric despite two assassination attempts against Trump. 

In other words, these are not people who care about political norms. They care about power and power alone. And by invoking the specter of Hitler and fascism, Harris is laying the groundwork for a post-election display of power that will shock the country, ruin our cities, and paralyze our civic life.”  I would call it a communist revolutionary coup against the USA.

That is not only a very true statement, but shows just what the evil bastards have in store for us and have for quite some time now.  THIS IS ALL WELL PLANNED OUT.

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Again using The Atlantic as a leftists source, we see that the radical left is not only designing but getting their people ready for civil war right after the elections. 

The news cycle recently had a variety of opinions on whether or not they Military has been authorized to use deadly force on American Citizens to quench civil disturbances when asked to assist civil law enforcement efforts.  The left and official government sources say no, but the actual bill and authorizations say something different.  I am not going to try to go into all of that but would like to say what the conclusion in a story that made sense in Green Med Info said: “While DoD Directive 5240.01 may not authorize unprecedented military overreach such as assassination, its expansion of military roles in domestic law enforcement raises valid questions about civil liberties and constitutional rights. The introduction of lethal force provisions in what was originally a counter-intelligence focused directive, and the ability to act without immediate oversight for 72 hours, demand closer attention”.

Zero Hedge had other ideas when they wrote “Just ahead, intriguingly, of the November elections, the U.S. military has granted itself permission to unleash “lethal force” on the civilian population in cases of “national security” emergency.”  The updated provisions in DoD Directive 5240.01, Section 3.3.a.(2)(c) state “(c)  Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury.  It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.”  Judge for yourself what is intended.

Law Enforcement Today expanded on that when they noted that “while the 2016 version was primarily focused on intelligence collection and ensuring civil liberties for Americans, the 2024 version expanded the military’s role, particularly in assisting civilian law enforcement. It also authorizes lethal force under specific conditions, “raising questions about its use during potential civil unrest surrounding the election.” 

Again, make up your own mind.  But as for me, I do NOT trust anything the government says it will or will not do as they have illuminated themselves as liars in just about everything now, and as the satanic cabal now running things makes it abundantly clear, we (the United States) is due for some massive reductions in population per the Deagel Report.  That and the prophecy in Second Ezdras also confirms what is immediately ahead. There is a video that goes over this a bit more available here. 

This brings us to what is termed “Operation Garden Plot” and how it is being implemented under what is called Rex 84.  The second video below covers this very nicely and I defer to it for more information as given by Alex Jones.  Even a Russian publication called Reporter has come right out and said that “The US Department of Defense, in response to a request, authorized the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to assist law enforcement and various agencies, institutions and organizations in the event of riots and other violations of US law during and after the expression of the will of citizens. Assistance includes even lethal issues, i.e. opening fire to kill on protesters.”

They also note that “the Pentagon has already begun preparing to suppress mass unrest on the streets during and after the November 5 elections points to the reality of the impending bedlam”. 

Overall, perhaps the better view of what is being planned can be extracted from a TV show with Jesse Ventura called Conspiracy Theory, and the third (actually the third segment of a one hour show (minus commercials)) segment is good enough and can be found here.  The first two segments are also available and found here and here.

Fema Camp

Please excuse me for using so many videos, but they really are the easiest way to get an idea of just where the satanic overlords of this nation are intending to take us in the immediate future.  It would be a far too long column to try and state it in words, so please take a look at them and understand that our demise is planned and under execution as we are speaking. 

To try and give a very short version of Operation Garden Plot and its intended impact, please allow me to quote from an over 20 year old article in Third World Traveler.

“Under the heading of "civil disturbance planning", the U.S. military is training troops and police to suppress democratic opposition in America….. legal obstacles to military involvement in domestic law enforcement civil disturbance operations, such as the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, have been nullified….. The elite military/corporate sponsors of Garden Plot have their reasons for civil disturbance contingency planning. Lets' call it the paranoia of the thief. Their rationale is simple: self-preservation….. they are rapidly consolidating an infrastructure of repression designed to "suppress rebellion" against their "authority"…. In order to avoid the unseemly implications of "martial law", "requirements for the commitment of Federal military forces will not result in the declaration of a National Emergency"….. During civil disturbance operations, "authorities must be prepared to detain large numbers of people", forcing them into existing, though expanded "detention facilities."

Those plans are coming into fruition now.  There is a reason why over 35 million criminal invaders have been brought into our nation the past three or so years.  There is a reason why the lefts rhetoric has been so inflammatory.  There is a reason why so many of us have had the heavy feelings of dread this past year.  There is a reason why Revelation, Isaiah, Daniel, Esdras and more were written so long ago – to forewarn us of just what we are now witnessing and will see as things go far further than we could dream. It will be the inclusion of the forming world war that will put the icing on the cake, or rather the nuke dust on the graves of this once great world.  We are about to witness civil war, mass annihilation, world war (and likely nuke war), far worse disasters (natural or otherwise) along with the setting up of the conditions required to witness the return of our Lord and King.  Times are really “interesting” now, eh?

Remember the dreams of so many people as they see the invasion by foreign troops into our nation to supposedly stop the mass murders, the total abandonment of our cities, the depravity of people that are starving to death and full of dreadful diseases, the stench of death permeating everything.  That is in our immediate future.

The key is to stay close to our Lord and believe on Him and follow His commandments in order to try and stay safe.  Prayer is absolutely a must.  That appears to be our only option at this point.

My God bless us.

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