March 19, 2022
BEWARE More Tyranny Incoming With Joe Biden's New 'COVID Czar' A Freedom-Hating Despot Who's Pushing Mandatory Vax Passports For Americans To Simply Live Our Everyday Lives
- The Demolition Of 'The Old World Order' To Usher In 'The Tyrannical New One' Is In Full Gallop

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While much of America and the world slowly 'return to normal' following a two-year 'experiment' featuring wannabe-dictators locking down the human race, we'll remind you of the words of Democrat politician Rahm Emmanuel who once said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before..
Perfectly illustrated inthis new story over at Reuters titled "COVID-19 pandemic is 'far from over' -WHO official",over the past two+ years now we've witnessedfrom COVID to the lightning fast buildup to World War III the 'controlled demolition' of the past 'world order' as they usher in 'the new' one.
And while in March as we march towards Spring and Summer as the warmer weather arrives it might seem that COVID was a lifetime ago, the fact that Joe Biden just appointed a brand new 'Covid Czar' who has already urged mandatory 'vaccine passports for ALL Americans' while pushing for a much heavier government crackdown shows the 'new despot' has already arrived in town.
So as we'll explore within this ANP story, with Dr. Ashish Jhareplacing Jeffrey Zients as Biden's White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, and Jah looking at none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci as his 'role model' while advocating every American be required to get a 'vaccine passport' to 'participate' in society, the rush towards totalitarianism in America will continue unabated unless the American people put a final stop to this madness. From this Headline USA story.:
Dr. Ashish Jha, a rabid supporter of COVID vaccine passports and vaccine mandates for air travel, has been named as the new White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator.
Jha described as nonsense the argument that vaccine passports infringe upon personal freedom, reported the National Pulse.
Vaccine certificates are needed so everyones full participation in society can be restored, he wrote last year in the Economist.
Then he called for mandatory vaccines on airlines, arguing that mask mandates alone could not keep passengers safe.
While striving to deprive regular Americans of their civil liberties, Jha defended terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa, calling their riots essential in an article titled, Why Protests Arent As Dangerous For Spreading Coronavirus As You Might Think.
Anti-racism demonstrations are the perfect scapegoat for a rise in Covid-19 cases, but science suggests their risks can be mitigated, Jha wrote in the Guardian in 2020.
It is also clear that there is a serious risk and grave public health cost to not addressing systemic racism against black people in America. Jha, who called Anthony Fauci his role model, currently serves as the Dean of Brown Universitys School of Public Health, which focuses as much on anti-white racism and equity as health.
As late as Feb. 1, Jha stated on CBS Mornings that we are not anywhere near the end of this pandemic. He said last April that the entire country should follow New York, Hawaii, and Israels example in turning themselves into biomedical security zones.
As countries administer covid-19 vaccines, having a vaccine certificatea simple, reliable and secure way to determine who is inoculatedwill be critical to making work, school, restaurants, houses of worship and other places safe for everyone, he said.
So with Jha clearly talking out of both sides of his face, pushing for radical leftists 'protests', claiming they 'weren't as dangerous for spreading coronavirus as you might think', while at the same time calling for EVERYBODY to have been inoculated to do 'the normal things' in life, we should all fully expect the globalists to once again bust out the 'COVID boogeyman', and in the very near future.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With COVID already being one of the chief causes of all of the shortages we've been witnessing all across America and the world over the past year+ as documented by many different photographs of empty store shelves and aisles emailed to ANP by our readers, can America really afford another round of lockdowns in our futures?
As this March 12th story over at Law Enforcement Today titled "Gas prices arent the only things on a meteoric rise could a catastrophic food shortage be imminent?"had warned, while Joe Biden's White House attempts to blame all of the shortages and skyrocketing prices we're witnessing on Vladimir Putin and Russia, anyone who's been paying attention to anything other than Biden, the White House and the mainstream media knows they're lying through their teeth.
Warning within that story that 'draconian policies implemented by Biden and his ilk' were responsible for not only the out of control inflation and skyrocketing gas prices America is now witnessing but they're also responsible for theincreased burdens on parents, increased gender-based violence,increased stresses on families and increases in domestic violence among all demographics, that Law Enforcement Today story reports what the MSM dares not, Biden has been a disaster for America.
And with Americans now having absolute proof that the 2020 election was stolen as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this March 18th ANP story, proof that shows massive collusion between Democrats, the mainstream media, 'big tech' and 'social media' to hide a story that the American people deserved to know, at least half of the country will ALWAYS look at Joe Biden as an 'illegitimate' president as well and Democrats as the party which colluded to steal away America from the American people, never to be trusted again.
Yet if we think the tyranny we saw the past two years has been bad, we clearly haven't seen anything yet if the globalists get their way. Perfectly seen in Biden's decision to bring in a man to head his COVID response who will surely push for mandated vaxxes and passports as seen in his many social media posts directly stating that, these devils will stop at nothing until they get their way.
Seen even in the words of RINO representative Adam Kinzinger who said 'he'd move heaven and Earth to make sure Donald Trump doesn't get elected in 2024', why should Americans even think that 'elections matter' when 'the machine' has proven the votes of the American people don't count and they'll simply do what they want to do, anyways?
So with Ashish Jha and Democrats continuing to push that 'jab' that never stopped people from catching or dying from COVID, nor from passing COVID on to others, and a 'jab' thathad countless 'unintended consequences' as we saw over and over and over again following its release, leading to a massive 'crash' in the numbers of people even deciding to 'get vaxxed', tens of millions of Americans have quickly learned that Biden and his White House, the CDC and the mainstream media are our nations biggest source of COVID 'misinformation'.
And one huge reason for all of that 'misinformation' coming to us from those who are supposed to be our own public servants come to us from this new story over at Natural News titled "USA is headquarters for Nazi death cult of bioweapons war criminals" within which bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle was interviewed by Owen Shroyer and dropped several important bombshells.
With Dr. Boyle, the author of the international agreement prohibiting gain-of-function bioweapons research decades ago, he's been since then fighting against the efforts of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the globalists who've been incessantly pushing illegal bioweapons research with the support of both Democrats and the Neocons.
Warning Owen Shroyer on Infowars as heard in the 1st video below that Americas corrupt government is running and sponsoring a Nazi death cult of bioweapons scientists and collaborators, does anyone reading this story think we'll EVER get the truth from 'that global cabal of Nazi death cult criminals'? Nope, we don't either.
So the coming days, weeks and months sure to bring America and the world even more craziness if not outright nuclear war, and the globalists already hinting at new waves of COVID ahead that will require more vaxxes and more lockdowns, surely leading to more shortages, if you still haven't prepared, especially with food and water, there is still time to do so. All of the products linked below are still available now and as close by as an order and delivery.
Freeze Dried Foods:
Wise Company Long Term Emergency Freeze-Dried Food Supply, Breakfast and Entree Variety
MRE Meals - 124-Serving Freeze Dried Emergency Food Supply
Long Term Dehydrated Food Storage - 120 Large Entree Servings - 29 Lbs- Disaster Prepper Freeze Dried Supply Kit
Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Freeze Dried Fruit Bucket, 120 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Meat Variety, 15-Year Shelf Life, 60 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Variety Pack, 25-Year Shelf Life, 104 Servings
Mountain House Classic Bucket | Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | 24 Servings
Mountain House Cooked Diced Chicken #10 Can
Augason Farms Lunch and Dinner Variety Pail Emergency Food Supply 4-Gallon Pail Member's Mark Purified Bottled Water 48 Cases (16.9 oz. bottles, 40 pk.)
Kirkland Signature Purified Drinking Water, 16.9 Ounce, 2 Pack of 40 Bottles
Each of the following videos take a look at one aspect or another of the topics discussed within this story, with Mike Adams warning in the final video Americans should be prepared for complete and utter devastation ahead.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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