(Screen Shot From Florida Martial Law Roundup Drill)
By now most have heard of the planned Jade Helm 15 military training exercises due to take place throughout America from July 15 through September 15, 2015, which many believe is the US government preparations for martial law, where multiple states are listed as "hostile," with the US military training for "uncoventional warfare," with surgical strikes and extractions, among other things. These exercises have been dubbed "unprecedented and dangerous," by former military members. There will be a related links to ANP's coverage, starting back on March 13, 2015 when Stefan Stanford first published the leaked documents of this planned event.
Videographer DAHBOO77 has highlighted the latest Jade Helm 15 bombshell, where evidence has emerged that these exercises have been planned since 2013, and since at least 2014, have included a connection to a "massive cyber event."
Links provided in DAHBOO's video details take us to a couple of LinkedIn pages.
Mia Kelly, with a job description that states "Cyber/IO Planner for Exercise JADE HELM at ICE," from August 2014 to present, showing that from January 2014 to August she was the "Cyber/IO Planner - Jade Helm for the VATC.
The other LinkedIn user isFrancisco Oquendo, listed as "Operations Planner at ICE INC," but under his work history it states "USASOC JADE HELM Operations Planner- ICE INC," from July 2013 to present.
As mentioned in the second video below, the Jade Helm drill is scheduled to come after the Maple Resolve drill in Canada, which is slated to begin on April 20, 2015 and supposedly includes more troops than Jade Helm 15.
It is beginning to look like we have all simply seen the tip of the iceberg of what the Jade Helm exercises really are and that the world powers are planning something huge...... and it is definitely something that does not bode well for the citizens of America.
Colorado has already backed out of Jade Helmafter the documents were leaked and US citizens became aware of what was happening, as well as militia groups vowing to monitor the exercises.
People need to understand, the US government is actively training, on US soil, for war against it's own citizens. They are planning a prolonged campaign, with some drills and exercises already captured on video although not part of Jade Helm, such as "Massive Martial Law Roundup Drill Of Americans In The Streets" of Florida, where chilling videos were published showing human beings being dragged away, citizens rounded up and more. (Video at the link)